Caenaugochlora (Caenaugochlora) pantochlora Engel, 2014

Engel, Michael S., 2014, The bee genus Caenaugochlora in Venezuela (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Journal of Melittology 33, pp. 1-10 : 5-7

publication ID 10.17161/jom.v0i33.4725

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scientific name

Caenaugochlora (Caenaugochlora) pantochlora Engel

sp. nov.

Caenaugochlora (Caenaugochlora) pantochlora Engel , new species


( Figs. 2 View Figures 1–2 , 7–8 View Figures 6–8 )

DIAGNOSIS: The new species is quite similar to C. (C.) gemmella (Cockerell) , as both are brilliant metallic green throughout ( Figs. 6, 7 View Figures 6–8 ) and have dense punctures on the mesoscutum laterally but more sparse medially ( Fig. 8 View Figures 6–8 ). However, C. pantochlora can readily be recognized by the sculpturing of the basal area of the propodeum and mesoscutum, and slightly larger body size (9.1 mm vs. 6.2–7.8 mm in C. gemmella ). In C. pantochlora the basal area of the propodeum has irregular rugae that medially are more reticulate and not so rugoso-striate, then laterally more well-defined as rugoso-striate but relatively closely spaced and without well demarcated smooth areas between ( Fig. 8 View Figures 6–8 ), while in C. gemmella the pattern is one of more well-defined rugoso-striate integument, with the individual striae more spaced and with smoother areas between, medially the rugae are more well defined and not so reticulate. Also, while the overall pattern of puncture densities on the mesoscutum are similar between the two species, in C. gemmella the space between the punctures is shining and smooth, whereas in C. pantochlora there is under certain aspects of lighting (diffused lighting) a distinct imbricate pattern over the central disc.

DESCRIPTION: ♀: Total body length 9.1 mm; forewing length 6.1 mm. Head slightly wider than long, length 2.16 mm, width 2.27 mm. Mandible with weak subapical tooth. Labrum with low orbicular elevation, basally blending into remainder of surface. Malar space linear. Upper interorbital distance 1.10 mm; lower interorbital distance 0.96 mm. Compound eyes with fine, white ocular setae, individual setae much longer than an individual ommatidial diameter. Preoccipital ridge angled but not carinate. Pronotal lateral angle slightly obtuse, dorsal ridge carinate, lateral ridge angled but not carinate. Mesoscutum with anterior border broadly rounded, with well-defined, narrow, anterior-facing surface but not projecting over pronotum; intertegular distance 1.73 mm. Inner metatibial spur pectinate, with four long branches, not including apical portion of rachis. Forewing with basal vein distad 1cu-a by two times vein width; first submarginal cell about as long as combined lengths of second and third submarginal cells; second submarginal cell slightly narrowed anteriorly, anterior border along Rs only slightly shorter than anterior border of third submarginal cell along same vein; 1rs-m basad 1m-cu by vein width; 2rs-m distad 2m-cu by three times vein width, weakly arched. Metasoma broadly rounded, ovoid; terga not depressed; sterna unmodified.

Clypeus with coarse punctures separated by less than a puncture width except mediobasally more widely spaced, integument between smooth except laterally faintly and finely imbricate; supraclypeal area with smaller punctures than those of clypeus and separated by a puncture width or more medially, punctures separated by less than a puncture width laterally, integument between smooth except laterally finely imbricate; face with small punctures virutally contiguous; punctures becoming more widely spaced and fainter in ocellocular area, integument smooth to faintly imbricate; similar integument on vertex posterior to ocelli; gena generally smooth to faintly imbricate with small punctures separated by 1–3 times a puncture width, ventrally along border with postgena becoming longitudinally striate; postgena longitudinally striate along outer portions blending to strongly imbricate integument toward inner border with hypostomal fossa. Pronotum imbricate. Mesoscutum with small contiguous to nearly contiguous punctures laterally, punctures gradually becoming more spaced medially until separated by 2.5 times a puncture width or less, especially sparse medioapically, integument between punctures imbricate; tegula finely and faintly imbricate; mesoscutellum with minute punctures separated by 1.5 times a puncture width or less, integument between punctures smooth; metanotum imbricate with scattered punctures; pleura coarsely and contiguously punctured; propodeum with lateral surfaces anteriorly like that of pleura, blending posteriorly to more strongly and coarsely imbricate integument with scattered minute punctures, posterior surface faintly imbricate with scattered coarse punctures, basal area finely imbricate with irregular and closely-spaced rugae extending from base to near apex medially, such rugae clearly reticulate, laterally rugae more well defined, extending only to about two-thirds basal area length. Metasomal terga finely imbricate, with scattered minute punctures except in apical margins; sterna finely imbricate with scattered course punctures in apical halves to two-thirds.

Mandible dark brown basally, becoming lighter apically, with reddish brown apex; labiomaxillary complex dark brown, with palpi light brown; labrum black; clypeal apex dark brown, remainder of clypeus and head brilliant metallic green with some faint golden highlights on frons; antenna dark brown except venter of flagellum lighter, particularly toward apex. Mesosoma brilliant metallic green with faint golden or bluish highlights; tegula light brown, semi-translucent, with inner border brilliant metallic green; pro- and metacoxae brilliant metallic green, remaining podites dark brown with strong metallic highlights on more basal podites; wing membranes hyaline clear, venation brown. Metasomal terga metallic green with more prominent bluish highlights, apical margins of terga dark brown with metallic highlights; sterna dark brown with moderate metallic green and blue highlights.

Pubescence overall white except somewhat more golden toward apex of head, more tawny on tarsi, and progressively intermingled with fuscous setae on apicalmost metasomal terga; dark fuscous setae predominant on tergum V. Setae generally diffuse, not obscuring integumental surface.

♂: Unknown.

HOLOTYPE: ♀, Venezuela: Aragua, Rancho Grande Biol. Stn., Portachuelo Pass, 1100 m, 10°21’N, 67°41’W, 8.iii.1995 [8 March 1995], R. Brooks; deposited in the Division of Entomology , University of Kansas Natural History Museum , Lawrence , Kansas. GoogleMaps

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is a combination of the Greek words pantos (meaning, “whole”) and chloros (meaning, “green”).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

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