Cortinarius pseudocisticola Boccardo, Dovana, Dima, L. Albert, Borovička, Mikšík, Saar & Vizzini, 2021

Dovana, Francesco, Boccardo, Fabrizio, Borovička, Jan, Vizzini, Alfredo, Saar, Günter, Albert, László, Mikšík, Michal, Clericuzio, Marco & Dima, Bálint, 2021, Cortinarius pseudocisticola (Agaricales, Cortinariaceae), a new species in section Calochroi from Europe, Phytotaxa 518 (1), pp. 14-24 : 17-18

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.518.1.2

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scientific name

Cortinarius pseudocisticola Boccardo, Dovana, Dima, L. Albert, Borovička, Mikšík, Saar & Vizzini

sp. nov.

Cortinarius pseudocisticola Boccardo, Dovana, Dima, L. Albert, Borovička, Mikšík, Saar & Vizzini View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs. 2–4 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 )


Type:— ITALY. Liguria, Savona, Sassello , 19 October 2018, leg. F. Boccardo , Holotype: GDOR4493 View Materials ! (GenBank: MZ 272046 View Materials ) Etymology:—the specific epithet “ pseudocisticola ” means similar to Cortinarius cisticola .

Description:— Pileus 30–60(–80) mm diam., viscid-glutinous, glabrous, not hygrophanous, initially hemispherical then plano-convex, sometimes depressed, at first yellow (7.5Y9/4–8, 10Y9/8–12) to ochraceous (Buff-Yellow) (2.5Y7/6– 10), sometimes with brown spotting (7.5YR6/6, 7.5YR6/10), with abundant whitish velar patches at the centre which sometimes becomes more or less brownish with age. Margin generally slightly paler than centre (rarely distinctly darker brownish in contrast to the paler yellowish margin). Lamellae crowded, emarginate to arcuate, edge slightly crenulate, colour variable in different basidiomes, from greyish, pale lilac grey-brown (5PB7/2–4) to dark violet (7.5PB6/8–12) at the beginning, darkening to rusty brown with age, edge only slightly paler. Stipe 20–70 × 8–15 mm, cylindrical, white to cream, sometimes with light violaceous tinge, with marginate bulb, up to 28 mm wide, bulbipellis whitish, universal veil at bulb margin from whitish to yellowish, later turning brownish, mycelial strands whitish, cortina fairly sparse to abundant, white to cream, with age covered with rust brown spore powder. Context whitish, sometimes with brownish spots, especially in the bulb of older specimens, rarely with blue tinge in the pileus. Macrochemical reaction 30% KOH on pileus surface of fresh basidiomes orange-brown to red-brown, on pileus surface of dry basidiomes orange-brown, in context weakly rosaceous to ochraceous, brown to red-brown on bulb edge surface, negative on the bulbipellis, in context light ochraceous to light pinkish. Smell slightly earth- to malt-like. Taste mild. Spores [180/7/6] (9.0–)10.1–10.7–11.3(–13.0) × (4.5–)5.6–6.0–6.4(–7.0) μm, Q = (1.50–)1.73–1.84–1.95 (–2.30) (average value range: 9.9–11.4 × 5.8–6.0 μm Qm=1.70–1.92), amygdaliform to subamygdaliform, sometimes subpapillate, distinctly and coarsely verrucose. Basidia 24–34 × 8–14 μm, clavate, four-spored, thin-walled and hyaline in KOH, sterigmata up to 4 μm long. Lamella edge fertile, presence of cystidioid cylindrical elements. Hymenophoral trama consisting of cylindrical to subcylindrical hyaline hyphae, up to 10 μm wide. Cheilocystidia and pleurocystidia not observed, rare presence of sterile terminal elements up to 4 μm wide. Pileipellis as an ixocutis, hyphae hyaline, yellow to dark yellow, cylindrical terminal elements 3–6 μm wide, generally with rounded apex. Pigments cytoplasmic and parietal. Clamp connections frequent at all septa.

Habitat:—Frondose forests with Quercus spp. , Carpinus betulus , and Tilia cordata .

Additional specimens examined: CZECH REPUBLIC. Liteň (Beroun district), Obora Pond, pond bank, under mature Quercus sp. and Carpinus betulus , 7 October 2019, leg. J. Borovička & M. Mikšík, (PRM952560!;

GenBank: MZ209168 View Materials , EMBL-Bank: OU066163 View Materials ). GERMANY. Heugrumbach, under Carpinus betulus , and Quercus sp. , 6 October 2004, leg. G. Saar, (TUB012738!; GenBank: EU057075 View Materials ). HUNGARY. Budapest, Széchenyi-hegy, under Quercus pubescens , 13 November 2014, leg. L. Albert & B. Dima, (DB5701, ELTE!; GenBank: MZ272048 View Materials ); Komárom-Esztergom, Tardos, under Carpinus betulus , Quercus cerris , Tilia cordata , 17 October 2020, leg. A. Nagy & B. Dima, (DB 2020-10-17-3, ELTE!; GenBank: MZ272049 View Materials ), (DB 2020-10-17-5, ELTE!; GenBank: MZ272050 View Materials ), (DB 2020-10-17-8, ELTE! GenBank: MZ272051 View Materials ). ITALY. Liguria, Savona, Sassello, under Carpinus betulus and Quercus pubescens , 14 October 2019, leg. F. Boccardo, GDOR4763! (GenBank: MZ272047 View Materials ).


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Museum of the Earth, Polish Academy of Sciences

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