Euraphia Conrad, 1837

Pochai, Ashitapol, Kingtong, Sutin, Sukparangsi, Woranop & Khachonpisitsak, Salinee, 2017, The diversity of acorn barnacles (Cirripedia, Balanomorpha) across Thailand's coasts: The Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, Zoosystematics and Evolution 93 (1), pp. 13-34 : 14

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scientific name

Euraphia Conrad, 1837


Genus Euraphia Conrad, 1837

Type species.

Euraphia hembeli Conrad, 1837

1 genus, 2 species recorded: Euraphia depressa (Poli, 1795) and Euraphia hembeli Conrad, 1837.