Hydroides cf. brachyacantha Rioja, 1941a

Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando, McCANN, Linda D., Keppel, Erica & Ruiz, Gregory M., 2017, The fouling serpulids (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from United States coastal waters: an overview, European Journal of Taxonomy 344, pp. 1-76 : 24-25

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Carolina (2020-05-19 17:24:32, last updated 2024-11-26 04:57:14)

scientific name

Hydroides cf. brachyacantha Rioja, 1941a


Hydroides cf. brachyacantha Rioja, 1941a View in CoL

Figs 4B View Fig , 5 View Fig

Hydroides View in CoL cf. brachyacanthus – Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002: 154 –155, figs 29A–K, 31A–D, 33 (Cura ҫao, Venezuela and Grenada; intertidal to 20 m, on Rhizophora View in CoL and Thalassia , mud and sand, and a destroyer hull).

Hydroides brachyacantha View in CoL (non Rioja 1941a) – Zibrowius 1970: 6 (São Sebastião, Ubatuba, Brazil; 6–15 m, rocks, corals and gorgonians). — Díaz-Díaz & Liñero-Arana 2001: 11 –12, fig. 2g–m (Cariaco Gulf, Venezuela; on PVC dock pilings).

Material examined

Seven specimens: BB (1) Aug. 2004, PB (6) Aug. 2002.


Tube white; without peristomes, transverse ridges, longitudinal ridges or alveoli. Opercular peduncle smooth, white. Opercular funnel with 19–30 radii with pointed tip ( Fig. 4B View Fig ); verticil with 7–8 spines, strongly curving inwards; dorsalmost spine larger; all spines with basal internal spinule, without external and lateral spinules, or wings ( Fig. 4B View Fig ). Special collar chaetae with two blunt, short teeth and smooth distal blade.

Taxonomic remarks

The nominal species, Hydroides brachyacantha , has been recorded in various parts of the world including Australia ( Dew 1959; Straughan 1967; Kupriyanova et al. 2006), Hawaii ( Straughan 1969; Bailey-Brock 1976, 1987; Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2003; Carlton & Eldredge 2009), Palau and Yap Islands ( Imajima 1982), Truk and Ponape Islands, and Majuro Atoll ( Imajima & ten Hove 1984), Solomon Islands ( Imajima & ten Hove 1986), Israel ( Ben-Eliahu 1991; Ben-Eliahu & ten Hove 1992), northeastern Venezuela ( Díaz-Díaz & Liñero-Arana 2001) and Turkey ( Çinar 2006).

However, most of the records of H. brachyacantha from Australia belong to a new species recently described from Australia, H. amri Sun, Wong, ten Hove, Hutchings, Williamson & Kupriyanova, 2015 . The records from Hawaii also belong to a similar species, recently reported as H. cf. amri ( Bastida-Zavala et al. 2016) .The specimens recorded from Turkey apparently belong to H.brachyacantha sensu stricto, which might have reached the Turkish coast via ship-borne fouling ( Çinar 2006, fig. 2). Due to the absence of a holotype, a specimen collected from the type locality (Mazatlán, Mexico) was designated as the neotype ( Sun et al. 2016b).

While the specimens recorded from the western Atlantic also resemble H. brachyacantha , they do not have the characteristic large knobs on the verticil spines of the nominal species( Bastida-Zavala&ten Hove2003: figs 3A, C, G–K), nor the small “sharp to round knob” of H. amri ( Sun et al. 2015: fig. 3A–B).Apparently, in the Caribbean there are two forms of H. cf. brachyacantha , one from Grenada with a large dorsal spine and six smaller spines on the rest of the verticil ( Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002: fig. 29A–C), and the other from Brazil and Venezuela, with dorsal spines smaller than those in Grenada’s specimens ( Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002: fig. 29D–F). The specimens examined in this survey ( Fig. 4B View Fig ) are more similar to the Brazilian and Venezuelan form.


Intertidal to sublittoral (20 m). In tropical marine areas, on mangrove, seagrass, rocks, corals and gorgonians, and artificial substrates ( Zibrowius 1970; Díaz-Díaz & Liñero-Arana 2001; Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002).


Eastern Caribbean to southeastern Brazil ( Zibrowius 1970; Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002). In this work, Hydroides cf. brachyacantha was occasionally found on fouling plates from Biscayne Bay and Pensacola Bay, Florida ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). This species extends its northward range from Cura ҫao, southern Caribbean ( Bastida-Zavala & ten Hove 2002) to Pensacola Bay, Florida (2700 km).

Bailey-Brock J. H. 1976. Habitats of tubicolous polychaetes from the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll. Pacific Science 30 (1): 69 - 81. http: // scholarspace. manoa. hawaii. edu / bitstream / handle / 10125 / 1532 / v 30 n 1 - 69 - 81. pdf

Bailey-Brock J. H. 1987. Phylum Annelida. In: Devaney D. M. & Eldredge L. G. (eds) Reef and Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Section 3: Sipuncula through Annelida: 213 - 453. Special Publication of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 64.

Bastida-Zavala J. R. & ten Hove H. A. 2002. Revision of Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the Western Atlantic Region. Beaufortia 52: 103 - 178.

Bastida-Zavala J. R. & ten Hove H. A. 2003. Revision of Hydroides Gunnerus, 1768 (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the Eastern Pacific Region and Hawaii. Beaufortia 53: 67 - 110.

