Libengaia (Libengaia) brevistylus, Viraktamath & Webb & Yeshwanth, 2024

Viraktamath, C. A., Webb, M. D. & Yeshwanth, H. M., 2024, Opsiini leafhopper genus Libengaia Linnavuori (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) in Africa and India with description of one new subgenus and six new species, Zootaxa 5507 (1), pp. 104-122 : 107

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5507.1.4

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scientific name

Libengaia (Libengaia) brevistylus

sp. nov.

Libengaia (Libengaia) brevistylus sp. nov.

Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 AG, 2A–E.

Diagnosis. Coloration similar to that in L. (L.) vermiculata , but crown with much reduced dark brown irroration. Differs from other congeners in having the style apophysis reduced and preapical lobe well-developed and rounded, the aedeagus without basal process on preatrium and ventral process twice forked compared to only once forked in all other species.

Description. Male 4.4 mm long. Ground color greyish with dark brown mottling more richly so on pronotum and sparingly on forewings ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ). Crown with median sulcus extending to half-length dark brown joining a transverse thin line of same color together forming a T with long arms; a speckled U-shaped spot touching transverse thin stripe on anterior half and one larger round spot on posterior half of crown, dark brown, posterior margin of crown dark brown. Face sparingly mottled with dark brown ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ). Mesonotum with a median brown stripe, basal triangles brown, rest sparingly mottled with dark brown.

Male genitalia. Pygofer 1.7× as long as wide at base in lateral view; dorsal margin straight, ventral margin convex, posterodorsal angle conically rounded; macrosetae scattered in posterior half. Style with short rounded preapical lobe, apophysis very short and thumb-like. Connective with stem as long as arms, apex not widened. Aedeagus with each shaft sinuate in lateral view, about as long as preatrium and about 0.25× as long as ventral process, in dorsal view each shaft laterally curved near apex; ventral process forked twice — first at midlength with paired processes directed dorsoanteriorly and second slightly beyond this fork resulting in laterally directed short branches close to apex, main stem of ventral process with two short, lateral, angular projections at the origin of the first pair of branches.

Material examined. HOLOTYPE ♂, CAMEROON: Mkoemvon , vii–viii.1979, D. Jackson, B.M. 1980-74 ( BMNH) . Paratype ♂, same data as holotype ( BMNH) .

Etymology. The species name refers to the short apophysis of the style. Noun in apposition.

Remarks. This species differs from all other congeners in having the aedeagus with the ventral process twice forked so that it has four processes.













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