Hierodula confusa Vermeersch & Unnahachote, 2020

Vermeersch, Xavier H. C. & Unnahachote, Thornthan, 2020, Hierodula confusa sp. nov., a new species of Hierodula Burmeister, 1838 (Mantodea: Mantidae: Hierodulinae: Hierodulini), Belgian Journal of Entomology 103, pp. 1-13 : 1-13

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13588362

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scientific name

Hierodula confusa Vermeersch & Unnahachote, 2020

sp. nov.

Hierodula confusa Vermeersch & Unnahachote, 2020 View in CoL sp. nov.


( Figs 1−6 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. Hierodula confusa sp. nov. can be separated from the closest species H. membranacea by:

(1) The punctuation of the inner side of the procoxae: H. confusa sp. nov. ( Figs 1 View Fig A−C; 2 E) − small whitish tubercles are covering the entire anterior surface of the procoxae at irregular intervals, these also form a more or less straight row running parallel with the dorsal coxal margin; H. membranacea − only one single row of small whitish tubercles arranged in a straight row running parallel with the dorsal coxal margin (only faintly visible in some specimens), remaining anterior surface of procoxae smooth.

(2) Morphology of the male genitalia: H. confusa sp. nov. ( Figs 4 View Fig ; 5 View Fig D−F) – afa with a strongly sclerotised and acute spine-shaped anterior process aafa, posterior process pafa irregularly shaped, wrinkled and membranous, completely and densely covered with very small and short spine-like setae, distal process with long and slender sdpl, bifurcating around the middle with very small sdpm (see also description below); H. membranacea ( Fig. 6 A−C) – aafa and pafa both small and sclerified, pafa longer than aafa, distal process sdpl very long and slender, without sdpm.

Hierodula confusa sp. nov. differs from R. extensicollis by the shape of the pronotum without large lateral expansion, the missing expansion of the dorsal procoxal edge, smaller dark spots on the ventral side of meso- and metathorax, and the differences in male genitalia illustrated in Fig. 6.

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet, from the Latin ‘confusa’ means vague/indefinite or obscure. The name is referring to the great similarity in external morphology with its close relative Hierodula membranacea and the subsequent confusions and misidentifications that resulted from it.

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ and paratypes (3♂, 4♀): Holotype ♂ : Thailand, Bangkok, Kannayao dist., Ramintra subdist., 25.IV.2019, leg. T. Unnahachote, THNHM-I-19528 ( THNHM) . Paratype (1♀): Thailand, Bangkok, Kannayao dist., Ramintra subdist., 15.IV.2020, leg. T. Unnahachote, THNHM-I-19529 ( THNHM) . Paratype (1♀): Thailand, Bangkok, Kannayao dist., Ramintra subdist., 15 XII.2019, leg. T. Unnahachote, THNHM-I-19530 ( THNHM) . Paratype (1♂): Thailand, Ratchaburi prov., Suan Phueng dist. , 13°35´03.8”N; 099°13´56.0”E, 200m. GoogleMaps asl., light trap, 23.IV.2020, K. Jiaranaisakul leg. ( TUPC) . Paratype (1♀): Thailand, Nonthaburi prov., Pak Kret dist. , 30.X.2019, W. Chanaparn leg. ( TUPC) . Paratypes (1♂, 1♀): Thailand, Bangkok, Kannayao dist., Ramintra subdist., 20.VII.2019, leg .

T. Unnahachote. I.G.:34.197 ( RBINS). Paratype (1♂): Thailand, Bangkok, Genitalia prep. Vermeersch Nr. GEN1804, leg. P. Rolin. ( RBINS) .

MATERIAL EXAMINED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS. Thailand: 1 ♂ ( Fig. 3 D View Fig ): Baan Maka Nature Resort, Song Pe Nong, Kaeng Krachan , Phetchaburi, 12°50'37.9"N; 99°35'27.2"E, 15.IV.2018, I. Dugdale & P. Phetsri GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. MALE (holotype): ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 2 C−D).

Measurements: Table 1.

Ratios ♂: MzL/PzL: 3.

Head ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 2 C): Wider than long with large, rounded compound eyes. Vertex flat. Ocellar tubercle not elevated, in same plane as frons, without protruding ridges. Ocelli relatively large. Lower frons transverse with external margins posteriorly and laterally, no margin anteriorly, posterior margin almost flat, with two faintly defined vertical ridges internally. Clypeus and labrum smooth.

