Vanhornia formosana Abe, Yamagishi et Konishi, 2024

Abe, Junta, Yamagishi, Kenzo & Konishi, Kazuhiko, 2024, Review of the family Vanhorniidae (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupoidea), with the description of two new species, Zootaxa 5507 (3), pp. 427-438 : 430-431

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5507.3.2

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scientific name

Vanhornia formosana Abe, Yamagishi et Konishi

sp. nov.

Vanhornia formosana Abe, Yamagishi et Konishi , sp. nov. ( Figs. 2A–G View FIGURE 2 )

Diagnosis. Punctures between median ocellus and frontal transverse carina large, larger than punctures on anterior half of head; frontal transverse carina present; apical margin of labrum convex. Scutoscutellar sulcus with six foveae; mesodiscrimen with six strong foveae; transverse carina on dorsal part of propodeum incomplete; postero-lateral part of propodeum with smooth area. Syntergite with longitudinal ridges, reaching to a maximum of 0.4 length of syntergite, not touching first thyridium; antero-dorsal margin of syntergite almost straight.

Description. Female. Body length 5.1 mm. Color. Body black; scape, apical part of flagellum, coxae, trochanters, and femora brown; basal part of flagellum, tibiae, tarsi, and ovipositor reddish brown.

Antenna. Scape widened apically, 1.3 times as long as width of its anterior margin, 2.8 times as long as pedicel; length to width ratio of F9–11: 1.8: 1; 1.9: 1; 2.8: 1.

Head. Head punctate, with sparse setae, 1.3 times as wide as its medium length and 1.1 times as wide as mesoscutum in dorsal view; face 1.1 times as long as inner distance of eyes; upper part of gena 1.7 times as long as width of eye laterally; eyes suboval, slightly narrowed ventrally; POL: OOL=1.5: 1; frontal transverse carina present; frons bulged in dorsal view, punctures between median ocellus and frontal transverse carina large, larger than punctures on anterior half of head; diameter of antennal socket 0.13 times as long as inner distance of eyes, area between antennal sockets rugose; antennal scrobe present; epistomal sulcus distinct; apical margin of clypeus weakly concave, 0.4 times as wide as inner distance of eyes; malar space very short; median longitudinal sulcus on postero-dorsal part of vertex and antero-dorsal part of occiput weak. Mandible with five distinct teeth; apical margin of labrum convex.

Mesosoma. Dorsal and postero-lateral part of pronotum punctate, antero-lateral part of pronotum rugose; epomia present; pronotal collar punctate, sparsely setose; dorso-lateral margin of pronotal shoulder developed. Anterior margin of mesopleuron rugose, ventral part of mesopleuron weakly punctate, with setae; mesopleural carina (anterior ridge of mesopleuron) extending to postpectal carina; mesopleural furrow smooth, its anterior part weakly punctate; mesepimeral sulcus strongly foveolate; mesodiscrimen with six strong foveae; mesoscutum punctate, 1.6 times as wide as long; anterior margin foveolate; notaulus with seven foveae; parapsidial sulcus weakly indicated; axilla foveolate; scutoscutellar sulcus with six foveae; lateral margin of scutellum weakly foveolate, posterior margin with some foveae; postscutellum foveolate, with median longitudinal carina; dorsal part of metanotum scrobiculate. Metapleuron areolate-rugose, with small smooth area; metapleural carina (carina connecting metapleural smooth area and dorso-anterior margin of propodeum) present. Dorsal part of propodeum with three longitudinal carinae, transverse carina incomplete; posterior part of propodeum areolate; postero-lateral part of propodeum with smooth area.

Wings. Fore wing 3.2 mm long. Vein Rs+M not connected to Cu; radial cell 3.9 times as long as wide; R (costal vein of radial cell) 1.5 times as long as wide of stigma; 1cu-a interstitial to M; hind wing with two hamuli on anterosubmedial margin.

Metasoma.Syntergite1.9 times as long as maximum width, some longitudinal ridges reaching basal0.4 or shorter, not touching first thyridium; antero-dorsal margin of syntergite almost straight; posterior margin of synsternite with some wrinkles; tergite 6 punctate, antero-dorsal margin smooth, dorso-lateral margin finely punctate; ovipositor reaching around posterior margin of mesodiscrimen.

Male. Unknown.

Holotype. Female. Taiwan: Pingdong Country, Mudan Township, Mt. Gaoshifo-shan , 22°07’51.4” N 120°48’36.8” E, 463 m, 31 III 2019, K. Uemori ( ELKU). GoogleMaps

Host. Unknown.

Distribution. Taiwan.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the name of type locality, “formosa” which is the historical name of Taiwan.

Remarks. This new species is closely related to V. quizhouensis in having the following character states: frontal transverse carina present; apical margin of clypeus convex; mesodiscrimen with about six foveae; ridges on syntergite not touching first thyridium. However, it can be distinguished by following characters: punctures between median ocellus and frontal transverse carina larger than ones on anterior half of head (same size in V. quizhouensis ); scutoscutellar sulcus with six foveae (five in V. quizhouensis ); transverse carina on dorsal part of propodeum incomplete (complete in V. quizhouensis ).













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