Pomatostegus stellatus ( Abildgaard, 1789 )

Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, McCANN, Linda D., Keppel, Erica & Ruiz, Gregory M., 2017, The fouling serpulids (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from United States coastal waters: an overview, European Journal of Taxonomy 344, pp. 1-76 : 40-42

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Carolina (2020-05-19 17:24:32, last updated by Plazi 2023-10-31 15:21:05)

scientific name

Pomatostegus stellatus ( Abildgaard, 1789 )


Pomatostegus stellatus ( Abildgaard, 1789) View in CoL

Figs 7A View Fig , 8 View Fig

Terebella stellata Abildgaard, 1789: 142–144 , pl. A, fig. 5A–B (type locality: West Indies, Caribbean


Pomatostegus macrosoma Schmarda, 1861: 31–32 View in CoL , pl. 21, fig. 182 (type locality: South of Jamaica). — Mörch 1863: 398–399 (comparison with P. stellatus View in CoL ).

Pomatostegus brachysoma Schmarda, 1861: 32 View in CoL , pl. 21, fig. 183 (type locality: Jamaica, on coral reef).

Pomatostegus stellatus tetrapoma Mörch, 1863: 397 View in CoL (type locality: Saint Thomas, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea).

Pomatostegus stellatus fruticosa Mörch, 1863: 397–398 (type locality: Saint Thomas, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea).

Cymospira quadruplicata Krøyer in Mörch, 1863: 398 View in CoL , pl. 11, fig. 13 (type locality: Saint Croix, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea, probably the first use of the name; according to Mörch 1863: 398 is P. stellatus pentapoma View in CoL ).

Pomatostegus stellatus View in CoL – Mörch 1863: 396–397, pl. 11, fig. 14 ( Saint Croix and Saint Thomas, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea). — Benedict 1887: 551, pl. 22, figs 32–35, pl. 23, figs 36–37 ( Jamaica and Cura ҫao, Caribbean Sea; shallow water). — Ehlers 1887: 296–300 (East Key, Florida; 24 m). — Treadwell 1902: 210 (Caballo Blanco Reef, Guanica Bay and Ensenada Honda, Puerto Rico). — Augener 1927: 79, textfig. 7 (Spaanse Water and Caracas Bay, Cura ҫao; on coral and mangrove roots). — Treadwell 1928: 483 (near Saba Island, Antilles). — Augener 1934: 118 (Los Testigos Archipelago, Venezuela, and Tagduga, now Taganga, Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean; intertidal to 11 m). — Rioja 1958: 293–296, figs 92–100 (Mexican Caribbean: Chancanab Lagoon, Cozumel). — Zibrowius 1970: 13–14, pl. 3, figs 16–20 (Abrolhos Archipelago, Brazil; 16–48 m; sand and coral debris). — ten Hove & San Martín 1995: 17 (de la Juventud Island, Cuba; 1–6 m; on mollusk shells, mangrove roots, rocks, corals and wood debris). — Perkins 1998: 95 (checklist of shallow-water polychaetes from Florida). — Dueñas 1999: 14 (Santa Marta, Tayrona National Park, Providencia Island, Cartagena Bay and Cispatá Bay, Colombia). — Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 815– 817,figs 3b, 5g–q, 6a–d(San Juan, Puerto Rico; de la Juventud Island, Cuba; eastern Mexico:Alacranes Key, Ría Lagartos and San Felipe, Yucatán; Contoy Island, Nizuc Point, Nichupté Lagoon, Xcacel, Xcayal, Cozumel Island, Xahuayxol and Chinchorro Bank, Quintana Roo; intertidal to 43 m; under rocks with algae, seagrass and sponges, corals and on cement pier covered by Millepora View in CoL spp.).

Pomatostegus macrosoma View in CoL – Mörch 1863: 398–399 (comparison with P. stellatus View in CoL ). — Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 816 (synonymy).

Pomatostegus brachysoma View in CoL – Mörch 1863: 400 (comparison with P. stellatus View in CoL ). — Bush 1910: 498–500 ( Dominica Island, Lesser Antilles, Caribbean Sea). — Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 816 (synonymy).

