Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869

Shim, Jaeil & Song, Jeong-Hun, 2024, A taxonomic review of the order Mantodea in Korea based on morphology and DNA barcodes, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 1-43 : 1-43

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1206.123355

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869


Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869 View in CoL

Figs 71–81 View Figures 71–81 , 82–87 View Figures 82–87

Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869: 69. View in CoL

Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869: ESK and KSAE 1994: 44; Kim 2010: 31; Kim 2021: 65. Korean record. View in CoL

Specimens examined.

[KsNU] South Korea: JB: 1 ♀, River Geumgang , Gunsan- si, 15 IX 2012, Hyojoong Kim, near the river mouth ; 1 ♂, Kunsan Nat. Univ. , Gunsan-si, 15 X 2015, Soyeon Kim ; 1 ♀, Eunpa Lake , Gunsan-si, 10 V 2016, Sihyun Kim ; 1 ♀, Kunsan Nat. Univ. , Gunsan-si, 20 VIII 2017, Juyeong Oh ; [ NASIC] South Korea: GW: 1 ♂, Songjuk Coastal area , Ganseong-eup, 19 IX 2001, Miae Kim ; GG: 1 ♂, Gaepo-dong , Seoul, 1 IX 1991, Hyeonjeong Jo ; 2 Nymphs, Seodun-dong , Suwon-si, 13 VIII 1998, Graduate School of Korea Univ. ; 1 ♂, Gosaek-dong , Suwon-si, 20 VIII 1998, Seongsun Jang, ridge of rice field ; 1 ♂, Yulgeuk 2 - ri , Heungcheon-myeon, Yeoju-si, 24 VIII 1998, Yeongbo Lee, ridge of rice field ; 1 ♂, Seodun-dong , Suwon-si, 11 IX 1998, Graduate School of Korea Univ. ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Yulgeuk 2 - ri , Heungcheon- myeon, Yeoju-si, 30 IX 1999, Yeongbo Lee, ridge of rice field ; 1 Nmyph, Seodun-dong , Suwon-si, 6 VII 2000, Taewoo Kim ; 3 Nmyphs, Seodun-dong , Suwon-si, 20 VII 2000, Taewoo Kim ; 2 ♂ 1 ♀, Seodun-dong , Suwon-si, 20 IX 2000, Taewoo Kim ; 5 Nymphs, Shihwa , Siheung-si, 30 VII 2003, Jaecheon Son ; 1 ♂, Sinheung College , Howon-dong, Uijeongbu-si, 26 IX 2005, Jindong Yeo ; 5 Nymphs, World Cup Park , Seongsan-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 20 VII 2013, Yeongbo Lee ; CB: 1 ♀, Mt. Nam , Cheongju-si, 24 VIII 2000, Heeah Lee ; 1 ♀, Maebong peak , Mt. Songni, Boeun-gun, 17 IX 2002, Yeongbo Lee ; 1 ♀, Maebong peak , Mt. Songni, Boeun-gun, 18 IX 2002, Haechul Park ; 1 ♀, Box office, Mt. Songni , Jangam-ri, Boeun-gun, 30 IX 2002, Jaecheon Son ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, Gamgok-myeon , Eumseong-gun, 31 VIII 2019, Byeongmin Jeong ; 1 ♀, Parking area of Cheongju Airport , Ipsang-ri, Naesu-eup, Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si, 15 IX 2023, Jaeil Shim ; CN: 1 ♂, Sindu-ri , Wonbuk-myeon, Taean-gun, 1 IX 2001, Haechul Park, grassland ; 1 Nymph, Sindu-ri , Wonbuk-myeon, Taean-gun, 1 IX 2005, Jaecheon Son ; 2 ♀, Coastal Dune, Sindu-ri , Wonbuk-myeon, Taean-gun, 12 VIII 2023, Jaeil Shim, near the grassland ; GB: 1 ♂, Rest area of expressway , Chilgok-gun, 8 IX 2000, Taewoo Kim ; 2 ♀, Mt. Palgong , Daegu, 1 IX 2014, Taeman Han ; 2 ♂ 1 ♀, Gomo station , Suseong-gu, Daegu, 3 IX 2016, Jaeil Shim ; 1 ♂, Gomo station , Suseong-gu, Daegu, 14 IX 2019, Jaeil Shim ; 1 ♂ 6 ♀, Mangudang park , Hyomok-dong, Daegu-si 29 X 2023, Jaeil Shim ; GN: 2 ♀, Yonggang-ri , Hwagae-myeon, Hadong-gun, 15 IX 2023, Jaeil Shim ; JB: 1 ♀, Jeonbuk Nat. Univ. , Jeonju-si, 17 X 2017, Sunyeong Park ; 1 ♀, Jinan-Maisan Rest area of expressway , Jinan-gun, 22 VIII 2019, Jaeil Shim ; 1 ♂, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Iseo-myeon, Wanju-gun, 31 VIII 2019, Jaeil Shim ; 1 ♀, Jangsu-eup , Jangsu-gun, 5 IX 2019, Jaeil Shim ; 2 ♂ 5 ♀, Mt. Moak , Gui-myeon, Wanju-gun, 7 IX 2019, Jaeil Shim ; 1 ♂, Temple Geumsansa , Gimje-gun, Gimje-si, 5 IX 2020, Jaeil Shim ; JN: 2 ♀, Myeongsasimni , Coastal Dune, Island Bigeumdo, Sinan-gun, 22 IX 2001, Haechul Park ; JJ: 1 ♀, Island Udo , Jeju-si, 10 X 1999, Taewoo Kim .


