Aphodius (Liothorax) wilsonae Maté & Angus, 2005

Angus, Robert B., Maté, Jason F., Angus, Elizabeth M. & Král, David, 2024, Towards a revision of the Palaearctic species of Aphodius Hellwig, 1798, subgenus Liothorax Motschulsky, 1860 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Aphodiinae), ZooKeys 1207, pp. 205-299 : 205-299

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1207.117225

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scientific name

Aphodius (Liothorax) wilsonae Maté & Angus, 2005

stat. rest.

Aphodius (Liothorax) wilsonae Maté & Angus, 2005 View in CoL , stat. rest.

Figs 4 g View Figure 4 , 5 k View Figure 5 , 6 k, l View Figure 6 , 9 h, i View Figure 9 , 16 c, d View Figure 16 , 17 w View Figure 17 , 18 o View Figure 18 , 21 u – w View Figure 21 , 23 g – i View Figure 23 , 24 o View Figure 24 , 26 d ’, e’, 33 m-p, 34 k, l View Figure 26

Aphodius (Liothorax) wilsonae Maté & Angus, 2005: 329. View in CoL

Type material examined.

Holotype ♂, SP Provincia de Burgos, Balneario de Corconte , 40.031 ° N, 3.884 ° W, 26. iv. 2001. leg. R. B. Angus ( NHMUK) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: SP: Provincia de Madrid, Manzanares el Real, Embalse de Santillana , 40.720 ° N, 3.857 ° W, 1. iv. 2003, sieving detritus from edge of water, leg. R. B. Angus & G. I. Aradottir, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 1 unsexed ( NHMUK) GoogleMaps .

Other material examined.

SP Provincia de Cantabria, Areños, 43.112 ° N, 4.724 ° W, 5. vi. 2012. By digging mud under dried-out pool. 1 ♂. Leg. R. B & E. M. Angus; Provincia de Burgos, S of Balneario de Corconte, strandline detritus. 1. iv. 2014. leg. R. B. Angus. 1 ♂ ( NHMUK); Provincia de Álava, Vittoria au Mt Gorbea, 34.634 ° N, 2.782 ° W, Juin 1879. 1 ♀ ( MNHG); Provincia de Madrid, Puerto de la Morcuera, 40.828 ° N, 3.399 ° W. 15.1 v. 1997. 2, unsexed ( NMP).

P: Monchique, Algarve, 37.317 ° N, 8.557 ° W. 6–13. v. 1910, leg. K. Jordan. 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀ ( NHMUK); Serra de Estrela, 40.326 ° N, 7.708 ° W. leg. H. Fery. 2 ♂♂, 1 unsexed ( ZSM).

Differential diagnosis.

Endophallic teeth conspicuously shorter than in all other species, ca as high as long. Length of longest teeth ca 35 μm (Fig. 23 g – i View Figure 23 , 24 o View Figure 24 ), as against at least 40 μm in other species.


General appearance (Fig. 4 g View Figure 4 ). Length 3.3–4.8 mm (♂), 3.8–5 mm (♀), width 1.6–2.1 mm (♂), 1.7–2.2 mm (♀). Black without obvious paler edges to head, antennae, palpi, and legs black to very dark brown. Head with the frontoclypeal suture very fine, often more or less effaced, laterally almost always so, and without tubercles. Clypeus bulging upwards medially, with double punctation, this finer on disc. Epipharynx (Fig. 9 h, i View Figure 9 ) with anterior margin of clithra strongly emarginate either side of the projecting median tylus, with a few very fine acropariae. Chaetopedia well-developed, stout, 6–8 each side. Chaetopariae shorter and thinner than chaetopedia, forming a closely-set line each side. Apophobae forming a line of very fine hairs outside the chaetopariae, prophobae lying in small inconspicuous groups near the sides of the mesoepitorma.

Head and pronotum (Fig. 6 k, l View Figure 6 ): pronotum highly arched transversely and generally distinctly arched longitudinally, giving a somewhat domed appearance, the hemicylindrical appearance less usual than in other Liothorax species. Surface of pronotum bulging outwards laterally so that the lateral margins are sometimes not visible from above in their basal 1 / 3 s. Surface with double punctation, the strength of this variable, from rather fine (Fig. 5 k View Figure 5 ) to distinctly coarser.

Scutellum elongate, pentagonal, glossy with a few punctures medially.

Elytra black, interstices with very fine reticulation (Fig. 17 w View Figure 17 ) and widely separated fine punctures, ca 8 × the width of the striae. Striae glossy, vertical-sided, with punctures separated by ca 2 × their diameter and encroaching on the vertical sides of the striae (Fig. 16 w View Figure 16 ). Metaventrite (Fig. 21 u – w View Figure 21 ) with central diamond-shaped area bearing sparse fine or moderate punctures and often small patches of reticulation. No obvious sexual dimorphism. Legs dark brown, longer spur of mesotibiae clearly slightly longer than basal segment of mesotarsus (Fig. 18 o View Figure 18 ).

Aedeagus (Figs 23 g – i View Figure 23 , 24 o View Figure 24 ). Length ca 1.1 mm, paramere length ca 0.43 mm, basal piece length ca 0.69 mm, length of endophallic tooth-field ca 0.37 mm, length of longest teeth ca 35 μm.


Aphodius wilsonae stat. rest. is widely distributed mainly on higher ground in the northern half of Spain and Portugal, but with some material from the Algarve (this location needs to be verified by future sampling; Fig. 29 a View Figure 29 ). It is generally taken in the spring and early summer, either in detritus at the edges of water bodies (Fig. 27 f View Figure 27 ), or at the roots of vegetation where pools have dried out. It is sometimes very abundant.


Natural History Museum, London


National Museum (Prague)


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology














Aphodius (Liothorax) wilsonae Maté & Angus, 2005

Angus, Robert B., Maté, Jason F., Angus, Elizabeth M. & Král, David 2024

Aphodius (Liothorax) wilsonae Maté & Angus, 2005: 329 .

Maté JF & Angus RB 2005: 329