Rhynchosia phaseoloides (Sw.) DC., Prodr.

Bezerra, Luísa Maria De Paula Alves, Cândido, Elisa Silva, Vargas, Wanderleia De, Torke, Benjamin Marland, Lewis, Gwilym Peter & Perez, Ana Paula Fortuna, 2024, Taxonomic revision of Rhynchosia Lour. (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae, Phaseoleae) in South America, Phytotaxa 643 (1), pp. 1-67 : 51

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.643.1.1



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scientific name

Rhynchosia phaseoloides (Sw.) DC., Prodr.


22. Rhynchosia phaseoloides (Sw.) DC., Prodr. View in CoL 2: 385. 1825. ( Fig. 14 A–C View FIGURE 14 )

Basionym: — Glycine phaseoloides Sw., Prodr. View in CoL 105. 1788. Dolicholus phaseoloides (Sw.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. View in CoL 3(3): 62. 1898. Type: JAMAICA, s.d. (fl./fr.), Swartz s.n. (Lectotype, first-step designated by Grear [1978]; second-step designated here]: S S-R-2422 [digital image!]; isolectotypes: S 10-34209 [digital image!], S 10-34210 [digital image!]). Iconography: Rodriguésia 70: 13. 2019.

Vine climbing or suffrutescent, twining, stems simple or branched, pilose to pubescent, indumentum white to light yellow, with yellow vesicular glands, but lacking bulbous-based trichomes. Stipules 1.2–6 × 1–2 mm, free, caducous, lanceolate, externally pubescent with yellow vesicular glands, but lacking bulbous-based trichomes. Leaves trifoliolate; petiole 1.2–7.7 cm long; leaf rachis 1.5–3.8 cm long; stipels absent; leaflets 2.1–9.7 × 1.9–9.5 cm, ovate, deltoid or rhombic, surface not bullate, attenuate to acuminate at apex, obtuse, truncate or rounded at base, margin entire, pilose to pubescent, with yellow vesicular glands on the abaxial surface. Inflorescences axillary, paniculate, 5.5–30 cm long, many-flowered, exceeding the length of the subtending leaf; bracts caducous; pedicels 0.5–1 mm long. Flowers 4–8 mm long excluding the pedicel; calyx 3–3.5 mm long, pubescent with yellow vesicular glands and bulbous-based trichomes, lobes lanceolate, not exceeding the corolla in length; standard petal 6–9 × 4–6 mm, obovate, emarginate to rounded at apex, pubescent, with yellow vesicular glands and bulbous-based trichomes, claw 1–2 mm long, auricle ca. 0.5 mm long; wing petals 5–8 × 1–2 mm, oblong, claw 1–2 mm long, auricle ca. 0.5 mm long; keel petals 5–8 × 1.5–3 mm, falcate, claw 1–3 mm long; stamens 6–9 mm long; ovary 2.3–3.1 mm long, pubescent, with yellow vesicular glands. Fruits 0.9–2.5 × 0.8–10 mm, greenish to brownish, strongly constricted between the seeds, ovate or oblong, pilose to pubescent, with yellow vesicular glands, but lacking bulbous-based trichomes. Seeds 4–6 × 3–5 mm, suborbicular, bicolored, black and red, areas of coloration almost equal in area.

Nomenclatural and taxonomic notes: — Grear (1978) selected a collection of Swartz from Jamaica housed in S as a lectotype of G. phaseoloides . However, there are three duplicates of this collection in the S herbarium (S S-R-2422, S 10-34210, S 10-34209), and Grear did not specify a particular specimen as lectotype. Therefore, the type designation of Grear (1978) should be treated as a first-step lectotypification and our designation of the specimen with barcode number S-R-2422 constitutes the required second-step (see Turland et al. 2018, Art. 9.17)

Grear (1978) cited R.phaseoloides var. precatoria Grisebach(1866:74) as a synonym of R. phaseoloides . Grisebach (1866) in his protologue of that taxon described it as having red seeds with black blotches and cited the collection Wright 134. When analysing Wright 134, we conclude that R. phaseoloides var. precatoria should be recognized as a synonym of R. precatoria and not R. phaseoloides , and we do not follow the decision of Grear (1978).

