Cryptoplax de Blainville, 1818

Alamri, Nasser & Alotaiby, Faraj, 2023, A New Species of Cryptoplax (Mollusca, Polyplacophora, Cryptoplacidae) Described from Southern Japan, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 49 (2), pp. 47-56 : 48

publication ID 10.50826/bnmnszool.49.2_47

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scientific name

Cryptoplax de Blainville, 1818


Genus Cryptoplax de Blainville, 1818 View in CoL

Type species: Chiton larvaeformis (de Blainville MS) Burrow, 1815 , subsequent designation by Gray, 1821.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific and southern Australia; Miocene–Recent

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