Zygota Förster, 1856

Hübner, Jeremy, Chemyreva, Vasilisa, Macek, Jan & Kolyada, Victor, 2024, A review of the genus Zygota (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae) in Germany with taxonomic notes on this genus and its distinction from Pantoclis, ZooKeys 1207, pp. 325-353 : 325-353

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1207.121725

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scientific name

Zygota Förster, 1856


Genus Zygota Förster, 1856

Zygota Förster, 1856: 128, 131, 133, 135. Type species: Belyta abdominalis Nees van Esenbeck, designated by Ashmead (1893).

Carinia Kieffer, 1905: 140 . Type: Carinia nitida Kieffer , by monotypy and original designation. Synonymized with Aclista Förster by Kieffer (1910), with Zygota Förster by Muesebeck (1951).


Body always black (only metasoma very rarely brown); males and females alate; occipital carina with or without occipital pit (Fig. 1 C – F View Figure 1 , red arrows); fore tibiae modified in some males or bear several stiff setae (Fig. 3 B, E, F, I View Figure 3 ); submetapleural carina missing (Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 ), or reduced; radial cell long, open at apex (except Z. croton Fig. 3 C View Figure 3 ); radialis long and almost parallel to parastigma (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ); angle between stigmal and marginal veins at most 120 degrees; some species with small depression (Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ) or micro-puncture sculpture on S 2 in anterior half (Fig. 4 A, C – E View Figure 4 , green arrows); male genitalia short and stout, apex of aedeagus truncate or rounded, digitus large (Fig. 5 A – D View Figure 5 ); complete ovipositor always short, at most as long as pygidium (8 th + 9 th tergite above, 7 th sternite below).


Based on the diagnoses and original descriptions of the species Zygota caecutiens (Kieffer, 1908) , Z. hemiptera (Thomson, 1858) , Z. microtoma ( Kieffer, 1909) , Z. soluta (Kieffer, 1907) and the generic diagnoses of Zygota and Pantoclis , these four species should be excluded from Zygota and considered as part of Pantoclis ; Pantoclis caecutiens (Kieffer, 1908) , comb. nov., P. hemiptera (Thomson, 1858) , comb. nov., P. microtoma ( Kieffer, 1909) , comb. nov. and P. soluta (Kieffer, 1907) , comb. nov. Moreover, based on the study of the type specimens the following species are transferred from Zygota to Pantoclis : Pantoclis brevinervis ( Kieffer, 1909) , comb. nov., P. brevipennis (Kieffer, 1908) , comb. nov., P. cursor (Kieffer, 1908) , comb. nov., P. fossulata (Thomson, 1858) , comb. nov., P. fuscata (Thomson, 1858) , comb. nov., P. striata ( Kieffer, 1909) , comb. nov., P. subaptera (Thomson, 1858) , comb. nov., P. sulciventris ( Kieffer, 1909) , comb. nov. and P. unicolor (Kieffer, 1908) , comb. nov. (see also Suppl. material 2 for an overview of type locations and the museums where the specimens are stored).












Zygota Förster, 1856

Hübner, Jeremy, Chemyreva, Vasilisa, Macek, Jan & Kolyada, Victor 2024

Zygota Förster, 1856: 128 , 131, 133, 135. Type species: Belyta abdominalis Nees van Esenbeck , designated by Ashmead (1893) .

Förster A 1856: 128
Ashmead (1893)


Kieffer (1910)
Muesebeck (1951)