Rhynchosia phaseoloides is characterized by its twining stems, its flowers almost sessile (pedicel 0.5–1 mm long), fruits constricted between the seeds, greenish to brownish, and seeds bicolored red and black with areas of coloration almost equal in area ( Fig. 14 A–C View FIGURE 14 ).

Reproductive phenology: —Flowering from February to August, October and November; fruiting throughout the year.

Distribution and habitat: — Rhynchosia phaseoloides has a wide distribution in South America and the Caribbean. In South America, it occurs in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ). It occurs in several environments, including pastures, along roadsides, at forest edges, in rocky and sandy fields (campos rupestres) and in disturbed areas.

Conservation status: —Least Concern (LC). Rhynchosia phaseoloides has an EOO of 20,042,871 km 2 (GeoCAT, accessed in May 2022), and is assessed as LC based on IUCN Red List criteria ( IUCN 2022). It is widespread in South America. This species is used as a cultivated ornamental plant and their attractive seeds are also used for making handicrafts and jewellery.

Selected Specimens Examined:— ARGENTINA. Misiones: Dep. Iguazú, Pedro Bossetti , propriedad Pérez Companc. , faja ecológica, 25 May 1999 (fr.), H. A. Keller 56 ( MBM) . BOLIVIA. s.loc., August 1907 (fl.), O. Buchtien 1802 ( NY) . La Paz: Mapiri , August 1907 (fl.), O. Buchtien 1802 ( US) . Santa Cruz: Guarayos, 60 km eat of Ascension de Guarayos , 25 June 2003 (fr.), N. Raes & G. Iraipi 240 (U) . BRAZIL. Acre: Cruzeiro do Sul , BR 364, linha 01, 13 September 1985 (fr.), A. Rosas Jr. et al. 311 ( INPA, NY, RB) . Alagoas: Quebrangulo, Reserva Biológica Federal de Pedra Talhada , 7 December 2014 (fl.), L. Nusbaumer & A. Cailliau 4523 ( NY) . Amazonas : Manaus, BR 17, km 1, 4 August 1955 (fl./fr.), Chagas s.n. ( UB) ; ibid., Distrito Agropecuário da SUFRAMA, BR 174, km 64, then 23 km east on ZF3, Fazenda Esteio , 30 January 1992 (fr.), M. Nee 42407 ( INPA, NY) ; ibid., km 11 da BR 17, 04 August 1955 (fr.), W. A. Rodrigues s.n. ( INPA) . Bahia: 1 km N. of Agua de Rega, road to Cafarnaum , elev. ca. 1000 m, 28 February 1971 (fr.), H. S. Irwin et al. 31245 ( UB) ; Jequié, BR 116, Vitória da Conquista , 10 March 1977 (fl.), G. Shepherd et al. 4463 ( UEC) ; Nilo Peçanha, Estrada Pratigi—Barra do Serinhaém , 25 November 2015 (fr.), L. P. Queiroz et al. 16179 ( RB) . Ceará: Novo Oriente, Planalto da Ibipaba , s.d. (fr.), F. S. Araújo 468 ( IPA) ; Serra do Ibiapaba entre Tianguá e Ubajara , 15 December 1966 (fr.), D. Andrade Lima 66-4814 ( IPA) . Distrito Federal: Brasília, Bacia do Rio Bartolomeu , 12 June 1980 (fl./fr.), E. P. Heringer et al. 5074 ( UEC) ; ibid., Fazenda Santa Cecília , Núcleo Rural Rajadinha II, 21 August 2012 (fr.), M. H. Fernandes & H. S. C. Brant 232 ( UB) . Espirito Santo: Nova Venécia, Área de Proteção Ambiental da Pedra do Elefante, trilha principal na