Chorizococcus malabadiensis Kaydan

Kaydan, Mehmet Bora, Kozár, Ferenc & ERKıLıç, Lerzan, 2014, New And Little Known Scale Insect Species (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) In Turkey, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60 (3), pp. 227-238 : 230-232

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12626204

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scientific name

Chorizococcus malabadiensis Kaydan

sp. nov.

Chorizococcus malabadiensis Kaydan sp. n.

( Fig. 1 View Fig )

Holotype, female. Diyarbakır, Malabadi, 26.v.2008, N: 38°09′305″, E: 041°12′785″, 624 m, Chrysopogon grillus (Poaceae) , collected by M. B. Kaydan and F. Kozár, (KPCT: 4326).

Paratypes. Diyarbakır, Malabadi, 26.v.2008, N: 38°09′305″, E: 041°12′785″, 624 m, Chrysopogon grillus (Poaceae) , 2 ff, collected by M. B. Kaydan and F. Kozár (KPCT: 4326), oneparatypeplacedintheScaleInsectCollectioninZIN (ZoologicalMuseum, Russian AcademyofScience, St. Petersburg) (Reg. No: ZIN-01-2014).

Diagnosisofadultfemale. Chorizococcusmalabadiensis sp. n. canbedi- agnosedbythefollowingcombinationoffeatures: translucentporespresent onhindcoxaandtibia; twopairsofcerariipresentonthelasttwoabdominal segments; circuluspresent; multiloculardiscporespresentonventerofabdominalsegments; 15–17 poresonsegmentII–III, 22–29 poresonsegmentIV, 34–52 pores on segment V, 47–57 pores on segment VI, 63–74 on segment VII, 36–45 onsegmentsVIII+IX; anallobecerariieachwith 2 conicalsetae; abdominal andthoracicostiolespresent; antennae 8-segmented, usually 430–455 μmlong.

Liveappearance. Adultfemalebodyoval, lightpink, withtwowhitefilamentsatthe endofabdomen.

Mountedadultfemale. Bodyelongateoval, 1.67–2.16 mmlong, 0.67–0.98 mmwide. Eyesmarginal, 32–40 μmwide. Antennae 8 segmented, each 430–455 μmlong; apicalsegment 92.5–95.0 μmlong, 27.5–35.0 μmwide. Clypeolabralshield 160–170 μmlong, 110–145 μmwide. Labium 110–120 μmlong, 85 μmwide. Anteriorspiracles 55–65 μmlong, 27.5– 37.5 μmwideacrossatrium; posteriorspiracles 65–85 μmlong, 40.0–47.5 μmwideacross atrium. Circulusoval, 110–145 μmwide. Legswelldeveloped; coxa 145–170, hindtro- chanter + femur 270–330 μm long, hind tibia + tarsus 315–330 μm long, hind claw 25.0–27.5 μmlong. Ratiooflengthsofhindtibia + tarsustohindtrochanter + femur 1.16–1.00, ratio oflengthsofhindtibiatotarsus 2.26–2.71, ratiooflengthofhindtrochanter + femurto greatestwidthoffemur 3.72–5.50. Tarsaldigitulessubequal, each 30–35 μmlongslightly knobbed. Clawdigitulessubequal, each 20–25 μmlong, andknobbed. Translucentpores presentoncoxaandtibiaofhindlegs, numbering 42–71 intotal. Bothpairsofostioles present; eachanteriorostiole, with 18–32 trilocularporesand 3 or 4 setae; eachposterior ostiolewith 24–41 trilocularporesand 3–5 setae. Analring 75.0–77.5 μmwide, with 6 anal- ringsetae, eachsetae 85.0–102.5 μmlong.

