Lispocephala valva, Xue & Zhang, 2011

Xue, W. - Q. & Zhang, X. - S., 2011, Geographic Distribution Of Lispocephala Pokorny (Diptera: Muscidae), With Descriptions Of New Species From China, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2), pp. 161-202 : 166-168

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12612432


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scientific name

Lispocephala valva

sp. nov.

Lispocephala valva View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 14–18 View Figs 14–18 )

Holotype: male, Shilu County (36°9’N, 111°46’E), Yangchun City , Guangdong Province, 15. iii. 1982, collected by MINGQUAN LIU. GoogleMaps

Paratype: male, same data as holotype.

Male: Body length 4.0 mm.

Head: Eyes bare, lower posterior margin not concave. Frons at vertex about 0.36 times as wide as head, lower part wider. Frontal vitta black-brown in ground colour, lower 1/3 red-brown, with thin brown-yellow pruinosity. Frontal triangle with yellow-gray pruinosity, reaching anterior margin of frons. Ocellar developed, longer than frons width. Outer vertical seta longer than posterior vertical, about 2/3 of ocellar. Fronto-orbital plate with yellow-gray pruinosity. Face black in ground colour, with gray-white pruinosity. Parafacial yellow, about 1/3 of flagellum 1 width. Gena with yellow pruinosity, about 1/10 of eye height. Occiput dark, with gray pruinosity. Antenna wide and short, pedicel and basal third of flagellum 1 red-yellow, apical 2/3 of flagellum 1 black, about twice as long as pedicel. Distance between end of antenna and epistoma about as long as of flagellum 1. Arista short ciliated in basal 2/3, the longest hair about 1/3 of flagellum 1 width, arista bare in apical 1/3. Palpi yellow. Prementum brown, slightly projecting in lateral view.

Thorax: Dark black in ground colour, lateral and ventral surfaces with gray pruinosity, dorsal surface with yellow-gray pruinosity, without vitta. Acr in two rows. 2+3 dc, anterior prst dc shorter than posterior. 0+2 ial. 2 proepisternal setae; 2 proepimeral.

Wings: Hyaline, veins yellow. Costal spine well marked. Calypters yellow to white, lower calypter about 1.7 times as long as upper. Halters yellow.

Legs: Mid and hind coxae dark brown, with gray pruinosity, remaining yellow. Mid femur with 1 row of av, seta-liked, longer than tibia diameter, 1 supra-median a, 2 subapical d, 2 pv in basal 2/5. Mid tibia with 1 medial pd, twice as long as tibia diameter. Hind femur with 3 developed av in apical 3/5, 2 seta-liked av (about as long as hind tibia diameter) in basal 2/5, 1 subapical d, 1 pv, 2 short setae in basal 2/5, shorter than hind tibia diameter. Hind tibia with 1 av, 2 ad, 2 pd. Pulvilli big, fore pulvilli longer than tarsomere 4.

Abdomen: Long-oviform in dorsal view, longer than thorax. Syntergite 1+2, lateral ventral surface of tergite 3 and sternites 1–3 yellow, lateral lobes of sternite 5 brown-yellow, remaining dark brown, with gray pruinosity. Tergites 1–5 each with marked median vitta, tergites 3–4 each with 1 pair of trigonal lateral spots, spot width about 3/5–1/2 of tergite length respectively. Tergite 5 with rounded black lateral spots, spot width about 1/3 of tergite length respectively, discal and marginal setae developed, tergite 8 with 4 marked discal setae. Aedeagus long, end petal-liked ( Fig. 14 View Figs 14–18 ).

Female: Unknown.

Etymology: The specific name refers to male valvular juxta. Valvate means valvular in Latin.

Remarks: Resembles L. cothurnata XUE et al. 2006 , but can be recognised by scutum with vittae along dc rows; fore coxa dark brown; femora hazel; male genitalia long, with valvular juxta ( Fig. 14 View Figs 14–18 ).













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