Mata da Fazenda Santa Rita , 16 July 2008 (fr.), A. M. A. Amorim et al. 7508 ( RB) . Maranhão: Km 374 da Rodovia Belém-Brasília , 26 August 1960 (fr.), E. Oliveira 1043 ( UB) ; Loreto, Ilha de Balsas , 12 April 1962 (fl.), G. Eiten & L T. Eiten 4292 ( RB) . Mato Grosso: Alta Floresta , km 10, 17 June 1995 (fl.), M. Macedo et al. 4202 ( INPA) ; Aripuanã , 31 August 1976 (fr.), J. B. Andrade 3349 ( UEC) ; ibid., near Humboldt Centre, on road to Rio Jurema , 8 October 1973 (fr.), G. T. Prance et al. 18218 ( INPA) ; Barra do Bugres, entre a cidade e Fernandópolis , +/- 10 km depois da usina - MT 246, 28 October 1983 (fr.), N. Saddi 3670 ( RB) ; Colider, Resgate de Flora da UHE Colider , 11 August 2014 (fr.), M. A. S. Zanin et al. s.n. ( RB) ; ibid., Rodovia Cuiabá—Santarém (BR 163), entre Peixoto de Azevedo e divisa MT/PA km 53, 30 August de 1984 (fr.), L. Coradin et al. 7072 ( CEN) ; Estrada entre a cidade de Juruena e Rio Juruena 10º18’ S 58º23’ W, s.d. (fr.), V. C. Souza 18729 ( UEC) GoogleMaps ; Juruena, Estrada entre a cidade de Juruena e o Rio Juruena , ca. de 2 km do Rio Juruena , 10 July 1997 (fr.), V. C. Souza et al. 18729 ( UEC) ; Vila Bela da Santissima Trindade, Fazenda Estrela do Guaporé , 3 September 1979 (fr.), Z. F. Eleonore 10459 ( UEC) . Minas Gerais: ca. 34 km E. of Belo Horizonte, road (BR 31) to Roças Novas , ca. 1500 m elev., 17 January 1971 (fr.), H. S. Irwin et al. 30587 ( UB) ; Dionísio, Cemas , 06 February 1986 (fl.), W. G. Campos 24 ( BHCB) ; Novo Cruzeiro , beira de estrada no interior da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, 02 October 2004 (fl.), J. R. Stehmann et al. 3608 ( BHCB) . Pará : s.loc, km 163 da Rodovia Belém-Brasília, campo de viação, 2 May 1960 (fl.), E. Oliveira 647 ( UB) ; s. loc., Km 289-293 da Rodovia Belém-Brasília, 31 July 1960 (fr.), E. Oliveira 943 ( UB) ; s.loc., Rio Itacaiuna , 18 June 1949 (fl.), R. L. Froes & G. A. Black 24538 ( UB) ; Belterra, Floresta Nacional do Tapajós , ramal que corta o km 117 da Cuiabá Santarém 3º20’53’’S 54º55’45’’W, 8 November 2015 (fr.), V. F. Mansano et al. 1078 ( RB) GoogleMaps ; Bragança, Colonia Benjamin Constant. Estrada Sul km 8, 11 October 1979 (fl.), J. Jangoux & M. F. F. Silva 1168 ( RB) ; Maraba, Carajás, Serra Norte , Mina de Manganês H -7, 01 June 1983 (fr.), M. F. F. Silva et al. 1432 ( INPA) ; Marapanim, Marudazinho , 30 July 1958 (fl.), P. B. Cavalcante 476 ( INPA) ; Monte Dourado, Rio Jari, estrada que vai para Pilão , km 60, 04 October 1978 (fl.), N. T. Silva 4915 ( NY, UEC) ; Pau D’arco, Marajoara , 5 June 1997 (fl.), J. Grogan 246 ( INPA) ; Salinópolis , arredores da CELPA, 10 November 1976 (fr.), M. G. Silva 2835 ( RB) . Paraíba: Sousa, São Gonçalo , 30 July 1941 (fr.), J. Gadelha 11 ( IPA) . Paraná: Diamante do Norte, Estação Ecológica do Caiuá, mata do Fundão , próximo ao rio Paranapanema , 20 November 2014 (fr.), M. G. Buchoski & V. L. Silva 12 ( HUEM) ; São Jerônimo da Serra, Estrada da Reserva Indigena , 24 March 1988 (fl.), M. Silveira et al. s.n. ( UEC) ; Tuneiras do Oeste , Reserva Biológica das Perobas, estrada interna, 07 March 2012 (fr.), M. G. Caxambu 3902 ( FLOR) . Pernambuco: Barreiros, Mata da Gia , 03 December 1999 (fr.), J. R. R. Cantarelli, et al. 226 ( PEUFR) ; Igarassu, Mata Atlântica, Usina São José Mata do Cabus , 01 February 2007 (fr.), A. Bocage et al. s.n. ( IPA) ; ibid., Refúgio Ecológico Charles Darwin , 21 January 1996 (fr.), M. Falcão 83 ( PEUFR) ; Ponta de Pedras , orla de mata na entrada para a cidade, 17 November 1997 (fr.), M. B. Costa e Silva 1424 ( PEUFR) ; s.loc., Restinga Venda Grande , 4 September 1949 (fr.), Andrade Lima 49-302 ( IPA) ; Serra Branca , 6 May 1971 (fr.), E. P. Heringer et al. 573 ( UB) . Rio De Janeiro: Atafona , March 1942 (fl./fr.), A. J. Sampaio 8883 ( SP) ; Cabo frio, restinga da estrada para Masambaba , 24 April 1969 (fl./fr.), D. Sucre et al. 4922 ( RB) ; Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, Morro Azul, trilha de acesso à mata do Instituto de Zoobotânica , 27 January 1998 (fr.), M. C. F. Santos et al. 115 ( RB) ; Nova Iguaçu, Parque Municipal de Nova Iguaçu , estrada da cachoeira, entre a sede e a primeira ponte sobre o rio D. Eugênia, lado esquerdo, 07 June 2006 (fr.), M. C. F. Santos et al. 1824 ( RB) ; Rio de Janeiro, Barra da Tijuca km 8 da Rio-Santos, 1 August 1977 (fr.), L. Mautone 197 ( RB) . Rondônia: Jaciparaná , on the road WNW of village, 24 June 1968 (fr.), G. T. Prance et al. 5166 ( INPA) ; Porto Velho, área perturbada próximo a córrego, Linha de Transmissão Jirau , 19 October 2011 (fr.), M. F. Simon et al. 1372 ( INPA) ; ibid., BR -364, km 771 linha de transmissão ( LT) 56.1, Fazenda Realeza , 27 July 2011 (fr.), A. A. Santos & J. F. Lacerda Jr. 3431 ( INPA) . Santa Catarina: Armazém, Floresta Ombrófila Densa , 06 April 2010 (fl./fr.), M. Verdi et al. 4185 ( RB) ; Florianópolis, Ilha de Santa Catarina, Rio Vermelho , 17 December 1969 (fl.), Klein & Bresolin 8513 ( FLOR) ; Siderópolis, Santo Antônio , 28º37’12,00’’ S 49º30’00,00’’, 10 May 2011 (fl.), A. Korte 6815 ( RB) . Sergipe: Estância, Praia do Abais , 28 November 1993 (fr.), A. M. A. Amorim et al. 1553 ( NY, RB) . São Paulo: Amparo, Monte Alegre , 31 March 1943 (fr.), M. Kuhmann 495 ( SP) ; Campinas , disturbed forest alond roadside, km 242–246, 22 July 1968 (fr.), E. Forero et al. 6426 ( INPA) ; Gália, Estação Ecológica de Caetetus ( estação Ecológica Olavo Amaral Ferraz ), 07 July 1994 (fr.), J. R. Pirani et al. 3248 ( SP, UEC) ; Ilha São Sebastião , 27 July 1971 (fr.), J. Mattos & N. Mattos 15744 ( SP) ; Monte Alegre , região montanhosa, 14 June 1994 (fr.), L. C. Bernacci et al. 326 ( SP) ; Nova Odessa, Instituto de Zootecnia, Fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual degradada, -22,76538. -47,279138, 01 July 2015 (fl.), R. M. Barroso et