Skopin, 1960: 53

Chigray, Ivan & Ivanov, Alexander, 2020, A Review Of The Genus Blaps (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Of Central And South Kazakhstan With Description Of Two New Species, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 66 (2), pp. 111-162 : 133

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Skopin, 1960: 53


Blaps lethifera lethifera Marsham, 1802

Marsham, 1802: 479; Faldermann, 1837: 50 (“ Blaps anthracina ”); Motschulsky, 1845: 68 (“ Blaps robusta ”); Skopin, 1960: 53 (larva); Arnoldi & Medvedev, 1969: 403; Chigray et al., 2016: 7. (see figures in: CHIGRAY et al. 2016: figs 11A–C)

Type material examined ( ZIN). LECTOTYPE of Blaps robusta (designated by ABDURA- KHMANOV & NABOZHENKO 2011): f, ‘Lehmann // Blaps robusta Motsch // Lectotypus / Blaps robusta / des. Abdurakhmanov & Nabozhenko’. LECTOTYPE of Blaps anthracina (designated by ABDURAKHMANOV & NABOZHENKO 2011): f, ‘Caucas. // anthracina Fald. Caucas. // Lectotypus / Blaps anthracina / des. Abdurakhmanov & Nabozhenko’.

Material examined ( ZIN). More than 60 specimens from Western Kazakhstan Region .

Distribution. Europe (everywhere, north to Scandinavia and the European part of Russia), North Africa, the Middle East, North Caucasus, Western Siberia ( ABDURAKHMANOV & NABOZHENKO 2011), Western ( CHIGRAY et al. 2016), North and NE Kazakhstan ( SKOPIN 1960 ), China: Xijiang ( REN at al. 2016).

Regional distribution. Karaganda Region ( SKOPIN 1960 , ARNOLDI & MED- VEDEV 1969).


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum


Culture Scientifique et Technique (CST) Université de Rennes 1

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