Lambeia pectinatus, Mickle, 2017

Mickle, Kathryn E., 2017, The lower actinopterygian fauna from the Lower Carboniferous Albert shale formation of New Brunswick, Canada - a review of previously described taxa and a description of a new genus and species, Fossil Record 20 (1), pp. 47-67 : 55-57

publication ID 10.5194/fr-20-47-2017

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scientific name

Lambeia pectinatus

gen. nov.

Lambeia pectinatus n. gen. n. sp. ( Figs. 4–10 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 )

Etymology: pectinatus in reference to the pectinations on the dorsal ridge scales and ventral and posterior margins of the scales.

Diagnosis (based on the unique combination of characters): large edentulous tuberculated ventral rostro-premaxilla; median dorsal rostral bone; maxilla with broad postorbital plate; complex ganoine ornamentation on maxilla; nasal bones with ganoine ornamentation of tubercles and short ridges ventrally, longer diagonally oriented ridges mid-bone; single rectangular-shaped supraorbital bone; numerous suborbital bones; dermopterotic as long as the parietal plus the post-parietal bones; presupracleithrum; dermohyal; series of accessory opercular bones; 12 branchiostegal rays; two lateral gular plates; six dorsal ridge scales beginning at scale row 20; first three dorsal ridge scales with pectinated posterior margins; dorsal ridge scales occupy the space of two body scale rows; body scales rows intermittently inserted between adjacent dorsal ridge scales; anal fin almost opposite dorsal fin; dorsal and anal fins posteriorly placed on the body; body depth dramatically decreases posterior to dorsal fin; large pectoral and pelvic fins; body scales with pectinated posterior margins and horizontal ganoine ridges; ventrally placed scales from scale row 5 to the end of pelvic fin have pectinated posterior and ventral margins.

Holotype and only specimen: YPM 8664 View Materials ( Figs. 4–10 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 ). The holotype YPM 8664 View Materials preserves the anterior two-thirds of a rather large fish in lateral view ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ). The counterpart is missing. The caudal peduncle and fin are not preserved. Though the distal portion of the dorsal fin is missing, the proximal portion along the body is preserved and appears to be complete. The pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins are large and spectacularly preserved ( Fig. 4 View Figure 4 ). Though the specimen is not complete, it is a medium- to large-sized palaeoniscoid with a length of 19.5 cm, minus the caudal peduncle and fin. It is noted that this fish is preserved on a slab with the remains of three other smaller palaeoniscoids.

Type locality: Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) Albert Formation, New Brunswick, Canada.

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