al. s.n. ( UEC) ; s.loc. Estrada para Barra do Turvo , 24º47’04.6’’ S 48º28’43.3’’ W, s.d. (fl.), H. F. Leitão Filho et al. 32753 ( SP, UEC) GoogleMaps ; São Paulo, Butantam , 31 December 1917 (fr.), F. C. Hoehne s.n. ( SP) ; ibid., Chácara dos Morrinhos, 18 July 1940 (fr.), B. Pickel 4660 ( IPA) ; ibid., Reserva Biológica Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga , 25 February 1981 (fl.), M. L. F. Melo et al. 244 ( SP) ; São Vicente, Prainha , 15 November 1943 (fl.), F. C. Hoehne & M. Kuhlmann 1088 ( SP) ; Valinhos, Reserva Florestal de Valinhos , 16 June 1977 (fr.), M. E. M. Ramos et al. s.n. ( UEC) . COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Puerto Berrio, Vereda Alicante, Fica Penjamo , em la vía San Juan de Bedout— La Cabaña , 5 March 1990 (fr.), R. Callejas, F. J. Roldán, V. Maza 9376 ( NY) . Del Quindio: Calarca, La Moracita , Las Acacias , 21 April 1987 (fr.), G. Arbelaez et al. 2020 ( NY) . Meta: Rio Duda, Parque Nacional Natural Tinigua, Rio Duda , Serranía Chamusa , May 1997 (fr.), P. Stevenson 2078 ( NY) . Tolima: Falán, región de Calamonte , 7 December 1939 (fr.), H. G. Barriga 8385 ( US) . CUBA. Prope villam Monte Verde dictam, Cuba Orientali , 01 January 1859 (fl./ fr.), C. Wright 133 (P 02748847) . ECUADOR. Napo: Tena, Estación Biológica Jatun Sacha , 12 January 1995 (fr.), N. Revelo 98 ( NY) . FRENCH GUIANA. Guyane: Cayenne , 17 July 1921 (fl.), W. E. Broadway 852 ( NY) . Saül : along airport road and vicinity of airstrip, 18 June 1988 (fl./fr.), S. Mori & C. Gracie 19015 ( NY) ; ibid., in vicinity of village and airport, 24 August 1987 (fl./fr.), N. Marshall & J. Rombold 172 ( NY) ; ibid., Monts La Fumée , 29 October 1982 (fr.), S. Mori & B. Boom 15141 ( NY) ; ibid. Route de Bélizon , a environ 2 km de Saul, 1979 (fr.), Granville 5514 ( NY) . GUYANA. Berbice River, Waranania Ranch , 7 June 1958 (fr.), S. G. Harrinson & R. Persauds s.n. ( NY) ; Kariako Village, Barama River, North-West district Mora riparian forest upstreams of Kariako Village , 20 January 1996 (fl.), T. van Andel & A. Samuels 908 ( NY) ; Potaro-Siparuni, Paramakatoi , trail to Youwang & Monkey, 24 February 1996 (fr.), D. Clarke 1257 ( NY) ; Region U, Takutu U, Essequibo, upper Essequibo River , adjacent mouth of Kuyuwini River , 2 October 1993 (fr.), T. W. Henkel et al. 3333 ( NY) ; Rupunini, Kuyuwini Landing , 30 October 1992 (fl.), M. J. Jansen-Jacobs et al. 3189 ( NY) ; ibid., Rupununi Savanna, Mora Savanna, near Torobaroe , 19 November 1987 (fr.), M. J. Jansen-Jacobs et al. 1052 ( NY) ; Upper Mazaruni River region, vicinity of Kamarang , 13 April 1987 (fr.), B. Boom & D. Gopaul 7274 ( NY) . HAITI. Amérique, St. Domingue , 01 January 1826 (fr), D. Poiteau s.n. (P 02748844) . PARAGUAY. Alto Paraná: entre Hernandarias y Puerto Indio , 09 October 1980 (fr.), J. F. Casas & J. Molero 4141 ( NY) . Paraguari: National Park Ybycui , 3 km south of nothwestern corner of park, 22 