Khorata bayeri, Yao, Zhiyuan, Li, Shuqiang & Jäger, Peter, 2014

Yao, Zhiyuan, Li, Shuqiang & Jäger, Peter, 2014, Four new species of pholcine spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Southeast Asia, Zootaxa 3793 (3), pp. 331-349 : 336-340

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3793.3.2

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scientific name

Khorata bayeri

sp. nov.

Khorata bayeri View in CoL spec. nov.

Figs 17–29 View FIGURES 17 – 20 View FIGURES 21 – 25 View FIGURES 26 – 29

Type material. THAILAND: Trat Province: holotype male, Gulf of Thailand, Ko Chang, Kheeri Phet, 12°00.046′N, 102°21.153′E, alt. 50–150 m, secondary forest, by hand, sieving, sweep-net during day, 2 November 2009, P. Jäger, S. Bayer ( SMF). Paratype: 1 male, Gulf of Thailand, Ko Chang, Klong Phlu school, 12°03.425′N, 102°18.052′E, alt. 78 m, vegetation, empty stream bed with moist soil, by hand at night, 1 November 2009, P. Jäger, S. Bayer ( SMF).

Etymology. The specific name is a patronym in honour of the collector Steffen Bayer; noun (name) in genitive case.

Diagnosis. Khorata bayeri spec. nov. resembles K. bangkok Huber, 2005 (see Huber 2005b, figs 148–150, 166–167) and K. schwendingeri Huber, 2005 (see Huber 2005b, figs 146–147, 161–165) in the shape of the distal apophyses of the procursus, but can be distinguished by the relatively long, thumb-shaped proximo-lateral apophyses on the male chelicerae, each provided with a small frontal spur ( Figs 21–22 View FIGURES 21 – 25 , 28–29 View FIGURES 26 – 29 ; proximo-lateral apophyses relatively short and provided with a large frontal spur in K. bangkok and K. schwendingeri ); by the relatively wide and short distal pedipalpal apophysis with a sharp tip of the procursus ( Figs 17–20 View FIGURES 17 – 20 , 26–27 View FIGURES 26 – 29 ; distal apophysis thin and long in K. bangkok and K. schwendingeri ); and by the presence of brown lateral margins on the dorsal shield of prosoma ( Figs 23, 25 View FIGURES 21 – 25 ; brown lateral margins absent in K. bangkok , lateral margins indistinct in K. schwendingeri ).

Description. Male (holotype): Total length 1.70 (1.74 with clypeus), prosoma 0.60 long, 0.66 wide, opisthosoma 1.10 long, 0.77 wide. Leg I: 9.95 (2.53 + 0.27 + 2.50 + 3.40 + 1.25), leg II: 6.39 (1.84 + 0.24 + 1.53 + 2.06 + 0.72), leg III: 5.00 (1.44 + 0.23 + 1.16 + 1.64 + 0.53), leg IV: 6.52 (1.94 + 0.25 + 1.57 + 2.20 + 0.56); tibia I L/d: 42. Habitus as in Figs 23–25 View FIGURES 21 – 25 . Dorsal shield of prosoma yellowish, with brown margins and a brown median stripe behind ocular area; sternum brown. Legs yellowish, with slightly darker subdistal rings on femora and tibiae. Opisthosoma grey, with large brown spots. Distance PME-PME 0.04, diameter PME 0.11, distance PME-ALE 0.02, AME absent. Ocular area slightly elevated and separated from rest of prosoma. Thoracic furrow shallow, but distinct. Sternum slightly wider than long (0.55/0.46). Chelicerae as in Figs 21–22 View FIGURES 21 – 25 , 28–29 View FIGURES 26 – 29 , with a pair of long, hooked frontal apophyses provided with scales distally (tips of frontal apophyses close together), a pair of thumbshaped proximo-lateral apophyses provided with an elliptic frontal spur each, and a pair of small distal apophyses on fronto-lateral surface. Pedipalp as in Figs 17–18 View FIGURES 17 – 20 , 26–27 View FIGURES 26 – 29 ; trochanter with a short retrolateral apophysis and a small ventral apophysis; femur with a retrolateral apophysis; patella large; procursus simple proximally but complex distally, with a black, wide distal apophysis provided with a sharply pointed tip; bulb simple, no other apophyses except for embolus. Retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia I at 15% of length; legs with short vertical hairs on metatarsi, without spines and curved hairs; tarsus I with about 20 distinct pseudosegments.

Variation: Tibia I in another male: 2.75.

Female: Unknown.

Distribution. Known from two localities in Ko Chang, Thailand ( Fig. 57 View FIGURE 57 ). This distribution represents the southernmost record for the genus.


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