Zygoribatula longa, Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2010

Mahunka, S & Mahunka-Papp, L, 2010, New And Little Known Oribatid Mites From The Carpathian Basin And The Balkan Peninsula (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (3), pp. 211-234 : 227-229

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584418



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scientific name

Zygoribatula longa

sp. nov.

Zygoribatula longa View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 31–39 View Figs 31–35 View Figs 36–39 )

Material examined. Holotype: E-2561: Greece, Arkadia county Magouliana, spruce forest SW of the village, 1130 m, N37°39.404’ E22°06.976’, 06.04.2009. Leg.: L. DÁNYI GoogleMaps , J. KONTSCHÁN, D. MURÁNYI 2009/50 and 5 paratypes from the same sample. 2 paratypes: E-2557: Greece, Larisa county , Ossa Mts, Beech forest, 1115 m, N39°47.865’ E22°45.298’ 09.04.2009. Leg.: L. DÁNYI GoogleMaps , J. KONTSCHÁN, D. MURÁNYI 2008/48. Holotype (1783-HO-10) and 5 paratypes (1783-PO-10) deposited in HNHM , 2 paratypes in MHNG .

Diagnosis. With the main characters of Zygoribatula (see FRANKLIN et al. 2008). Rostrum conical. Lamellae and translamella of equal width, lamellae without cusp. Prodorsal setae different in size and length. Sensillus extremely long, longer than interlamellar setae, its head narrow bearing long bristles. Fourteen pairs of short and smooth notogastral setae. All porose areas rounded, Aa much larger than the others. Circumpedal carina not reaching the lateral margin of ventral plate. Lyrifissures iad immediately anterior to anal opening.

Measurements. Length of body: 356–395 µm, width of body: 232–266 µm.

Prodorsum. Rostral apex triangular in dorsal view. Lamella, translamella and sublamella uniform in width, with fine transversal and longitudinal lines ( Fig. 36 View Figs 36–39 ) and without lamellar cusp ( Fig. 24 View Figs 23–30 ). Prodorsal setae thin, all narrowed, setiform, finely barbed. Seta le longer than the others, among them seta ex short and smooth. Bothridium with elongate, basal tubercle. Sensillus ( Fig. 35 View Figs 31–35 ) extremely long, longer than distance between setae in. Its head symmetrical, shorter than peduncle, distinctly barbed.

Notogaster. Longer than wide, anterior margin distinctly convex ( Fig. 31 View Figs 31–35 ). Sejugal porose area small. A small humeral apophysis present, bearing setae with short bristles. Some longitudinal striae absent. Rest of notogastral surface without sculpture. Fourteen (rarely thirteen) pairs of thin, short, simple – excepting setae c 1 –, smooth notogastral setae. Posteromarginal setae (p 1 – p 3) shorter than the others. Octotaxic system consisting of rounded porose areas, Aa much larger than A 1 – A 3.

Lateral part of podosoma. Prodorsum without prolamella; but sublamella, sublamellar and humeral(?) porose area and a weak tutorial line present ( Fig. 33 View Figs 31–35 ). Lateral surface in front of sublamelar porose area with polygonal pattern. Pedotectum I narrow, bearing setae 1c. Setae ro, le and ex with fine distal end, this part blunter than in setae in. Their length: le> in> ro> exa.

Ventral regions. Mentum broad, shape typical diarthric, bearing distinctly barbed setae (h). Coxisternal region weakly sclerotised, with weak pattern. Only apodemes 2 and sejugal apodemes well developed, forming a broad transverse bridge ( Fig. 32 View Figs 31–35 ). Longitudinal apodemes absent. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3. Setae 1c, 3c and 4c distinctly barbed, much thicker than the smooth and thinner epimeral setae. All lateral setae marginal on pedotecta I, pedotecta II and discidium. Genital aperture much smaller than anal opening. Surface of all fields – except epimeres 3 and 4 – smooth. Genitoanal setal formula: 4–1–2–3, all setae short and simple. Lyrifissures iad located between setae ad 3, near to anal aperture ( Fig. 37 View Figs 36–39 ). Postanal porose area very narrow, hardly observable.

Legs. All legs hetero-tridactylous.

Remarks. The new species is primarily characterised by the extremely long sensillus, by the small dorsosejugal porose area, by the fourteen (rarely thirteen) pairs of notogastral setae, by the position of lyrifissures iad, and the position of anterior adanal setae. On the basis of the form of lamellae and the combination of other features, the new species is closest to Zygoribatula glabra (MICHAEL, 1890) sensu WEIGMANN (2006) ( Figs 38–39 View Figs 36–39 ). However, the absence of the lamellar cusp, the form of humeral apophysis and setae c 1, the absence of longitudinal lines in posthumeral position and the anal aperture located far from setae ad 3 the new species may be distinguished from Z. glabra and from the other species belonging to its kinship.

Etymology.The species name refers to the shape of the conspicuously long and narrow sensillus. anal region


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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