Spirobranchus minutus ( Rioja, 1941b )
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2017.344 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:27AA4538-407D-470A-8141-365124193D85 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3851367 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/794587B2-FFF4-FF8B-FDFC-FC87FACEFC01 |
treatment provided by |
Carolina (2020-05-19 17:24:32, last updated 2024-11-26 04:57:14) |
scientific name |
Spirobranchus minutus ( Rioja, 1941b ) |
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Spirobranchus minutus ( Rioja, 1941b) View in CoL
Figs 9 View Fig F–G, 10
Pomatoceros minutus Rioja, 1941b: 734–738 View in CoL , pl. 9, figs 15–26 (type locality: Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexican Pacific; on the hydrozoan Pennaria ).
Serpulorbis catella Weisbord, 1962: 156–157 , pl. 13, figs 17–18 (fossil, type locality: Lower Mare and Abisinia formations, Venezuelan Pliocene and Pleistocene; on bivalve shell).
Pomatoceros minutus View in CoL – Rioja 1942: 130–132, figs 15–21 (Mazatlán, Sinaloa, and Río Mayo, Sonora, Mexican Pacific; 15m;on shell of the bivalve Avicula View in CoL sp.,now Pteria View in CoL ).— Rioja1946:201–202 (Veracruz, eastern Mexico; on algae entangled in fishing nets). — Rioja 1947a: 215 (Gulf of California: Mapahui, Topolobampo and Navachiste, Sinaloa, Mexico). — Berkeley & Berkeley 1958: 405 (west coast of Baja California Peninsula: Abreojos Point, Baja California Sur; floating seaweed). — Weisbord 1964: 161–164, pl. 21, figs 4–5, pl. 22, figs 3–4 (recent, Playa Grande Yachting Club and Higuerote beaches, northern Venezuela; on several mollusk shells; and fossil, same as Serpulorbis catella ). — Zibrowius 1970: 15–16, pl. 3, figs 11–15 (São Sebastião and Ubatuba, Brazil; 6–15 m; on rocks, madrepores and gorgonians). — Shepherd 1972: 5 (Gulf of California: La Paz Bay, Baja California Sur; epifauna on Pinctada mazatlanica (Hanley, 1856)) . — Bastida-Zavala 1993: 35 (Gulf of California: Caimancito Beach, Baja California Sur). — Perkins 1998: 95 (checklist of shallowwater polychaetes of Florida). — Lewis et al. 2006: 669 (ten Hove collected specimens from the sailing vessel “Gorch Fock” in Sydney, Australia). — Bastida-Zavala 2008: 31–33 View Cited Treatment , fig. 7H–M (Hawaii, Mexican Pacific: Baja California Sur, Guerrero and Oaxaca, Pacific side of Costa Rica and Perú; intertidal to 17 m; on dead coral ( Pocillopora View in CoL ), the gastropod Muricanthus View in CoL , the oyster Spondylus , mangrove roots, sabellariid colony, on a pier piling and a sailboat hull).
Pomatoceros caeruleus View in CoL (non Schmarda 1861) – Rioja 1963: 220 (Mexican Pacific: Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Guaymas, Sonora, and Zihuatanejo, Guerrero; on algae and mollusk shells).
Placostegus View in CoL sp. – Bastida-Zavala 1995: 25 (Gulf of California: Cabo Pulmo Reef, Baja California Sur, Mexico; 4–17 m; on coral).
Pomatoleios crosslandi View in CoL (non Pixell 1913) – Bastida-Zavala 1995: 25 (Gulf of California: Cabo Pulmo Reef, Baja California Sur, Mexico; 17 m; on coral).
Pomatoceros cf. minutus View in CoL – Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 814–815, fig. 5a–f (eastern Mexico: Cazones, Veracruz, and Campeche Bank, Campeche; 42 m).
Spirobranchus minutus View in CoL – Pillai 2009: 146–148 (new combination). — Bastida-Zavala et al. 2016: 435 – 437, figs 8, 13H (Mexican Pacific: Baja California Sur, Michoacán, Guerrero and Oaxaca; intertidal to 1 m; in marinas and harbors, fouling).
Material examined
108 specimens: PB (59) Aug. 2002, GB (3) Sep. 2002, CC (46) Sep. 2002.
Additional material
Ten specimens: UMAR-Poly 73, several specimens (approx. 21°17' N, 157°50' W, Honolulu, HF-018, on the hull of a sailboat that traveled to Hawaii from San Francisco via Los Angeles, Mexico, Hilo, Hawaii and finally reached Honolulu; the entire travel period was four months, coll. S. Godwin); USNM- 43239, three specimens (Santa Catarina, Brazil, sta. 45 and 47, Nov. 1965, coll. Jones-Lowe).
