Physodactylus patens, Rosa, 2014

Rosa, Simone Policena, 2014, Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Physodactylinae (Coleoptera, Elateridae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 54 (18), pp. 217-292 : 276-277

publication ID 10.1590/0031-1049.2014.54.18

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scientific name

Physodactylus patens

sp. nov.

Physodactylus patens sp. nov.

( Figs. 28 View FIGURE 28 , 35O View FIGURE 35 )

Etymology: From latin, patens = wide; alluding to the widened elytra of this species.

Description (male, Fig. 35O View FIGURE 35 ): Integument bright ventrally, dull dorsally; brown with posterior third of elytra and abdominal marginal plates black; tibiae and tarsi dark brown; pilosity yellow. Total length 17.0 mm; elytral base 1.04x as wide as prothorax, elytra 3.15x longer than pronotum. Frons ( Fig. 28B View FIGURE 28 ) concave; frontal carina not produced anteriorly; frontoclypeal region with a longitudinal carina medially; antenna ( Fig. 28A View FIGURE 28 ) reaching the half length of pronotum; antennomere IV 1.27x wider than long, V 1.58x wider than long, VI-VIII 1.4-1.5x wider than long, IX-X 1.4 and 1.33x wider than long, XI suboval 1.25x longer than wide. Maxilla with galea covered with a fine and spiniform setae. Pronotum ( Fig. 28C View FIGURE 28 ) convex 1.46x wider than long with sides rounded and convergent from posterior angles to anterior margin; anteromedian margin produced anteriad; posterior angles short, convex, parallel; lateral carina nearly reaching the anterior margin, prominent, nearly entirely visible dorsally; disc with punctures small 0.5-1.0 diameters apart, denser on anterior border, larger and denser on lateral border; prosternal process without subapical tooth ( Fig. 28D View FIGURE 28 ). Protibia with dorsal margin strongly curved and crenulate ( Fig. 28F View FIGURE 28 ); lamellae of pro- and mesotarsomeres I as large as those of tarsomeres II-III, small on metatarsomere I. Elytra widened and rounded from base to posterior 1/4 then tapering to apex; striae deeply impressed, with three rows of punctures, punctures glabrous on the median row, smaller and bearing a small seta on the lateral row; interstices convex, smooth and glabrous; apical striae with punctures smaller than those of pronotal lateral border and as large as those of elytral base. Abdomen with ventrites 1-4 evenly strongly convex, ventrite 1 evenly pilose with fine setae as long as those of the lateral part of ventrite 2; ventrites 2-3 covered with short fine setae laterally and long fine setae medially, ventrite 4 with long fine setae. Pregenitalic segments ( Figs. 28 View FIGURE 28 I-L) and aedeagus covered with stout yellow setae. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 28L View FIGURE 28 ) subrectangular, posterior margin nearly straight, anterior sclerotization 0.72x the total width of sternite; sternite IX ( Fig. 28I View FIGURE 28 ) tapered to apex.

Aedeagus ( Figs. 28M, N View FIGURE 28 ): Phallobase 0.47x the total length of aedeagus, 1.31x longer than wide, with lateral part abruptly narrowed on posterior half, length ratio between lateroposterior and median parts 5.36; ventral surface of paramere with the lateral half sclerotized, anteromedian margin contiguous arch-shaped; penis with sides strongly widened and rounded posteriad of struts then abruptly narrowed and tapering to apex, with basal strut 0.30x its total length, articulat- ed to the parameres by a strongly sclerotized process; ventral sclerite linear.

Holotype: [ Jacareacanga , Pará Brasil, XII-1968, M. Alvarenga], [Coleção M. Alvarenga] male ( DZUP).

Distribution: BRAZIL. Pará: Jacareacanga.

Remarks: P. patens is diagnosable by the combination of pilosity yellow, antenna reaching the half length of pronotum, prothorax 1.46x wider than long, lamellae of pro- and mesotarsomeres I as large as the other ones on the same leg, elytra with striae deeply impressed, abdominal ventrites 2-4 strongly convex, ventrite 1 densely covered with short, decumbent and fine setae. The aedeagus with penis strongly widened and round- ed posteriad of the struts and the phallobase with lateral parts abruptly narrowed on posterior half are autapomorphies of this species. Its strongly convex abdomen is a character shared with P. sulcatus and P. latithorax sp. nov., from which it differs in its color pattern and elytral shape. It is most similar to P. latithorax by the pilosity pattern and elytral striae, but the elytra of P. patens sp. nov. are wider and rounded and the abdominal setae are finer, decumbent and sparser. The carina on the frontoclypeal region is unique to this species.


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure













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