Vignalia halyomorphae Risbec, 1951

Fusu, Lucian, Ebrahimi, Ebrahim, Siebold, Cedric & Villemant, Claire, 2015, Revision of the Eupelmidae Walker, 1833 described by Jean Risbec. Part 1: the slide mounted specimens housed at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, Zoosystema 37 (3), pp. 457-480 : 478

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Felipe (2021-08-03 18:23:18, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 17:37:17)

scientific name

Vignalia halyomorphae Risbec, 1951


Vignalia halyomorphae Risbec, 1951

Vignalia halyomorphae Risbec, 1951a: 272-273 . Original description, ♀ ♂, Senegal, Bambey; 1950a: 404 (nomen nudum); 1955: 218 (synonym of Anastatus nezarae Risbec View in CoL ); 1960a: 656 (valid species). — Hedqvist 1970: 431 (synonym of Anastatus apantelesi var. pseudocreobotrae View in CoL ). — Nonveiller 1984: 122 (synonym of Anastatus nezarae Risbec View in CoL ).

CURRENT TAXONOMIC STATUS. — Anastatus (Anastatus) halyomorphae (Risbec, 1951) rest. stat. and n. comb.

TYPE MATERIAL. — MNHN, ex. coll. ORSTOM.2.9. Lectotype ♂ (here designated), dry mounted, in good condition, with the head detached but present, labeled in Risbec’s handwriting: “ Anastatus (Vignalia) / halyomorphae Risbec / s- niebe 4.12.1946 / Bambey. Risbec/ Sénégal ” and “TYPE [red label]; LECTOTYPE [red label]; ♂ designated/ by Ebrahimi / 2006 ”.

MNHN.14.78. Two ♂ paralectotypes, dry mounted under one coverslip and some bits under a second coverslip, both with head detached, but only one head present, with left antenna missing beyond scape and right antenna missing the apical part, labeled in Risbec’s handwriting: “ex ω./ Halyomorpha / annulicornis / III.42/ Anastatus / nezarae R [later addition in a different ink]/ = [in the same different ink] Vignalia / halyomorphae / Risbec”.

MNHN, ex. coll. ORSTOM.2.8. One ♂ paralectotype, dry mount- ed, crushed under the coverslip and with both antennae missing, labeled in Risbec’s handwriting: “ Vignalia / halyomorphae / Risbec/ Syn.; Anastatus . / ex Halyomorpha / annulicornis - III.42/ Bambey/ Risbec Senegal ” and “TYPE [red label]” .

NON TYPE MATERIAL. — MNHN.14.79. A dry mounted Anastatus male, completely crushed under the coverslip, labeled in Risbec’s handwriting:“ Anastatus / halyomorphae [crossed off] Risbec/ = Vignalia halyom . / ex ω. Papilio demodocus / 24.1[?].42, Bambey”.

MNHN, ex. coll. ORSTOM.2.10. Two Anastatus males mounted in balsam under the same coverslip, labeled in Risbec’s handwriting: “ Anastatus / ( Vignalia )/ halyomorphae R/ ex ω Lepidopt./ ( Chrysopsyche ?)/ Bambey”.


Males on slides MNHN.14.79 and ORSTOM.2.10 are not part of the type series, as the species was described based on males reared from Halyomorpha annulicornis (Signoret, 1858) eggs ( Hemiptera , Pentatomidae ) and one specimen collected on black-eyed pea (niébé). Specimens on these two slides were reared from Lepidoptera eggs and have antennae with a very long clava. Specimens on slides MNHN, ORSTOM.2.8, 2.9 and MNHN.14.78 have the right labels and are all regarded as syntypes, but each slide apparently contains males of a different species (i.e. three species involved). Although the male on slide ORSTOM.2.8 fits better the original description, it lacks both antennae and the head is badly damaged. Because of this, the male on slide ORSTOM.2.9, collected on blackeyed pea (niébé), is selected as lectotype.

The original description wrongly states that the species was described based on both females and males. Risbec (1955), synonymized Vignalia halyomorphae under Anastatus nezarae Risbec, 1951 (= A. apantelesi ). Nonveiller (1984) has repeated this synonymy but it does not seem to be supported because, as noted above, Risbec identified as Vignalia halyomorphae the males of at least three different Anastatus species. Hedqvist (1970) accidentally listed V. halyomorphae as a synonym of Anastatus apantelesi var. pseudocreobotrae Risbec, 1951 .

HEDQVIST K. J. 1970. - Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae, in HANSTROM B., BRINCK P. & RUDEBECK G. (eds), South African Animal Life. Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950 - 1951. XIV. Swedish Natural Research Council: 402 - 443.

NONVEILLER G. 1984. - Catalogue des insects du Cameroun d'interet agricole. Institut pour la protection des plantes, Memoires XV, 210 p.

RISBEC J. 1951 a. - I. Les chalcidoides d'A. O. F. Memoires de l'Institut francais d'Afrique Noire, IFAN-Dakar 13: 7 - 409.

RISBEC J. 1955. - Hymenopteres parasites du Cameroun. Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire 17, ser. A, 1: 191 - 266.


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