Tube white, with three longitudinal ridges and rows of alveoli between ridges; without peristomes ( Fig. 9F View Fig ). Opercular peduncle with thin distal wings, white ( Fig. 9G View Fig ). Operculum conical, with calcareous distal plate, with rounded tip ( Fig. 9G View Fig ). With 2–3 limbate collar chaetae, but sometimes lacking collar chaetae altogether; with a glandular spot in the position of the collar chaetae.
Taxonomic remarks
Spirobranchus minutus was recorded for the first time during our survey from the northern Gulf of Mexico (Galveston Bay and Corpus Christi, Texas) and Florida (Pensacola Bay).
In several specimens of S. minutus , the opercular peduncle lacks wings or has tiny wings. Another similar species in the northern Gulf of Mexico, S. americanus Day, 1973 , has a sublittoral (> 40 m) distribution. Spirobranchus americanus has more collar chaetae (4–6), a fully calcareous operculum, only one longitudinal ridge on the tube and has one line of alveoli on each side of the tube, while S. minutus has fewer collar chaetae (2–3) or lacks them completely, an operculum with a calcareous plate on a chitinous base, and the tube has three longitudinal ridges and two lines of alveoli on each side of the tube ( Fig. 9F View Fig ).
Intertidal to 42 m ( Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a). On rocks, on the hydrozoan Pennaria , mollusk shells ( Pteria sp., Pinctada mazatlanica , Muricanthus , Spondylus ), the coral Pocillopora , gorgonians, sabellariid colony, algae, mangrove roots, floating seaweed, on a marina pier piling and sailboat hulls ( Rioja 1941b, 1942, 1946; Berkeley & Berkeley 1958; Zibrowius 1970; Lewis et al. 2006; Bastida-Zavala 2008).
Amphi-American. Eastern tropical Pacific, from Gulf of California to Perú; Hawaii; western tropical Atlantic, from Gulf of Mexico to southern Brazil ( Zibrowius 1970; Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a; Bastida-Zavala 2008). In this study, Spirobranchus minutus was abundant on fouling plates from Pensacola Bay, Florida, and Corpus Christi, Texas, and was found occasionally on plates from Galveston Bay, Texas ( Fig. 10 View Fig ). This species extends its northward range from Cazones, Veracruz ( Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a) to Pensacola Bay, Florida (1450 km).
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 1993. Taxonomia y composicion biogeografica de los poliquetos (Annelida: Polychaeta) de la Bahia de La Paz, B. C. S., Mexico. Revista de Investigacion Cientifica 4: 11 - 39.
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 1995. Poliquetos (Annelida: Polychaeta) del arrecife coralino de Cabo Pulmo-Los Frailes, B. C. S., Mexico. Revista de Zoologia, ENEPi, UNAM 6: 9 - 29.
Bastida-Zavala J. R. & Salazar-Vallejo S. I. 2000 a. Serpulidos (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) del Caribe noroccidental con claves para la region del Gran Caribe: Salmacina, Ficopomatus, Pomatoceros, Pomatostegus, Protula, Pseudovermilia, Spirobranchus y Vermiliopsis. Revista de Biologia Tropical 48: 807 - 840.
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 2008. Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids. Zootaxa 1722: 1 - 61.
Bastida-Zavala J. R., Rodriguez Buelna A. S., de Leon-Gonzalez J. A., Camacho-Cruz K. A. & Carmona I. 2016. New records of sabellids and serpulids (Polychaeta: Sabellidae, Serpulidae) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Zootaxa 4184 (3): 401 - 457. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4184.3.1
Berkeley E. & Berkeley C. 1958. Some notes on a collection of Polychaeta from the northeast Pacific south of latitude 32 ° N. Canadian Journal of Zoology 36: 399 - 407. https: // doi. org / 10.1139 / z 58 - 034
Day J. H. 1973. New Polychaeta from Beaufort with a key to all species recorded from North Carolina. NOAA Technical Report. NMFS CIRC- 375, Seattle. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 62852
Lewis J. A., Watson C. & ten Hove H. A. 2006. Establishment of the Caribbean serpulid tubeworm Hydroides sanctaecrucis Kroyer [in] Morch, 1863, in northern Australia. Biological Invasions 8: 665 - 671. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 10530 - 005 - 2062 - 7
Perkins T. H. 1998. Checklist of shallow-water marine polychaetous Annelida of Florida. In: Camp D. K., Lyons W. G. & Perkins T. H. (eds) Checklist of Selected Shallow-water Marine Invertebrates of Florida: 79 - 122. Florida Marine Research Institute, Technical Report 3.
