Cyclorhipidion gladigerum Smith, Beaver & Cognato, 2022

Smith, Sarah M., Beaver, Roger A., Pham, Thai Hong & Cognato, Anthony I., 2022, New species and new records of Xyleborini from the Oriental region, Japan and Papua New Guinea (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Zootaxa 5209 (1), pp. 1-33 : 10

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Plazi (2022-11-15 08:31:09, last updated 2024-11-25 23:56:31)

scientific name

Cyclorhipidion gladigerum Smith, Beaver & Cognato

sp. nov.

Cyclorhipidion gladigerum Smith, Beaver & Cognato sp. nov.

( Figs 29–32 View FIGURES 21‒36 )

Type material. Holotype, female: THAILAND, Chiang Mai, Omkoi District, Omkoi Wildlife Sanctuary , 28.VI.2013, C. Bateman, ex Shorea sp. , MSUC_ARC_314126 ( MSUC) . Paratypes, as holotype, MSUC_ARC_314139 (1, MSUC); SAX404 , MSUC_ARC_314140 [DNA voucher] (1, MSUC).

GenBank. CAD: OP650089 View Materials and COI: OP644414 View Materials .

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by the elytral disc with a shallow median saddle-like impression; declivity very steep; declivital posterolateral margin carinate to interstriae 5; elytral apex bearing three large triangular spines at each interstriae 2, 3 and 4 that are at least the width of an interstriae, medial pair largest and decreasing in size laterally; declivital face unarmed by tubercles; declivital interstriae impunctate and alutaceous.

Similar species. Cyclorhipidion miyazakiense ( Murayama, 1936) , C. hsuae Lin & Smith, 2022 , and C. wui Lin & Smith, 2022

Description (female). 2.6–2.8 mm long (mean = 2.7 mm; n = 3); 2.45–2.55 × as long as wide. Body, antennae, and legs ferruginous. Elytra slightly darker than rest of body. Head: epistoma entire, transverse, with a row of hairlike setae. Frons weakly convex to upper level of eyes; surface subshining, impunctate, alutaceous, finely rugose; median line feebly elevated. Eyes deeply emarginate just above antennal insertion, upper part smaller than lower part. Submentum narrow, triangular, deeply impressed. Antennal scape regularly thick, as long as club. Pedicel narrower than scape, shorter than funicle. Funicle 4-segmented, segment 1 shorter than pedicel. Club approximately circular and flat, type 4; segment 1 corneous, sinuate on anterior face, occupying about 1/5 of club; segment 2 narrow, soft; segments 1‒3 present on posterior face. Pronotum 1.09–1.18 × as long as wide. In dorsal view elongate, rounded frontally, type 7, sides parallel on basal 2/3; anterior margin without serrations. In lateral view elongate with disc slightly longer than anterior slope, type 7, disc flat, summit just anteriad of midpoint. Anterior slope shagreened, with densely spaced, fine, narrow asperities, becoming lower and more strongly transverse towards summit, bearing long, fine, semi-recumbent, hair-like setae. Disc subshining, alutaceous, densely, finely punctate, finely setose, setae short, erect, hair-like. Lateral margins obliquely costate. Base transverse, posterior angles broadly rounded. Scutellum moderate, broad, linguiform, flush with elytra, flat, shining. Elytra: 1.33–1.36 × as long as wide, 1.15– 1.25 × as long as pronotum. Base transverse, edge oblique, humeral angles rounded, parallel-sided in basal 5/8, then broadly rounded to apex. Disc with a shallow median saddle-like impression, shining, striae and interstriae densely setose, setae about as long as interstriae 2, semi-erect, hair-like, striae not impressed, punctures large, uniseriate, spaced by one diameter of a puncture; interstriae not impressed, minutely punctate, punctures minute, strongly confused, separated by 2‒3 diameters of a puncture. Declivity occupying 1/4 of elytra, steeply rounded, declivital face flat, unarmed alutaceous, dull, separation between the smooth, shining disc and dull declivity distinct; three striae present, striae 1‒3 equidistant, striae distinctly impressed, punctures very large, shallow, subcontiguous, shagreened, much larger than on disc; interstriae flat, impunctate, setose, setae erect, shorter than interstriae 1 width; interstriae 1 and 2 bearing two rows of confused erect setae on declivital face; elytral apex bearing three large triangular spines at interstriae 2, 3 and 4 that are at least the width of an interstriae, medial pair largest and decreasing in size laterally. Posterolateral margin carinate, extending to interstriae 5. Legs: procoxae contiguous; prosternal coxal piece tall and pointed. Protibiae semi-circular with evenly rounded outer edge, broadest at apical 1/3; posterior face smooth; apical 1/3 of outer margin with seven or eight moderate socketed denticles, their length approximately as long as basal width. Meso- and metatibiae broad, flattened; outer margin evenly rounded each with ten or 11 and 9–11 moderate socketed denticles, respectively.

Distribution. Thailand.

Host plants. The type series was collected from Shorea (Dipterocarpaceae) .

Etymology. L. gladi - = sword, - gerum = carrier. In reference to the wide and long denticles on the elytral apex. A variable adjective.

Lin, C. - S. & Smith, S. M. (2022) Four new species and five new records of xyleborine ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Xyleborini) from Taiwan. Taiwania, 67, 285 - 301. https: // doi. org / 10.6165 / tai. 2022.67.285

Murayama, J. (1936) Notes sur les Scolytides (Coleopteres) de Honshu et Kiushu, Japon. Tenthredo, 1, 121 - 149.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 21‒36. Lateral, dorsal, posterior oblique and anterior view of Cyclorhipidion achlys holotype, 3.4 mm (21–24), Cyclorhipidion conidentatus holotype, 3.1 mm (25–28), Cyclorhipidion gladigerum holotype, 2.6 mm (29–32), Cyclorhipidion lapilliferum holotype, 3.4 mm (33–36).













