Oribatella valeriae, Mahunka & Mahunka-Papp, 2010

Mahunka, S & Mahunka-Papp, L, 2010, New And Little Known Oribatid Mites From The Carpathian Basin And The Balkan Peninsula (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (3), pp. 211-234 : 225-226

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584418

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Oribatella valeriae

sp. nov.

Oribatella valeriae sp. n.

( Figs 23–30 View Figs 23–30 )

Material examined. Holotype: E-2564: Greece, Arkadia county , Tetrazi Mts, Ag. Theodora, oak forest the spring, 610 m, N37°20.96’ E21°59.342’, 05.04.2009. Leg.: L. DÁNYI GoogleMaps , J. KONTSCHÁN, D. MURÁNYI, 2009/44 and 6 paratypes from the same sample. Holotype (1782-PO-10) and 5 paratypes (1782-PO-10) deposited in HNHM , 1 paratype in MHNG .

Diagnosis. Rostrum with a sharp median apex. Lamellae long, narrow, its median and lateral cusps equal in length. Interlamellar region with transversal bridge, median tooth absent. Tutorium serrated dorsally. Sensillus bacilliform, curved. Interlamellar setae phylliform. Notogastral surface striated anteriorly and covered with microtubercles posteriorly. Epimeral region coarsely striated. Apodemes and borders weakly developed. Epimeral setae very short, setae 3c and 4c similar to each other. All legs monodactylous.

Measurements. Length of body: 285–313 µm, width of body: 181–204 µm.

Integument. Surface of whole body covered with microtubercles and/or striated pattern ( Fig 23 View Figs 23–30 ). Surface of tutorium reticulate, surface of ventral plate with microtubercles and pits. Surface of median part of lamellae, of notogaster, of mentum and of epimeres covered with microtubercles. Lateral part of lamellae, of tutorium and of epimeres with longitudinal striae.

Prodorsum. Rostral apex sharply pointed, with convex lateral margin ( Fig. 24 View Figs 23–30 ). Rostral setae ( Fig. 26 View Figs 23–30 ) dilated, phylliform, curved medially, unilaterally barbed. Lamella long, cusps equal in length, with some secondary teeth on its outer margin. A short, bridge-shapedarch present between them. Long striae extending longitudinally along outer margin of lamellae, median part with microtubercles. Interlamellar region without tooth, a short bridge present posteriorly. Lamellar setae ( Fig. 27 View Figs 23–30 ) short and thick, distinctly barbed, extending beyond tip of rostrum. Interlamellar setae ( Fig. 28 View Figs 23–30 ) phylliform, strongly narrowing anteriorly, barely barbed, reaching to lamellar apex. Sensillus ( Fig. 29 View Figs 23–30 ) bacilliform, rounded distally, directed medially, finely roughened.

Notogaster. Anterior margin straight or slightly concave. Some transversal striae present in humeral position. Pteromorpha large, without incision. Four pairs of small porose areas, Ap much larger than posterior ones. Ten pairs of fine, smooth and short notogastral setae present, all directed laterally, posterolaterally and posteriorly. Setae lm arising far behind la, in former arching as lateral notogastral setae. Setae p 1 and p 2 much shorter than the others.

Lateral part of podosoma. Genal tooth comparatively small. Tutorium very large with many teeth dorsally and anterodorsally, some teeth present also on dorsal margin ( Fig. 30 View Figs 23–30 ). Pedotectum I covering acetabulum completely, its surface striate.

Ventral parts. Epimeral setae very short. Epimeral setal formula: 3–1–3–3. Setae 4c slightly longer than 3c, much shorter than discidium, setiform ( Fig. 25 View Figs 23–30 ). All setae in ventral plate short or minute. Postanal porose area conspicuously long, longer than diameter of anal aperture.

Legs. All tarsi monodactylous.

Remarks. Only one species of the genus Oribatella is known having phylliform interlamellar setae ( O. phyllophora JELEVA, 1962 ). The new species is very close to this species ( CSISZÁR & JELEVA 1962). However, the lamellar apices are equal in length in the new species (well differing in phyllophora ), the interlamellar setae extend to the lamellar apices (much shorter in phyllophora ) and the bridge shaping the transversal crest is in interlamellar position (absent in phyllophora ).

Etymology. With much love we dedicate the new species to our friend Dr. VALERIE BEHAN-PELLETIER, the excellent oribatidologist, from whom we have learnt a great deal. At the same time, we send our heartiest greetings upon the occasion of her retirement. eral view


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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