Measurements (mm): Total length (vertex to tip of abdomen) ♂ 44.2–63.3, ♀ 51.2–86.6; head width ♂ 5.9–6.5, ♀ 6.9–7.8; head length ♂ 4.5–4.9, ♀ 5.6–6.7; pronotum width ♂ 4.3–4.9, ♀ 4.9–6.4; pronotum length ♂ 18.0–22.3, ♀ 19.2–25.0; forewing (tegmina) length ♂ 38.4–48.2, ♀ 38.1–55.2. Male (Figs 71 View Figures 71–81 , 73 View Figures 71–81 , 75 View Figures 71–81 , 78–80 View Figures 71–81 , 82–86 View Figures 82–87 ). Large sized, body slender. Coloration (Figs 71 View Figures 71–81 , 82 View Figures 82–87 ): Body and forewing discoidal area green, greenish brown and brown. Head (Fig. 73 View Figures 71–81 ): Triangular. Head width 1.3 × as long as head length. Vertex slightly convex, brown; apex with a bright brown transverse line. Compound eye globular. Ocelli large, oblong. Antenna filiform; antenna length nearly 1.5 × as long as pronotum. Lower frons posterior apex slightly protruding. Epistomal sulcus slightly concave. Lower frons with three, clypeus and labrum with two dark longitudinal stripes. Prothorax (Fig. 75 View Figures 71–81 ): Pronotum long and slender, flatted dorso-ventrally, dorsal surface smooth; length 4.1–4.4 × as long as maximum width. Prozone lateral margin with few denticulations in large sized specimens. Metazone color orangish in green morph; lateral margin smooth; metazone 3.4–4.7 × as long as prozone. Between basis of forecoxa attachment membranous surface (Fig. 81 View Figures 71–81 ) orange (in live specimen). Postcervical plate and anterior area of furcasternite with gradational dark pattern in brown morph (Fig. 81 View Figures 71–81 ) and occasionally in green morph. Medial keel brownish (Fig. 76 View Figures 71–81 ). Forelegs (Prothoracic legs) (Figs 78–81 View Figures 71–81 ): Coxa (Fig. 81 View Figures 71–81 ) dorsal margin with pale color, 7–10 whitish spines, conical or blunt; ventral surface with pale and dark pattern on proximal area in brown morph; remaining surface with numerous white spots. Tibial spur groove (Figs 78 View Figures 71–81 , 81 View Figures 71–81 ) with faint dark spot. Spination formula (Figs 78–80 View Figures 71–81 ): Avts = 12–17; Pvts = 9; Avfs = 14–16; Pvfs = 4; Ds = 4. In 15 Avfs (Figs 78 View Figures 71–81 , 79 View Figures 71–81 ): spines 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 15 larger than remaining Avfs; spines 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 with dark brown spot at the base. Each tarsomere (Fig. 78 View Figures 71–81 ) distal area dark brown. Tarsi 5 - segmented. Wings (Figs 82–84 View Figures 82–87 ): Forewing completely surpassing end of abdomen; costal area green, discoidal area transparent. Forewing (Fig. 82 View Figures 82–87 ) subcosta and radius brown, its color obviously darker than other veins. Hindwing anal area hyaline and nearly transparent in green morph (Fig. 82 View Figures 82–87 ), brownish and smoky spotted pattern in brown morph (Fig. 83 View Figures 82–87 ); arculus veins (Fig. 84 View Figures 82–87 ) and nearby cells mostly transparent; cross veins of subcostal and cubitus area brown to dark brown. Abdomen: A longitudinal yellow stripe in middle of abdominal sternites; abdominal sternites with brightly colored mottled pattern. Cerci setose, not flattened, with 17 segments. Male subgenital plate (coxosternite IX) (Fig. 85 View Figures 82–87 ) irregular rhomboidal, inter-stylar margin extremely convex; ventral surface with numerous setae. Styli rather short. Male genitalia (Fig. 86 View Figures 82–87 ): Right phallomere forming nearly V-shaped pva; pia sclerotized and