Hyalopale furfuricula, Watson & Tilic & Rouse, 2019

Watson, Charlotte, Tilic, Ekin & Rouse, Greg W., 2019, Revision of Hyalopale (Chrysopetalidae; Phyllodocida; Annelida): an amphi-Atlantic Hyalopale bispinosa species complex and five new species from reefs of the Caribbean Sea and Indo-Pacific Oceans, Zootaxa 4671 (3), pp. 339-368 : 357-359

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Plazi (2019-09-18 09:59:31, last updated 2023-10-30 19:06:09)

scientific name

Hyalopale furfuricula

sp. nov.

Hyalopale furfuricula View in CoL sp. nov.


Figs 1D View FIGURE 1 ; 10 View FIGURE 10 A–B; 11 A–C

Paleanotus chrysolepis Hartmann-Schröder, 1960: 71 View in CoL

Paleanotus cf. chrysolepis View in CoL Ben- Eliahu, 1976: 159

Hyalopale View in CoL sp. Watson Russell, 1987: 668, fig. 27.4

Material examined. Holotype. NTM W.25602, Red Sea, Egypt, Al Ghurdaqah, Stn. B 27, littoral, coll. V. Storch, donated 1986, 1: 16NE, L: 1.1mm, W: 0.4mm, gametes.

Paratype. HZM P. 277743, Al Ghurdaqah, intertidal, near sub-fossil coral reef, bushy algae, coll. Remane, March, 1956, 1: 9E, L: 0.6mm, W: 0.38mm .

Additional material. HUJ AN.1.53, Red Sea, Israel, Gulf of Elat, Wadi Kabila, Dendropoma infauna, intertidal, 2: 1E, 16 segments, L: 1.1mm, W: 0.38mm; HZM P.14052, Western Indian Ocean , Mozambique, Inhambane, 23 47’S, 35° 31’E, 25 Sept 1967, coll. Hartmann-Schröder, algal scrapings, 1, 14NE in 3 sets of fragments, W: 0.6mm GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Mid-body main paleae with rounded brow, minute apices, (20) 22–24 ribs, multiple shallow raised ribs with minute denticles.

Description (based on holotype unless indicated otherwise). Prostomium retracted within segments II and III, more visible in ventral view, with two pairs melded red eyes; notopodia of segment II with six spines ( Fig. 10 A, B View FIGURE 10 ). Barrel-like pharynx with two stylets, posterior caeca present. Mid-body notopodium with lateral spine; main paleae number nine, with (20) 22–24 (25) ribs and 9–10 (12) shallow raised ribs supporting small denticles that loosely line up in rows ( Fig. 11 A View FIGURE 11 , Red Sea; Fig. 11B View FIGURE 11 , Mozambique); midline spines absent. Lateral and midline-most main paleae slightly more symmetrical, often with slightly involute shallow apices and 18–22 ribs ( Fig. 11C View FIGURE 11 ). Main paleae relatively broad, with rounded brow, tiny, rounded apices, inner margin with minute serrations, convex margin with better-formed serration leading to apex. Notopodia with slender dorsal cirri, style extending just over half length of main paleae fan. Mid-body neurochaetae comprise: four long-bladed superior group; five mid superior; ~10 midgroup falcigers with slightly shorter, broader-blades with longer serrations; ~5 inferior group with shorter, slender blades. Total approximately 25/26. Ventral cirri finger- like, length to neuropodial tip.

Remarks. Watson Russell (1987) figured a small individual of Hyalopale sp. from the Red Sea, possessing three pairs of eyes and typical lateral spines ( Watson Russell 1987: 668, Fig. 27.4). Hartmann-Schröder (1960) identified material from Ghardaga as Paleanotus chrysolepis and Ben-Eliahu (1976) recorded Paleanotus cf. chrysolepis from intertidal sabellariid and vermetid reefs in the Gulf of Elat, with lateral ‘acicular notosetae’ (= lateral spines) and noted green material in the body. Re-examination of these specimens in addition to that from HZM museum collections identified as Paleanotus chrysolepis by Hartmann-Schröder from Mozambique, proved to be Hyalopale furfuricula sp. nov. The morphology of Hyalopale furfuricula sp. nov. main paleae from individuals of the Red Sea and Mozambique closely agrees especially in the characteristic main paleal shape with a distinctive rounded brow with tiny, almost involute apices plus the numbers of internal ribs and raised ribs with small denticles. These notochaetal characters distinguish Hyalopale furfuricula sp. nov. from all other conspecifics, including those in adjoining regions: H. cf. bispinosa , Mediterranean Sea, to the north (cf Figs 1D, B View FIGURE 1 ) and H. angeliensis sp. nov. to the east (cf Figs 1 D, E View FIGURE 1 ). The mid-body neurochaetae of Hyalopale furfuricula sp. nov. are shorter, with broader more robust blades, and distinct curved distal tips that are less attenuate, when compared to those of H. angeliensis sp. nov. and H. sapphiriglancyorum sp. nov. Unfortunately, no DNA sequences could be acquired for this new species.

Etymology. The species name, furfuricula , is a diminutive form of furfur from the Latin and refers to the many tiny raised denticles or flakes on the dorsal surface of the main paleae, which forms a type of ‘scurf’.

Ben Eliahu, M. N. (1976) Errant polychaete cryptofauna (excluding Syllidae and Nereidae) from rims of similar vermetid reefs on the Mediterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Eilat. Israel Journal of Zoology, 25, 156 - 177.

Hartmann-Schroder, G. (1960) Polychaeten aus dem Roten Meer. Kieler Meeresforschungen, 16, 69 - 125.

Watson Russell, C. (1987) Chrysopetalidae. In: Bhaud, M. and Cazaux, C. Eds. Description and identification of polychaete larvae: their implications in current biological problems. Oceanis, 13, 660 - 670.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Composite plate comparing notochaetal main paleae in Hyalopale species. A. Hyalopale bispinosa s.s. Florida, W. Atlantic; B. H. cf. bispinosa Crete, Mediterranean Sea; C. H. leslieae sp. nov. Florida Keys, W. Atlantic; D. H. furfuricula sp. nov. Mozambique, W. Indian Ocean; E. H. angeliensis sp. nov. Western Australia, E. Indian Ocean; F. H. zerofskii sp. nov. California, E. Pacific; G. H. sapphiriglancyorum sp. nov. E. Indonesia, W. Pacific. Note: correct number of raised and internal ribs figured.

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FIGURE 10. H. furfuricula sp. nov. Red Sea, Holotype, NTM W.25602. A. anterior end, dorsal view; B. ventral view.

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FIGURE 11. H. furfuricula sp. nov. A–B. Inhambane, Mozambique, HZM P.14052. A. detail of 3 lateral-most main paleae, B. detail of middle group palea; C. Red Sea, Holotype, NTM W.25602, detail of midline-most main and middle group paleae.


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