Pomatostegus stellatus tetrapoma View in CoL – Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 816 (synonymy).

Pomatostegus stellatus fruticosa – Rullier 1974: 72, fig. 9A–I (Batabanó Bay, Cuba; 2 m; in sponge). — Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 816 (synonymy).

Pomatostegus quadruplicatus View in CoL – Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a: 816 (synonymy).

Material examined

One specimen: BB (1) Aug. 2004.


Tube missing. Opercular peduncle spotted, with wide wings ( Fig. 7A View Fig ). Operculum chitinous, forming three concentric plates, joined by central hollow column ( Fig. 7A View Fig ); margin of plates with sharp spines. Collar with “ Spirobranchus ” chaetae, coarsely serrated on subapical section.

Taxonomic remarks

Several publications indicate that Pomatostegus stellatus is widely distributed ( Zibrowius 1970; Imajima 1977, 1982; Imajima & ten Hove 1984, 1986; Nishi 1995b; Bastida-Zavala 2008); however, some authors ( Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a; ten Hove & Kupriyanova 2009) suggest that its distribution could be more limited, as the larvae are short lived and there is very little evidence of large scale dispersal through fouling ( Kupriyanova et al. 2001). Therefore, until further analysis, it is better to distinguish three species geographically: P. stellatus is limited to the tropical western Atlantic, while P. kroyeri Mörch, 1863 is limited to the tropical eastern Pacific region and P. actinoceras Mörch, 1863 is limited to the Indo-West Pacific ( ten Hove & Kupriyanova 2009).


Intertidal to 48 m. On mangrove roots, mollusk shells, corals, sponges, under rocks, wood debris and on a cement pier covered by the coral Millepora spp. ( ten Hove & San Martín 1995; Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a).


Caribbean Sea, from Florida to southern Brazil; in the Gulf of Mexico, it is only recorded from Alacranes Key ( Ehlers 1887; Zibrowius 1970; ten Hove & San Martín 1995; Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000a). In this study, only one specimen of Pomatostegus stellatus was found on a fouling plate from Biscayne Bay, Florida ( Fig. 8 View Fig ).

Abildgaard P. C. 1789. Beschreibung 1. Einer grossen Seeblase (Holothuria Priapus Linn.) 2. Zween Arten des Steinbohrers (Terebella Linn.) 3. Einer grossen Sandrohre (Sabella Linn.). Schriften der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde 9: 133 - 146.

Augener H. 1927. Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Fauna van Curacao. Resultaten eener Reis van Dr. C. J. van der Horst in 1920. Polychaeten von Curacao. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 25: 39 - 82.

Augener H. 1934. Polychaeten aus den Zoologischen Museen von Leiden und Amsterdam. IV Schluss. Zoologische Mededeelingen 17: 67 - 160. http: // www. repository. naturalis. nl / document / 149757

Bastida-Zavala J. R. & Salazar-Vallejo S. I. 2000 a. Serpulidos (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) del Caribe noroccidental con claves para la region del Gran Caribe: Salmacina, Ficopomatus, Pomatoceros, Pomatostegus, Protula, Pseudovermilia, Spirobranchus y Vermiliopsis. Revista de Biologia Tropical 48: 807 - 840.

Bastida-Zavala J. R. 2008. Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids. Zootaxa 1722: 1 - 61.

Benedict J. E. 1887. Descriptions of ten species and one new genus of the annelids from the dredgings of the U. S. Fish Commission Steamer Albatross. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 9: 547 - 553. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00963801.9 - 594.547

Bush K. J. 1910. Description of new serpulids from Bermuda with notes on known forms from adjacent regions. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 62: 490 - 501. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 5526383 # page / 528 / mode / 1 up

Duenas P. D. 1999. Algunos poliquetos (Annelida) del Caribe colombiano. Milenio 1 (2): 9 - 18.

Ehlers E. 1887. Reports on the results of dredging, under the direction of L. F. Pourtales, during the years 1868 - 1870, and of Alexander Agassiz, in the Gulf of Mexico (1877 - 78), and in the Caribbean Sea (1878 - 79), in the U. S. Coast Survey steamer Blake , Lieut-Com. C. D. Sigsbee, U. S. N. and Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. XXXI. Report on the annelids. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 15: 1 - 355.

