Thrips Pests

Cluever, Jeffrey D. & Smith, Hugh A., 2017, A photo-based key of thrips (Thysanoptera) associated with horticultural crops in Florida, Florida Entomologist 100 (2), pp. 454-454 : 454-

publication ID 10.1653/024.100.0208

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Thrips Pests


Key to the Larvae of Common Thrips Pests View in CoL of Crops in Florida

24. (1’) Annulations on antennal segments III and IV absent; microtrichia on antennal segments III and IV absent ( Fig. 20a View Figs )....................................................................................................... Family Phlaeothripidae View in CoL

24’. — Annulations on antennal segments III and IV present, with microtrichia typically arising from annulations ( Fig. 20b View Figs ).......................................................................................................... Family Thripidae View in CoL , 25

25. (24’) Two setae present on each of sternites IV–VIII ( Fig. 21a View Figs ); 12 setae (6 pairs) on pronotum ( Fig. 22a View Figs ).............................................................................................................................. Stage I Larva 25’. — Six setae present on each of sternites IV–VIII ( Fig. 21b View Figs ); 14 (7 pairs) setae present on pronotum ( Fig. 22b View Figs )........ Stage II Larva, 26

26. (25’) Dorsal setae extremely long, length greater than 15 times the diameter of seta socket ( Fig. 23a View Figs )................... Scolothrips sp.

26’. — Dorsal setae not extremely long, length less than 10 times the diameter of seta socket ( Fig. 23b View Figs )............................. 27

27 (26’) Cuticle heavily stippled, appearing shagreen-like ( Fig. 24a View Figs ); cuticle of head heavily reticulated ( Fig. 25 View Figs ); dorsal abdominal setae small ( Fig. 24a View Figs ).................................................................................. Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood View in CoL

27’. — Cuticle not stippled, but with oval plaques ( Fig. 24b View Figs ); head not heavily reticulated; dorsal abdominal setae moderately enlarged ( Fig. 24b View Figs )............................................................................................. 28

28. (27’) Dorsal setae expanded apically ( Fig. 26 View Figs ); teeth on posterior margin of tergite IX large, prominent ( Fig. 27a View Figs )... Chaetanaphothrips sp.

28’. — Most dorsal setae not greatly expanded apically; teeth on posterior margin of tergite IX small, indistinct ( Fig. 27b,c View Figs )............. 29

29. (28’) Sensilla on tergite IX separated by 1.0–1.5 times the space between the D 1 setae................................... Thrips spp.

29’. — Sensilla on tergite IX separated more than 2.0 time the space between the D 1 setae ( Fig. 28 View Figs ).................... Frankliniella View in CoL , 30

30. (29’) Abdominal tergite setae pointed ( Fig. 29a View Figs ); microtrichia on plaques of tergite VIII well developed ( Fig. 30 View Figs ).................................................................................................... Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) View in CoL

30’. — Abdominal tergites with blunt setae ( Fig. 29b View Figs ); microtrichia on plaques of tergite VIII well developed or absent................. 31

31. (30’) Plaques on tergite VIII with well-developed microtrichia ( Fig. 30 View Figs ); tergite IX with posteromarginal teeth longer than basal width of D 1 setae ( Fig. 27b View Figs )........................................................................ Frankliniella bispinosa (Morgan) View in CoL

31’. — Plaques on tergite VIII lacking well-developed microtrichia; tergite IX with posteromarginal teeth equal to or shorter than basal width of D 1 setae ( Fig. 27c View Figs ).................................................................... Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) View in CoL











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