Dorsum. Cerariinumbering 2 pairssituatedonlasttwoabdominalsegments, anal lobecerarii, eachwith 2 conicalsetae, 20 μmlong, with 25–42 trilocularporesand 4 or 5 auxiliarysetae. Dorsalbodysetaeslender, each 12–35 μmlong. Trilocularporeseach 4–5 μmindiameter, scatteredonentirebody. Oralrimtubularductstotaling 72–100 on dorsum, eachduct 10–13 μmlong, 5.0–7.5 μmwideatmid- width, rimofductopening, 8–11 μmwide, ductsonhead, thorax, andallabdominalsegments (exceptlastabdominal segment); 12–16 ductsonsegmentI–II, 7 or 8 ductsonsegmentIII, 7–13 ductsonsegment IV, 12–16 ducts on segment V, 6–9 ducts on segment VI, 9–14 ducts on segment VII, 14–26 ductsonheadandthorax; oral- collartubularductsoneachsideoflastabdominalsegment each 7.0–9.0 μmlong, 2–3 μmwide, numbering 14–19.

Venter. Bodysetaeslender, each 7.5–65.0 μmlong, longestsetaemediallyonhead; apicalsetaeofanallobe 125 μmlong. Multiloculardiscporespresentonabdominalsegments: 15–17 poresonsegmentII–III, 22–29 poresonsegmentIV, 34–52 poresonsegment V, 47–57 pores on segment VI, 63–74 on segment VII, 36–45 on segments VIII + IX; each pore 8–10 μmindiameter. Trilocularporeseach 3–4 μmindiameterscatteredallbody. Minute discodialporesscattered, each 2.5 μmindiameter. Oralrimtubularductssimilartothose ondorsum, eachduct 10–13 μmlong, 5.0–7.5 μmwideatmid- width, rimofductopening, 8–11 μmwide, ductsonmarginofthoraxandfirstabdominalsegment. Oral- collartubular ductseach 7.5–10.0 μmlong, 2.5–3.5 μmwide (oralcollartubularductsonmarginslightly largerthantubularductsonmidventer), inawidebandontheposteriorabdominalsegments; distributed as follows: 0–4 on head and thorax, 0–3 on segment II–II; 18–27 on segment III; 34–62 on IV; 74–105 on V; 79–107 on VI; 60–94 on VII; 35–55 on VIII + IX.

Remarks. Chorizococcus malabadiensis Kaydan sp. n. is most similar to Spilococcushalli (McKenzieetWilliams, 1965) asbothspecieshavetwopairsof cerariiandtranslucentporesontibiaofthirdleg. Chorizococcusmalabadiensis canreadilybedistinguishedfrom Spilococcushalli inhavingtranslucentpores oncoxa, multilocularporesonallabdominalsegmentsonventer (including headandthorax), andbyhavingoral- collartubularductsondorsumoflast abdominalsegment.

Etymology. Thespeciesepithetreferstothelocalitywherespecimenswerecollected.

* Crisicoccus matesovae (Danzig, 1986)

Materialexamined. Erzincan, Refahiye , 08.vii.2010, N: 39°52′230″, E: 039°03′195″, 2009 m, Juniperus sp. , 3 ff, collected by M. B. Kaydan and F. Kozár ( KPCT: 4775) .

Hostplants. Juniperussabina ( Cupressaceae ) (BEN-DOv etal. 2014).

Distribution. Kazakhstan (BEN-DOv etal. 2014), Turkey (presentstudy).

Remarks. Thespecieswascollectedfromthebranchesthatweretouching thesoil. Theplantswerefoundonnaturalvegetationandweassumethatthis speciesisnativetothisenvironment. AlthoughWiLLiAMsandMOgHADAMM (2000) discussedtheclosetaxonomicrelationof Planococcusvovae (Nasonov, 1908) and Crisicoccus matesovae and mentioned that these two taxa can only be variantsofthesamespecies, webelievethatthesetwospeciesaredifferent. However, thereisalotofconfusionintheliteratureconcerningtheidentificationsofthesetwospeciesandfurtherstudiesareneededtocleartheirreal distribution.

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