Microtrombicula fulgida ( Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963 )

Antonovskaia, Anastasia A. & Stekolnikov, Alexandr A., 2021, Redescriptions of ten chigger mite species (Acariformes: Trombiculidae) from Vietnam, Zootaxa 4969 (1), pp. 1-53 : 42-46

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Plazi (2021-05-10 09:34:06, last updated 2024-11-29 16:06:10)

scientific name

Microtrombicula fulgida ( Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963 )


Microtrombicula fulgida ( Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963)

( Figs. 31A, B View FIGURE 31 , 32–34 View FIGURE 32 View FIGURE 33 View FIGURE 34 )

Trombicula fulgida Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963: 696 , figs. 23–29.

Microtrombicula fulgida: Kudryashova 2004: 19 .

Microtrombicula (Microtrombicula) fulgida: Chau et al. 2007: 95 , fig. 44.

Diagnosis. SIF = 6B-N-2-3111.1000; fsp = 7.7.7; fCx = 1.1.1; fSt = 2.2; fPp = B/B/BbB; fSc: PL> AM> AL; Ip = 547–565; fD = 2H-7-10-5-5-4-4; DS = 31–37; V = 31–42; NDV = 67–74. Sensilla, sternal and coxal setae branched. Standard measurements of type series given in Table 10 View TABLE 10 .

Description (larva) [based on lectotype and 3 paralectotypes]. IDIOSOMA ( Figs. 31A, B View FIGURE 31 , 32 View FIGURE 32 ). Eyes 2 + 2; 31–37 barbed dorsal idiosomal setae, including one pair of humeral setae; 4 sternal setae, each with 2 barbs; 31–42 ventral setae; NDV = 67–74.

GNATHOSOMA ( Fig. 33A, B View FIGURE 33 ). Cheliceral blade with tricuspid cap; gnathobase with sparse puncta and 1 pair of branched setae; cheliceral base and palpal femur with sparse puncta; galeala nude; palpal claw with 2 prongs, internal prong longer; setae on palpal femur and genu branched; dorsal and ventral palpal tibial setae branched, lateral palpal tibial seta with 1 branch; palpal tarsus with 6 branched setae and tarsala.

SCUTUM ( Figs. 31A View FIGURE 31 , 33C View FIGURE 33 ). Pentagonal, wider than long, with anterolateral shoulders, with rounded posterior margin, moderately covered with small puncta, with 1 AM, 1 pair of ALs and 1 pair of PLs; AM anterior to level of ALs; all scutal setae uniformly covered with small barbs; PLs longest and ALs shortest scutal setae; sensilla flagelliform, with 8 long branches in distal half; sensillum bases situated close to each other and far anterior to level of PLs (PSB – P-PL = 7–10 µm).

LEGS ( Fig. 33D–F View FIGURE 33 ). All 7-segmented, with 1 pair of claws and claw-like empodium. Leg I: coxa with 1 seta bearing 3 long branches (1B); trochanter 1B; basifemur 1B; telofemur 5B; genu 4B, 3 genualae, microgenuala; tibia 8B, 2 tibialae, microtibiala; tarsus 23B, tarsala, microtarsala distal to tarsala, subterminala, parasubterminala, pretarsala. Leg II: coxa 1B (with 2 short barbs); trochanter 1B; basifemur 2B; telofemur 4B; genu 3B, genuala; tibia 6B, 2 tibialae; tarsus 16B, tarsala, microtarsala at level of tarsala, pretarsala. Leg III: coxa 1B (with 3 long branches); trochanter 1B; basifemur 2B; telofemur 3B; genu 3B, genuala; tibia 6B, tibiala; tarsus 13B, mastitarsala.

Host. Rattus tanezumi Temminck [= Rattus flavipectus (Milne-Edwards) ]. The host was indicated as a “rat” on the slide labels but was identified as R. flavipectus in the thesis of Grochovskaja (unpublished typescript).

Distribution. Vietnam.

Type material examined ( Fig. 34 View FIGURE 34 ). Lectotype (here designated): larva ZMMU Tdt-3232 (specimen 5) ex R. tanezumi (labeled as “rat”) No 543, Vietnam, Nghe An Province, Phu Quy , 8 September1956, coll. I.M. Grochovskaja. Paralectotypes: three larvae, ZMMU Tdt-3229 (specimen 1), ZMMU Tdt-3231 (specimen 3), ZMMU Tdt-3280 “ Trombicula vitosa ” (specimen 5), ex R. tanezumi (labeled as “rat”) Nos 571, 568, Vietnam, Nghe An Province, Phu Quy , 10 September 1956, coll. I.M. Grochovskaja.