June 1991 (fr.), E. Zardini & R. Velázquez 27709 ( NY) . PERU. Cajamarca: San Ignacio, San José de Lourdes, Las Cañas , 28 August 1999 (fr.), J. Campos & W. Vargas 6158 ( NY) . Junín: Along Rio Perene , near “Hacienda 3”, 16–18 June 1929 (fr.), E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 25201 ( NY) . Loreto: Coronel Portillo, 5 km w.s.w. Pucallpa , valley of Rio Ucayali, 1 November 1947 (fr.), F. R. Fosberg 28929 ( US) ; Masisea , alt. about 275 m, 25 June 1929 (fr.), E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 26843 ( NY) ; Yurimaguas, lower Río Huallaga , September 1929 (fr.), E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith 28305 ( NY) . San Martín: Mariscal Cáceres, Quebrada de Huaquisha, márgen derecha del Río Huallaga , 2 July 1974 (fr.), J. S. Vigo 7118 ( NY) ; San Martín, Laguna Sauce , 18 October 1985 (fr.), L. Ramírez & A. Sotero 078-85 ( NY) . PUERTO RICO. Utuado, ad los Angeles, 17 January 1887 (fl.), P. Sintenis 5923 (P 02748846); ibid., in declivibus ad Pellejas , 07 June 1886 (fr.), P. Sintenis 4491 (P 02748842) . SURINAME. Jodensavanne-Mapane kreek area ( Suriname R), near camp 8 on loamy sand, 11 April 1960 (fr.), J. P. Schulz 8460 ( NY) ; Zanderij , 23 May 1917 (fr.), Arbor 2892 ( US) . TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. “ Hts. of Aripo road”, roadside, 17 May 1963 (fr.), M. B. Kalloo B.637 ( NY) . “ North post to Maqueripe ”, 22 March 1920 (fr.), N. L. Britton et al. 908 ( NY) . VENEZUELA. Barinas: Pedraza, trail from Alto de La Aguada , 20 April 1988 (fr.), L. J. Dorr et al. 4913 ( NY) . Bolívar: 1-10 km W from Rio Grande , E of El Palmar, roadside, 06 July 1975 (fr.), A. Gentry & P. Berry 14998 ( NY) ; Cedeño, Serranía de los Pijiguaos , 1989 (fr.), N. Cuello. 739 ( NY) ; Las Trincheras, Selvas Pluvialesy de galeria de la Reserva Florestal Rio Caura , camiño Rio Urbani , 15 February 1986 (fr.), B. Stergios, G. Aymard & N. Cuello 8908 ( NY) . Distrito Federal: Vargas, subiendo por Macuto entre Paso de los Borrachos y San José de Gallipán , Parque Nacional El Avila , 19 April 1988 (fr.), A. Castillo 2855 ( NY) . Sucre: Peninsula de Paria, Cerro Patao, Norte de Puerto de Hierro , Noreste de Guiria , July 1962 (fr.), J. A. Steyermark 91325 ( NY) .


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


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Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuária, IPA


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Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


Instituto de Botânica


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Rhynchosia phaseoloides (Sw.) DC., Prodr.

Bezerra, Luísa Maria De Paula Alves, Cândido, Elisa Silva, Vargas, Wanderleia De, Torke, Benjamin Marland, Lewis, Gwilym Peter & Perez, Ana Paula Fortuna 2024

Dolicholus phaseoloides (Sw.)

Sw. 1898: 62
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