Bastida-Zavala J. R., Rodriguez Buelna A. S., de Leon-Gonzalez J. A., Camacho-Cruz K. A. & Carmona I. 2016. New records of sabellids and serpulids (Polychaeta: Sabellidae, Serpulidae) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Zootaxa 4184 (3): 401 - 457. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4184.3.1

Ben-Eliahu M. N. 1991. Red Sea serpulids (Polychaeta) in the eastern Mediterranean. In: Petersen M. E. & Kirkegaard J. B. (eds) Proceedings of the 2 nd International Polychaete Conference. Systematics, Biology and Morphology of World Polychaeta. Ophelia Supplement 5: 515 - 528. Copenhagen.

Ben-Eliahu M. N. & ten Hove H. A. 1992. Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) along the Mediterranean coast of Israel-New population build-ups of Lessepsian migrants. Israel Journal of Zoology 38: 35 - 53.

Carlton J. T. & Eldredge L. G. 2009. Marine Bioinvasions of Hawai'i. The Introduced and Cryptogenic Marine and Estuarine Animals and Plants of the Hawaiian Archipelago. Bishop Museum Bulletins in Cultural and Environmental Studies 4. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu.

Cinar M. E. 2006. Serpulid species (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the Levantine coast of Turkey (eastern Mediterranean), with special emphasis on alien species. Aquatic Invasions 1 (4): 223 - 240. https: // doi. org / 10.3391 / ai. 2006.1.4.6

Dew B. 1959. Serpulidae (Polychaeta) from Australia. Records of The Australian Museum 25 (2): 19 - 56. https: // doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.25.1959.654

Diaz-Diaz O. & Linero-Arana I. 2001. Poliquetos asociados a substratos artificiales sumergidos en la costa nororiental de Venezuela. II: Serpulidae y Spirorbidae. Boletin del Instituto de Oceanografia de Venezuela 40 (1 - 2): 9 - 20.

Imajima M. 1982. Serpulinae (polychaetous annelids) from the Palau and Yap Islands, Micronesia. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 23: 37 - 55.

Imajima M. & ten Hove H. A. 1984. Serpulinae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the Truk Islands, Ponape and Majuro Atoll, with some other new Indo-Pacific records. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 27: 35 - 66.

Imajima M. & ten Hove H. A. 1986. Serpulinae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from Nauru, the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) and the Solomon Islands. Proceedings of the Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology 32: 1 - 16.

Kupriyanova E. K., Macdonald T. A. & Rouse G. W. 2006. Phylogenetic relationships within Serpulidae (Sabellida, Annelida) inferred from molecular and morphological data. Zoologica Scripta 35: 421 - 439. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1463 - 6409.2006.00244. x

Rioja E. 1941 a. Estudios Anelidologicos II. Observaciones acerca de varias especies del genero Hydroides Gunnerus (sensu Fauvel) de las costas mexicanas del Pacifico. Anales del Instituto de Biologia 12: 161 - 175.

Straughan D. 1967. Marine Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) of eastern Queensland and New South Wales. Australian Journal of Zoology 15: 201 - 261. https: // doi. org / 10.1071 / ZO 9670201

Straughan D. 1969. Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Oahu, Hawaii. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 68 (4): 229 - 240. http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 34157438 # page / 811 / mode / 1 up

Sun Y., Wong E., ten Hove H. A., Hutchings P. A., Williamson J. E. & Kupriyanova E. K. 2015. Revision of the genus Hydroides (Annelida: Serpulidae) from Australia. Zootaxa 4009 (1): 1 - 99. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4009.1.1

Sun Y., Wong E., Tovar-Hernandez M. A., Williamson J. E. & Kupriyanova E. K. 2016 b. Is Hydroides brachyacantha (Serpulidae: Annelida) a widespread species? Invertebrate Systematics 30 (1): 41 - 59. https: // doi. org / 10.1071 / IS 15015

Kupriyanova E. K., Sun Y., ten Hove H. A., Wong E. & Rouse G. 2015. Serpulidae (Annelida) of Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Zootaxa 4019 (1): 275 - 353. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4019.1.13

Zibrowius H. 1970. Contribution a l'etude des Serpulidae (Polychaeta Sedentaria) du Bresil. Boletim do Instituto Oceanografico do Sao Paulo 19: 1 - 32.

Gallery Image

Fig. 4. Serpulids from United States fouling plates. Hydroides bispinosa. A. Operculum, from Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118756). – H. cf. brachyacantha. B. Operculum, Pensacola Bay, Florida (SERC- 92415). – H. dianthus. C. Operculum, Corpus Christi, Texas (SERC-87878RB). – H. dirampha. D. Operculum, Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118709). – H. elegans. E. Operculum, San Diego, California (SERC-04075R). – H. floridana. F. Operculum, Corpus Christi, Texas (SERC-87968). – H. gracilis. G. Operculum, San Diego, California (SERC-34585R). – H. longispinosa. H. Operculum, Oahu, Hawaii (SERC-19654). – H. parva. I. Operculum, Biscayne Bay, Florida (SERC-118709). – H. sanctaecrucis. J. Operculum, Tampa Bay, Florida (SERC-66920R).

Gallery Image

Fig. 5. Distribution of serpulids (Hydroides spp.) from United States fouling plates (closed symbols) and literature records (open symbols).











