Lispocephala parciseta, Xue & Zhang, 2011

Xue, W. - Q. & Zhang, X. - S., 2011, Geographic Distribution Of Lispocephala Pokorny (Diptera: Muscidae), With Descriptions Of New Species From China, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 161-202 : 170-172

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12612432


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scientific name

Lispocephala parciseta

sp. nov.

Lispocephala parciseta View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 24–29 View Figs 24–29 )

Holotype: male, Mengsong (21°08’N, 99°56’E), Xishuangbanna , Yunnan Province, 1600 m, 24. iv. 1958, collected by Yiran Zhang. GoogleMaps

Paratype: male, same data as holotype.

Male: Body length 3.5 mm.

Head: Eyes bare, lower posterior margin not concave. Frons at vertex about 0.34 times as wide as head, lateral margins nearly parallel. Frontal vitta black in ground color, without pruinosity. Frontal triangle with dense gray-white pruinosity, reaching to anterior margin of frons. Without ocellar seta, only with 3 short setae in ocellar triangle, about 1/4 of frons width. Outer vertical seta 1.7 times as long as posterior vertical, shorter than frons width. Fronto-orbital plate with gray-white pruinosity. Profrons not projecting. Face and parafacial dark in ground colour, with gray-white pruinosity. Parafacial about 1/3 of flagellum 1 width. Gena dark, about 1/20 of eye height. Occiput dark in ground colour, with faint gray pruinosity. Antenna red-yellow; flagellum 1 about twice as long as pedicel. Distance between end of antenna and epistoma about 1/3 of flagellum 1 length; arista plumose in basal half, the longest hair as long as flagellum 1 width, bare in apical half. Palpi yellow, prementum brown.

Thorax: Dark in ground colour, with dense gray-white pruinosity, without vitta (yellow along dc in postsutural area of scutum). Acr in 2 rows. 2+3 dc, anterior prst dc about 3/5 of posterior. 0+2 ial. 2 proepisternal setae, 2 proepimeral.

Wings: Hyaline, veins yellow. Costal spine distinct. Calypters yellow-white. Lower calypter about 1.8 times as long as upper.

Legs: Mid and hind coxa dark brown, tarsi dark, remaining red-yellow. Mid femur with 1 row of av, short seta-liked, longer than in basal half, 1 supra-median a, 2 subapical p, 2 pv in basal 1/3, 2–3 subapical pv, seta-liked, longer than mid tibia diameter. Mid tibia with 1 medial pd, twice as long as tibia diameter. Hind femur with 1 row of av and ad, developed, 1 subapical pd, 3 pv in basal 1/3, 1 subapical pv, seta-liked. Hind tibia with 1 av, 2 ad, 2 pd. Pulvilli small, oval.

Abdomen: Cylindric, oval in dorsal view, longer than thorax. Most of syntergite 1+2, lateral margins of tergite 3 and posterior margins of tergites 3–4 yellow, remaining dark drown in ground colour, with gray-white pruinosity. Tergites 3–4 each with faint median vitta, tergites 3–5 each with 1 pair of rounded black lateral spots, spot width about 1/2–3/5 of tergite length respectively. Tergite 5 with developed discal and marginal setae. Tergite 8 with 2 discal setae.

Female: Unknown.

Etymology: The specific name refers to male species without ocellar seta. Parcus means absent in Latin.

Remarks: Resembles L. curvivesica (XUE et al. 1998) , but can be recognised by male without ocellar seta; antenna red-yellow; fore femora entirely yellow; distal part of lateral lobe of sternite 5 narrow; juxta long and big ( Fig. 27 View Figs 24–29 ).













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