Pillai T. G. 2009. Description of new serpulid polychaetes from the Kimberleys of Australia and discussion of Australian and Indo-West Pacific species of Spirobranchus and superficially similar taxa. Records of the Australian Museum 61 (2): 93 - 199. https: // doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.61.2009.1489
Pixell H. L. M. 1913. Polychaeta of the Indian Ocean, together with some species from the Cape Verde Islands. The Serpulidae, with a classification of the genera Hydroides and Eupomatus. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Series 2, 16: 69 - 92. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1914. tb 00125. x
Rioja E. 1941 b. Estudios Anelidologicos III. Datos para el conocimiento de la fauna de poliquetos de las costas mexicanas del Pacifico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 12: 669 - 746.
Rioja E. 1942. Estudios Anelidologicos IV. Observaciones sobre especies de serpulidos de las costas del Pacifico de Mexico, con descripcion de una especie nueva del genero Hydroides. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 13: 125 - 135.
Rioja E. 1946. Estudios Anelidologicos XIV: Observaciones sobre algunos poliquetos de las costas del Golfo de Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 17: 193 - 203.
Rioja E. 1947 a. Estudios Anelidologicos XVII: Contribucion al conocimiento de los anelidos poliquetos de Baja California y Mar de Cortes. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 18 (1): 197 - 224.
Rioja E. 1963. Estudios Anelidologicos XXVI: Algunos anelidos poliquetos de las costas del Pacifico de Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 33 (1 - 2): 131 - 229.
Schmarda L. K. 1861. Neue wirbellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde 1853 bis 1857. Erster Band (zweite Halfte) Turbellarian, Rotatorien und Anneliden. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig.
Shepherd W. M. 1972. Reporte hecho sobre el estudio de gusanos Polychaete (sic) asociados con el criadero de ostras de perla (Pinctada mazatlanica) en Bahia Falsa, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Reporte del permiso 15011, otorgado para coleccionar gusanos Polychaete en el Golfo de California. Unpublished report.
Weisbord N. E. 1962. Late Cenozoic gastropods from northern Venezuela. Bulletins of American Paleontology 42 (193): 1 - 672. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / bibliography / 39837 # / summary
Weisbord N. E. 1964. Late Cenozoic scaphopods and serpulid polychaetes from North Venezuela. Bulletins of American Paleontology 47 (214): 111 - 204. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / bibliography / 39837 # / summary
Zibrowius H. 1970. Contribution a l'etude des Serpulidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) du Bresil. Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico do Sao Paulo 19: 1 - 32.
Fig. 9. Serpulids from United States fouling plates. Serpula columbiana. A. Operculum, from Ketchikan Bay, Alaska (SERC-81981). B. Operculum, adult from San Diego, California (LACMNH-Poly4928);. – Spirobranchus kraussii. C-D. Operculum and tube fragment, from Oahu, Hawaii (SERC-114603). E. Colony, from Natal, South Africa (LACMNH-N5217). – S. minutus. F. Tube, from Santa Catarina, Brazil (USNM-43239). G. Operculum, From Tampa Bay, Florida (SERC-93759). Types of collar chaetae. H–J. Bayonet. K. Bayonet with proximal rasp. L. Capillaries. M. Limbate. N. Fin-andblade chaetae. O. Coarsely serrated. – Hydroides sanctaecrucis (H, L). – H. cf. brachyacantha (I). – Spiraserpula ypsilon (J). – H. elegans (K). – H. ochotereana (M).– Pseudochitinopoma occidentalis (N).– Ficopomatus uschakovi (O, modified from Arteaga-Flórez et al. 2014).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Spirobranchus minutus ( Rioja, 1941b )
Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, McCANN, Linda D., Keppel, Erica & Ruiz, Gregory M. 2017 |
Pomatoceros cf. minutus
Bastida-Zavala J. R. & Salazar-Vallejo S. I. 2000: 814 |
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 1995: 25 |
Pomatoleios crosslandi
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 1995: 25 |
Pomatoceros caeruleus
Rioja E. 1963: 220 |
Serpulorbis catella
Weisbord N. E. 1962: 157 |
Pomatoceros minutus
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 2008: 31 |
Lewis J. A. & Watson C. & ten Hove H. A. 2006: 669 |
Perkins T. H. 1998: 95 |
Bastida-Zavala J. R. 1993: 35 |
Shepherd W. M. 1972: 5 |
Zibrowius H. 1970: 15 |
Weisbord N. E. 1964: 161 |
Berkeley E. & Berkeley C. 1958: 405 |
Rioja E. 1947: 215 |
Rioja E. 1942: 130 |
Pomatoceros minutus
Rioja E. 1941: 738 |
Bastida-Zavala et al. 2016: 435 |
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