Hydroides bispinosa Bush, 1910

Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, McCANN, Linda D., Keppel, Erica & Ruiz, Gregory M., 2017, The fouling serpulids (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from United States coastal waters: an overview, European Journal of Taxonomy 344, pp. 1-76 : 23-24

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scientific name

Hydroides bispinosa Bush, 1910


Hydroides bispinosa Bush, 1910

Figs 4A, 5

Hydroides bispinosa Bush, 1910: 496 (type locality: Bermuda, western Atlantic).

Hydroides crucigera (non Mörch 1863) – Rioja 1958: 250 –251 (Verde Island and Santiaguillo Island, Veracruz, eastern Mexico; on coral and mollusk shells). — Day 1973: 132 (Cape Hatteras and Beaufort, North Carolina; intertidal to 18 m).

Hydroides bispinosus – Díaz 1994: 618 ( Barbados; settlement and succession experiments; 10 m; coral plates, on Montastrea annularis , now Orbicella annularis (Ellis & Solander, 1786)) . — Perkins 1998: 95 (checklist of shallow-water polychaetes from Florida). — Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000b: 844, fig. 1b–l (La Habana, Cuba, and eastern Mexico: Champotón, Campeche; Ría Lagartos and San Felipe, Yucatán; Contoy Island, Nichupté Lagoon and Cozumel Island, Quintana Roo; intertidal to 4 m, on seagrass, algae, sponges, rocks, wood dock pilings). — Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002: 125 –127, figs 11A–I, 15 ( Bermuda, Florida, Aruba and eastern Mexico: Campeche and Quintana Roo; 1–15 m, on pagurid carapace, rocks, wooden pier and coral debris).

Hydroides bispinosa – Wells & Gray 1964: 74 (Cape Hatteras, North Carolina; hard substrates). — ten Hove & Wolf 1984: 55-18 –55-21, figs 55-13, 55-14a–m (western Florida; 19–43 m, coarse to silty sand).

Hydroides sanctaecrucis (non Krøyer in Mörch 1863) – Díaz-Díaz & Liñero-Arana 2001: 11, 13–14, figs 2a–f, 3g–l (Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela; on PVC dock pilings; description and figure).

Material examined

Eight specimens: BB (8) Aug. 2004.


Tube white; with two longitudinal ridges; without peristomes, transverse ridges or alveoli. Opercular peduncle smooth, white. Operculum funnel with 12–19 radii with blunt tips ( Fig. 4A); verticil with 7–10 spines, curving abruptly inwards, almost geniculate, tip of spines pointed; dorsal spines somewhat longer; all spines with basal internal spinule and two lateral spinules in middle position, without external spinules, wings or central tooth ( Fig. 4A). Special collar chaetae with two pointed-elongate teeth and distal blade with small teeth.

Taxonomic remarks

Rioja (1958) recorded Hydroides crucigera Mörch, 1863 from Veracruz, eastern Mexico, a species similar to H. bispinosa because of the presence of two lateral spinules in the verticil spines ( Fig. 4A). However, from their brief description it is possible to deduce by the small number of funnel radii (14) that the specimen corresponds to H. bispinosa rather than to H. crucigera .

Hydroides bispinosa is frequently associated with calcareous substrates and occasionally found on PVC substrates ( Díaz-Díaz & Liñero-Arana 2001). Weisbord (1964: 156) collected an empty tube from northern Venezuela, as H. aff. bispinosa , but identification to species with only the tube, in the genus Hydroides is doubtful.


Intertidal to sublittoral (43 m, ten Hove & Wolf 1984). In tropical and subtropical marine areas, on coral, mollusk shells, seagrass, algae, sponges, rocks and artificial substrates

( Rioja 1958; Díaz 1994; Díaz-Díaz & Liñero-Arana 2001; Bastida-Zavala & Salazar-Vallejo 2000b; Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002).


Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea and eastern United States. In this work, Hydroides bispinosa was occasionally found on fouling plates from Biscayne Bay, Florida ( Fig. 5).

Bastida-Zavala J. R. & Salazar-Vallejo S. I. 2000 b. Serpulidos (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) del Caribe noroccidental: Hydroides y Serpula. Revista de Biologia Tropical 48: 841 - 858.

Bastida-Zavala J. R. & ten Hove H. A. 2002. Revision of Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the Western Atlantic Region. Beaufortia 52: 103 - 178.

Bush K. J. 1910. Description of new serpulids from Bermuda with notes on known forms from adjacent regions. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 62: 490 - 501. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 5526383 page / 528 / mode / 1 up

Day J. H. 1973. New Polychaeta from Beaufort with a key to all species recorded from North Carolina. NOAA Technical Report. NMFS CIRC- 375, Seattle. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 62852

Diaz V. 1994. Polychaetes from the island of Barbados, W. I. Settlement and succession. In: Dauvin J. - C., Laubier L. & Reish D. J. (eds) Actes de la 4 eme Conference international des Polychetes: 618. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle 162, Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris.

Diaz-Diaz O. & Linero-Arana I. 2001. Poliquetos asociados a substratos artificiales sumergidos en la costa nororiental de Venezuela. II: Serpulidae y Spirorbidae. Boletin del Instituto de Oceanografia de Venezuela 40 (1 - 2): 9 - 20.

Hove H. A. ten & Jansen-Jacobs M. J. 1984. A revision of the genus Crucigera (Polychaeta; Serpulidae); a proposed methodical approach to serpulids, with special reference to variation in Serpula and Hydroides. In: Hutchings P. A. (ed.) Proceedings of the First International Polychaete Conference: 143 - 180. The Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney.

Morch O. A. L. 1863. Revisio critica Serpulidarum. Et bidrag til rorormenes naturhistorie. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, Series 3, 1: 347 - 470.

Perkins T. H. 1998. Checklist of shallow-water marine polychaetous Annelida of Florida. In: Camp D. K., Lyons W. G. & Perkins T. H. (eds) Checklist of Selected Shallow-water Marine Invertebrates of Florida: 79 - 122. Florida Marine Research Institute, Technical Report 3.

Rioja E. 1958. Estudios Anelidologicos XXII: Datos para el conocimiento de la fauna anelidos poliquetos de las costas orientales de Mexico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 29: 219 - 301.

Imajima M. & ten Hove H. A. 1984. Serpulinae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Truk Islands, Ponape and Majuro Atoll, with some other new Indo-Pacific records. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 27: 35 - 66.

Weisbord N. E. 1964. Late Cenozoic scaphopods and serpulid polychaetes from North Venezuela. Bulletins of American Paleontology 47 (214): 111 - 204. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / bibliography / 39837 / summary

Wells H. W. & Gray I. E. 1964. Polychaetous annelids of the Cape Hatteras area. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 80 (2): 70 - 78.











