Beaverium brevicaudatus Smith, Beaver & Cognato, 2022

Smith, Sarah M., Beaver, Roger A., Pham, Thai Hong & Cognato, Anthony I., 2022, New species and new records of Xyleborini from the Oriental region, Japan and Papua New Guinea (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), Zootaxa 5209 (1), pp. 1-33 : 6-7

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Plazi (2022-11-15 08:31:09, last updated 2024-11-25 23:56:31)

scientific name

Beaverium brevicaudatus Smith, Beaver & Cognato

sp. nov.

Beaverium brevicaudatus Smith, Beaver & Cognato sp. nov.

( Figs 13–16 View FIGURES 13‒16 )

Type material. Holotype, female: INDONESIA, Sulawesi Utara, Dumoga-Bone N.P., Plot A, ca 200 m, lowland forest, flight intercept trap, NHMUK014591832 (NHMUK) . Paratypes, female, as holotype: (1, RABC) , MSUC_ ARC_314134, MSUC_ARC_314135 (2, MSUC); as previous except: NHMUK014591841 (1, NHMUK); as previous except: Rothamsted light trap, site 2, 220 m, H. Barlow , February 1985, NHMUK014591842 (1, NHMUK) ; as previous except: April 1985, NHMUK014591843 (1, NHMUK) ; as previous except: November 1985, NHMUK014591844 (1, NHMUK) ; as previous except: G. Mogongonipa summit, 1008 m, at light, November 1985 (1, RABC) ; as previous except Plt C, ca 400 m, lowland forest, Feb–April 1985, pitfall trap, NHMUK014591845 (1, NHMUK) ; as previous except: 200–300 m, October 1985, litter, NHMUK014591846 (1, NHMUK) ; Central Sulawesi, Lore Lindu N.P., Marena forest , alt. m 600, 15.xii.1985, J. Krikken & J. van Tol (1, RABC) .

Diagnosis. This species is distinguished by its very stout form and elytra that are laterally constricted at both the basal and apical tenth.

Similar species. Beaverium obstipus ( Schedl, 1935)

Description (female). 4.15–4.6 mm long (mean = 4.32 mm; n = 5); 1.91–2.19 × as long as wide. Body, legs and antennae ferruginous. Head: epistoma entire, transverse, with a row of hair-like setae. Frons weakly convex to upper level of eyes; surface shining, punctate, alutaceous. Eyes moderately emarginate just above antennal insertion, upper part smaller than lower part. Submentum narrow, triangular, weakly impressed. Antennal scape long and slender, as long as club. Pedicel narrower than scape, shorter than funicle. Antennal funicle 4-segmented, segment 1 shorter than pedicel. Club as broad as tall, circular, club type 4, flattened, segment 1 corneous, transverse on anterior face, occupying about 2/5 of club; segment 2 narrow, corneous; segments 1–3 visible on posterior face. Pronotum 0.9–1.05 × as long as wide. In dorsal view rounded, type 1, sides parallel on basal 2/3; anterior margin with a short continuous recurved carina. In lateral view robust and subquadrate, type 5, disc flat, summit at basal third. Anterior slope shagreened, with densely spaced, fine, narrow asperities, becoming lower and more strongly transverse towards summit, bearing long, fine, semi-recumbent, hair-like setae. Disc subshiny, coarsely, densely punctate. Lateral margins obliquely costate. Base transverse, posterior angles strongly oblique. Scutellum moderate, broadly linguiform, flush with elytra, flat, shiny. Elytra: 1.05–1.19 × as long as wide, 1.18–1.33 × as long as pronotum, shining. Base transverse, humeral angles rounded, sides convex with constrictions at basal and apical tenth, then narrowly rounded to apex; lateral profile of declivity rounded, apex posterolaterally broadened, entire. Disc convex, appearing humped, subshiny; striae not impressed, with large, shallow punctures separated by 0.5–3 diameters of a puncture, glabrous; interstriae flat, punctures half size of strial punctures, confused, each with a long, erect seta (mostly abraded). Declivity occupying ~1/2 of elytra, gradual, face flat, smooth, subshiny, glabrous; strial and interstrial punctures strongly confused, indistinguishable, striae not impressed, punctures larger than those of discal. Posterolateral margin elevated, costate to interstriae 5. Legs: procoxae contiguous; prosternal coxal piece tall and pointed. Protibiae obliquely triangular broadest at apical 1/4; posterior face smooth; apical 1/2 of outer margin with 8–10 moderate socketed denticles, each approximately as long as basal width. Meso- and metatibiae broad, flattened; outer margin evenly rounded with 13 or 14 and 11 or 12 large socketed denticles, respectively, their length longer than basal width.

Distribution. Indonesia (Sulawesi).

Host plants. Unknown.

Etymology. L. brevis = short, caudatus = tailed, referring to the steep elytral declivity.

Schedl, K. E. (1935) New bark beetles and ambrosia-beetles (Col). Stylops, 4, 270 - 276.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 13‒16. Beaverium brevicaudatus holotype, 4.35 mm. Dorsal, lateral, posterior oblique and anterior views.


Natural History Museum, London