weakly wrinkled; posterior surface of pia with weakly expanded membranous area, surface with minute denticulation; fda elongate lobed shape. Left phallomere (Fig. 86 View Figures 82–87 ) with elongate and curved paa, its distal apex rounded; aafa sclerotized, straight spike shape; pafa sclerotized, curved at more than 45 ° arch, wide blade-shaped, outer margin with numerous decumbent spines; loa membranous, elongate finger-shaped, longer than pafa; L 4 B curved spoon-shaped. Ventral phallomere irregular rhomboidal, posterior margin prominently expanded; sdpl (Fig. 86 View Figures 82–87 ) more than 90 ° angle at the middle. Female (Figs 72 View Figures 71–81 , 74 View Figures 71–81 , 77 View Figures 71–81 ). Similar to male, with following differences. Head (Fig. 74 View Figures 71–81 ): width 1.1 to 1.2 × as long as head length. Vertex convex. Antenna as long as head to pronotum length. Prothorax (Figs 76 View Figures 71–81 , 77 View Figures 71–81 ): Pronotum length 3.8–3.9 × as long as maximum width; lateral margin with numerous denticles. Prozone dorsal surface with numerous blunted denticles. Metazone 2.8–3.1 × as long as prozone. Medial keel protruding, pale brown or occasionally green in green morph. Forelegs (Prothoracic legs): Coxa dorsal margin with 7–13 large conical spines, small denticles located between them. Wings: Forewing often reaching end of abdomen; discoidal area semi-transparent. Ootheca (Fig. 87 View Figures 82–87 ). Measurements (mm): Length 21.8–39.7; maximum width 10.1–13.7; maximum height 7.1–11.0; length of emergence area 15.0–31.0; width of emergence area 3.2–4.3. Identification: Fusiform, nearly hemispherical in cross-section. Proximal end with medial elevation of emergence area. Ootheca attached by ventral surface or fully encircling a thin substrate such as sticks. External wall bright brown. External coating covering almost entire surface of ootheca except lateral zone of emergence area; beige. Lateral side of emergence area prominently concave (Fig. 87 View Figures 82–87 ). Exhibiting ~ 18– 29 egg chambers clearly delimited by visible prominently oblique lips; lips occasionally invisible on new oothecae due to covering by external coating. Distal end of ootheca narrowed to residual process; greatly elongate and attached to substrate. Nymph. Mid to last instar nymph: Avfs 1 and last Avfs base to tibial spur groove with dark spotted pattern; between forecoxa basis membranous attachment surface orange.

Biological notes.

Tenodera angustipennis occurs throughout the Korean peninsula and both adults and oothecae can be commonly found on trees and shrubs. First instar nymphs hatch from late May to mid-June, and adults emerge in mid-August.


China, India, Japan, Java, South Korea. Invasive in NE USA and Hawaii.


Tenodera angustipennis is morphologically similar to T. sinensis in Korea but can be distinguished by their more slender bodies, the pronotum length / width ratio, the orange coloration between the forecoxa base ( Oshima 2018) (Fig. 81 View Figures 71–81 ), lack of reddish coloration on the hindwing radius area (Figs 82–84 View Figures 82–87 ), and the pointed, perpendicular apex of the aafa (Fig. 86 View Figures 82–87 ).














Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869

Shim, Jaeil & Song, Jeong-Hun 2024

Tenodera angustipennis

Kim TW 2021: 65
Kim TW 2010: 31
Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869 : ESK and KSAE 1994: 44; Kim 2010: 31 ; Kim 2021: 65 . Korean record.

Tenodera angustipennis

Saussure HD 1869: 69