Yushania dezhui Y. X. Zhang & R. L. Zhang, 2024

Zhang, Yu-Xiao, Zhang, Chao, Zhang, Ru-Li & Zhao, Hu-Gang, 2024, Yushania dezhui (Poaceae, Bambusoideae), a new bamboo species from Yunnan, China, PhytoKeys 246, pp. 1-14 : 1-14

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/phytokeys.246.130177



persistent identifier


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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Yushania dezhui Y. X. Zhang & R. L. Zhang

sp. nov.

Yushania dezhui Y. X. Zhang & R. L. Zhang sp. nov.

Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5


Yushania dezhui resembles Y. maculata T. P. Yi , Y. polytricha Hsueh & T. P. Yi and Y. weixiensis T. P. Yi , but differs in having rhizome necks much thicker than culms, glabrous culm leaf sheaths, internodes and sheath scars, auricles and oral setae of most foliage leaves usually absent and the one-year-old foliage leaves with pubescence adaxially.


China • Yunnan: Kunming City, Panlong District, Ciba Town , Changchong Hill ; 25 ° 07 ' 28.87 " N, 102 ° 42 ' 17.41 " E; 2226 m a. s. l.; 22 August 2023; Y. X. Zhang et al. CCS 03 (holotype, KUN!; isotype, IBSC!) GoogleMaps .


Rhizomes pachymorph, necks 2–30 cm long, 0.5–1.2 cm in diameter, internodes 0.2–1 cm long, solid. Culms diffuse, 0.4–1.8 m tall, 1–5 mm in diameter, subsolid; internodes 2.5–21.5 cm long, terete, purple-spotted initially, slightly white powdery below the nodes; nodes slightly prominent; sheath scars corky. Branches 3–12, slender and equal. Culm leaves tardily deciduous, ca. 1 / 2 as long as the internode; sheaths glabrous abaxially, green or purple apically, margins ciliate, occasionally white pubescent at the base; auricles linear or absent, usually present on upper culm leaves; oral setae several when auricles present; ligules truncate, 1–2 mm tall, green or purple, margins ciliate or not; blades linear, recurved, glabrous, 0.3–2.3 cm long. Foliage leaves 3–5 per ultimate branch; sheaths glabrous, green, purple or purple-green, 2.5–5.2 cm long, margins glabrous; auricles and oral setae usually absent, except present on the one-year-old foliage leaves, auricles linear, green or purple; ligules truncate, 1–2 mm tall, green or purple; blades 2.5–12.5 × 0.5–1.3 cm, pubescent adaxially for the one-year-old blades, glabrescent later, glabrous abaxially, secondary veins 2–4 - paired, transverse veins conspicuous, margins serrate on both sides. Inflorescence unknown.


New shoots June to August.

Distribution and habitat.

This new species is found in Kunming, Yunnan, China. It usually occurs in limestone montane areas at elevations of 2100–2400 m in the understorey of forests of Quercus longispica (Handel-Mazzetti) A. Camus , Castanopsis delavayi Franchet or Cupressus sp.


The epithet honours Professor De-Zhu Li of Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, who has made great contributions to the taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, evolution and biogeography of bamboos and promoted the collaboration of bamboo research around the world.

Chinese name.

Dé Zhū Yù Shān Zhú (Chinese pronunciation), 德铢玉山竹 (Chinese characters).

Additional specimens examined (paratypes).

China – Yunnan Province, Kunming City • Panlong District, Ciba Town, Changchong Hill ; 25 ° 7 ' 31.85 " N, 102 ° 42 ' 25.13 " E; 2211 m a. s. l.; 26 June 2023; Y. X. Zhang & C. ZhangCCS 01 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • same collection data as for preceding; 25 ° 6 ' 55.28 " N, 102 ° 42 ' 5.67 " E; 2314 m a. s. l.; 27 August 2023; R. L. Zhang et al. CCS 04 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • same collection data as for preceding; 25 ° 7 ' 6.86 " N, 102 ° 42 ' 9.98 " E; 2310 m a. s. l.; 27 August 2023; R. L. Zhang et al. CCS 05 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • Panlong District, Ciba Town, Xiaoshao Village ; 25 ° 11 ' 12.22 " N, 102 ° 44 ' 41.14 " E; 2243 m a. s. l.; 27 June 2023; Y. X. Zhang & C. Zhang XS 01 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • same collection data as for preceding; 25 ° 11 ' 10.32 " N, 102 ° 44 ' 43.1 " E; 2266 m a. s. l.; 27 June 2023; Y. X. Zhang & C. Zhang XS 02 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • Xishan District, Haikou Forest Farm ; 24 ° 50 ' 50.09 " N, 102 ° 36 ' 19.75 " E; 2147 m a. s. l.; 18 August 2023; Y. X. Zhang & R. L. Zhang ZSC 02, ZSC 03 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • same collection data as for preceding; 2106 m a. s. l.; 25 July 2020; H. Peng PHHK 112 ( KUN) GoogleMaps ; • Xundian County, Xianfeng Town ; 25 ° 31 ' 12.79 " N, 103 ° 04 ' 28.80 " E; 2429 m a. s. l.; 21 August 2023; Y. X. Zhang et al. DSTQ 02 ( KUN) GoogleMaps .


Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


South China Botanical Garden