Remarks. Microtrombicula fulgida is similar to M. munda (Gater, 1932) and differs from it in the greater number of idiosomal setae (fD = 2H-7-10-5-5-4-4, DS = 31–36, V = 32–42, and NDV = 67–74 vs. 2H-6-6-4-4-2-2, 26, 32, and 58, respectively), all coxal and sternal setae branched vs. nude (except coxal setae I), and by longer legs (Ip = 547–565 vs. 488) ( Vercammen-Grandjean 1965a).

This species is also close to M. nadchatrami Vercammen-Grandjean, 1965 and differs from it in a shorter scutum (ASB = 20–21, PSB = 19–21, SD = 39–43, and AP = 19–22, vs. 24, 25, 49, and 25, respectively), shorter setae (AM = 24–25, AL = 20–22, PL = 29–33, D min = 18–24, D max = 25–26, V min = 9–16, V max = 22–24, vs. 31, 28, 38, 27, 32, 21, and 28, respectively), shorter legs (Ip = 547–565 vs. 644), and less branched sternal and coxal setae (sternal setae with 2 vs. about 6 barbs; coxal setae I and III with 3 vs. about 6 long branches; coxal setae II with 2 vs. multiple short barbs) ( Vercammen-Grandjean 1965a).

Chau, N. V., Hien, D. S. & Van, N. T. (2007) Fauna of Vietnam. 16. Trombiculidae - Acarina, Siphonaptera. Science and Technics Publishing House, Ha Noi, 209 pp. [in Vietnamese]

Kudryashova, N. I. (2004) Types of chigger mites (Trombiculidae) in the Zoological Museum of Moscow University. Zoologicheskie Issledovania, 7, 1 - 52. [in Russian]

Schluger, E. G., Grochovskaja, I. M., Ngu, D. V., Hoe, N. X. & Tung, D. K. (1963) Chigger-mites of the genus Trombicula (Acariformes, Trombiculidae) from Democratic Republic Viet Nam. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 42 (3), 691 - 701. [in Russian]

Vercammen-Grandjean, P. H. (1965 a) Revision of the genera: Eltonella Audy, 1956 and Microtrombicula Ewing, 1950, with descriptions of fifty new species and transferal of subgenus Chiroptella to genus Leptotrombidium (Acarina, Trombiculidae). Acarologia, 7 (Supplement), 34 - 257.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 31. Microtrombicula fulgida (Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963), lectotype. A, anterior part of idiosoma, dorsal aspect; B, anterior part of idiosoma, ventral aspect. Microtrombicula vitosa (Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963), paralectotype ZMMU Tdt-3281 (specimen 1). C, anterior part of idiosoma, dorsal aspect; D, anterior part of idiosoma, ventral aspect. Scale bars: 100 μm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 32. Microtrombicula fulgida (Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963). A, arrangement of dorsal idiosomal setae of paralectotype ZMMU Tdt-3231, specimen 3; B, arrangement of ventral idiosomal setae of paralectotype ZMMU Tdt- 3231, specimen 3; C, dorsal idiosomal seta of 1st row of lectotype; D, coxal seta I of lectotype; E, coxal seta II of lectotype; F, anterior sternal seta of lectotype; G, posterior sternal seta of lectotype; H, preanal seta of lectotype. Scale bars: 100 μm (A, B), 20 μm (C–H).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 33. Microtrombicula fulgida (Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963). A, ventral aspect of gnathosoma of lectotype; B, dorsal aspect of gnathosoma of lectotype; C, scutum and eyes of lectotype (one sensillum missing); D, leg I (trochanter–tarsus) of paralectotype ZMMU Tdt-3231 (specimen 3); E, leg II (trochanter–tarsus) of paralectotype ZMMU Tdt- 3231 (specimen 3); F, leg III (trochanter–tarsus) of paralectotype ZMMU Tdt-3231 (specimen 3) (mastitarsala broken). Scale bars: 20 μm (A, B), 50 μm (C–F).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 34. Type specimens of Microtrombicula fulgida (Schluger, Grochovskaja, Ngu, Hoe and Tung, 1963) on slides.

TABLE 10. Standard measurements (µm) and numbers of setae of Microtrombicula fulgida (n = 4).

  Range Mean Lectotype
AW 42–44 43 42
PW 52–56 54 52
SB 15–18 16 16
ASB 20–21 20 20
PSB 19–21 21 19
SD 39–43 41 39
P-PL 11–14 12 11
AP 19–22 21 22
AM 24–25 25 25
AL 20–22 21 22
PL 29–33 31 32
H 33–39 36 39
D min 18–24 21 24
D max 25–26 25 26
V min 9–16 14 14
V max 22–24 23 24
pa 192–198 195 198
pm 161–176 167 162
pp 189–194 191 189
Ip 547–565 553 549
DS 31–37 33 31
V 31–42 36 36
NDV 67–74 70 67

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