Hove H. A. ten & San Martin G. 1995. Serpulidae (Polychaeta) procedentes de la I Expedicion Cubano- Espanola a la Isla de la Juventud y Archipielago de los Canarreos (Cuba). Studies on the Natural History of the Caribbean Region 72: 13 - 24.

Hove H. A. ten & Kupriyanova E. K. 2009. Taxonomy of Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta): the state of affairs. Zootaxa 2036: 1 - 126. http: // www. mapress. com / zootaxa / 2009 / f / zt 02036 p 126. pdf

Imajima M. 1977. Serpulidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) collected around Chichi-jima (Ogasawara Islands). Memoirs of the National Science Museum 10: 89 - 111.

Imajima M. 1982. Serpulinae (polychaetous annelids) from the Palau and Yap Islands, Micronesia. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 23: 37 - 55.

Imajima M. & ten Hove H. A. 1984. Serpulinae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Truk Islands, Ponape and Majuro Atoll, with some other new Indo-Pacific records. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 27: 35 - 66.

Imajima M. & ten Hove H. A. 1986. Serpulinae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Nauru, the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) and the Solomon Islands. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 32: 1 - 16.

Kupriyanova E. K., Nishi E., ten Hove H. A. & Rzhavsky A. V. 2001. Life-history patterns in serpulimorph polychaetes: ecological and evolutionary perspectives. In: Gibson R. N., Barnes M. & Atkinson R. J. A. (eds) Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 39: 1 - 101. Taylor and Francis, London, 39.

Morch O. A. L. 1863. Revisio critica Serpulidarum. Et bidrag til rorormenes naturhistorie. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, Series 3, 1: 347 - 470.

Nishi E. 1995 b. Occurrence of Vermiliopsis infundibulum and Pomatostegus stellatus (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) on the living coral at Okinawa, Southwest Japan. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 54: 28 - 32.

Perkins T. H. 1998. Checklist of shallow-water marine polychaetous Annelida of Florida. In: Camp D. K., Lyons W. G. & Perkins T. H. (eds) Checklist of Selected Shallow-water Marine Invertebrates of Florida: 79 - 122. Florida Marine Research Institute, Technical Report 3.

Rioja E. 1958. Estudios Anelidologicos XXII: Datos para el conocimiento de la fauna anelidos poliquetos de las costas orientales de Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 29: 219 - 301.

Rullier F. 1974. Quelques annelides polychetes de Cuba recueillies dans des eponges. Travaux du Museum d'Histoire naturelle Grigore Antipa 14: 9 - 77.

Schmarda L. K. 1861. Neue wirbellose Thiere beobachtet und gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde 1853 bis 1857. Erster Band (zweite Halfte) Turbellarian, Rotatorien und Anneliden. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig.

Treadwell A. L. 1902. The polychaetous annelids of Porto Rico. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 2: 181 - 210.

Treadwell A. L. 1928. Polychaetous annelids from the Arcturus Oceanographic Expedition. Zoologica 8 (8): 449 - 485.

Zibrowius H. 1970. Contribution a l'etude des Serpulidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) du Bresil. Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico do Sao Paulo 19: 1 - 32.

Gallery Image

Fig. 7. Serpulids from United States fouling plates. Pomatostegus stellatus. A. Operculum, from Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118825). – Protula balboensis. B–D. Tube, body and branchial crown, white arrow shows detail of rounded processes, Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118825). E. Body of live adult from Smithsonian Institution station in Bocas del Toro, Panama (photo by Betel Martínez- Guerrero). – Pseudochitinopoma occidentalis. F. Operculum, Puget Sound, Washington (SERC- 33385R). – Pseudovermilia occidentalis. G. Operculum, Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118450). – Salmacina huxleyi. H–I. Tubes, body and collar chaetae, Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118449). – S. tribranchiata. J. Body, Galapagos Island (SERC-233687).

Gallery Image

Fig. 8. Distribution of serpulids (Pomatostegus, Protula, Pseudochitinopoma and Pseudovermilia spp.) from United States fouling plates (closed symbols) and literature records (open symbols).