Thorax ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 2 D): Pronotum long, broadest point at level of procoxal insertion site. Lateral margins gently sinusoidal in prozona and anterior half of metazona, parallel sided in posterior half of metazona. Margins smooth, without denticulations or projections, flattened along the edges, in particular posteriorly from the widest point until half the metazona, yet not wide enough to be considered as a distinct lateral expansion of pronotum. Dorsal surface entirely smooth. Cervix with strongly sclerotized lateral and intercervical sclerites, touching in middle. Postcervical plate and posterior ventral part of pronotum entirely smooth.

Prothoracic legs ( Figs 1 View Fig A−B; 2 E): Coxa with 10−16 small and very weakly developed blunt spinules of more or less equal size with same colour as coxa (amount and size of spinules can strongly vary between individuals). Coxal anterior surface completely covered with irregularly interspaced small whitish tubercles of roughly same size as spinules on dorsal edge. Dorsal and

ventral coxal lobes rounded, equal in shape, length and adjacent, both lobes equally as broad. Femur with straight dorsal margin, surface entirely smooth. Femoral brush ellipse-shaped, starting from 12 th AvS and ending at 15 th AvS. Genicular lobes large and rounded, with small genicular spur. Colouration of prothoracic legs entirely uniform to body colour. Tibial spine groove placed slightly proximally from middle of femur. AvS unequal in size and arranged as follows: iIiIiIiIiIiIiiI. AvS 12 and 15 larger but with 2 smaller spines of equal size between them. All spines apically infuscate only. PvS 4 smaller than others, others about equal in size; all slightly apically infuscate. DS 2 and 4 more or less equal in size, DS 2 longest and DS1 smallest. Tibial AvS gradually elongated towards tibial spur, all concolour to tibia and slightly apically infuscate. PvS slightly more procumbent, spines gradually longer towards distal end. Tibial spur apically infuscate. Protarsi with dark spot at distal end; first tarsomere longer than others combined. Spinal formula: F = 4DS/15AvS/4PvS; T = 14−15AvS/9−11PvS.

Meso- and metathoracic legs ( Fig 1 View Fig A−B): Long and slender, without dilatations or projections. Femora with rounded genicular lobes and a short genicular spur. Tibiae with two apical spurs. Tarsi 5-segmented, concolour and slightly darkened apically on ventral surface; 3 rd and 4 th tarsomere with small black spot proximally near the joint with previous tarsomere. First tarsomere of mesotarsus slightly shorter than remaining segments combined, first tarsomere of metatarsus about equal in length compared to remaining segments combined.

Tegmina and alae ( Fig 1 View Fig A−B): Tegmina uniformly concolour to the body (usually green) on costal area, hyaline in discoidal area, longer than tip of abdomen when folded in rest. Veins green, stigma white with strong hue of yellowish-green. Stigma located proximally from middle of tegmen. Alae fully developed, hyaline.

Abdomen ( Fig. 1 View Fig A−B): Fusiform. Cerci setose, not flattened.

9 Genitalia ( Figs 4 View Fig ; 5 View Fig D−F): Ventral phallomere of left phallic complex elongated, longer than broad. At about half its length the distal process bifurcates into a very small medial process (sdpm) and a long more or less straight lateral process (sdpl) with acute apex. Apical process of left phallomere (paa) broad and flattened. Phalloid apophysis (afa) with a strongly sclerotised and spine-shaped anterior process (aafa). Posterior process (pafa) irregularly shaped, wrinkled and membranous, completely and densely covered with very small and short spine-like setae. Right phallomere with main posterior lobe fda triangular but rather elongated (longer than broad), sclerite R3 shovel-shaped; very wide at its anterior end, pia and pva both strongly sclerified. Coxosternite IX (subgenital plate) smooth, with small hair-like setae near the edges, without spikes or other sclerified structures.

Colouration ( Figs 1 View Fig ; 3 View Fig A−C): All currently known specimens of Hierodula confusa sp. nov. feature a uniformly green colouration, although it is likely that brown individuals exist as is occasionally observed in H. membranacea .

FEMALE (Paratype: PT1): ( Figs 1 View Fig C−D; 2 A−B, F; 3 A−C).

Measurements: Table 1. Ratios ♀: MzL/PzL: 3.

Very similar to male but more robust, different in the following characters:

(1) More acute spinules on dorsal margin of procoxae (approximately 20−22 in female vs 10−16 in male);

(2) Pronotum more robust, finely denticulated in prozona and anterior part of metazona, denticulations fading away distally, smooth edges in distal part of metazona;

(3) Tegmina completely opaque, reaching tip of abdomen;

(4) Costal area of forewing wider distally;

(5) Abdomen broad and ovaliform.

DISTRIBUTION. The distribution of Hierodula confusa sp. nov. as currently confirmed includes Thailand and Southern China ( Fig. 6).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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