Pentacentrus dulongjiangensis, Li & Xu & Liu, 2019

Li, Ruotong, Xu, Fei & Liu, Hao-Yu, 2019, A contribution to the taxonomy of the genus Pentacentrus Saussure (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Pentacentrinae), Zootaxa 4671 (3), pp. 434-438 : 436-437

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4671.3.9

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scientific name

Pentacentrus dulongjiangensis

sp. nov.

Pentacentrus dulongjiangensis sp. nov.

Figs. 2–8 View FIGURES 2–5 View FIGURES 6–8

Type material. Holotype 3: CHINA, Yunnan, Gongshan, Dulongjiang , 17.VIII.2018, leg. Kai Sun, Zhipeng Li. Paratypes: 53: same data as the holotype.

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to P. medogensis Zong, Qiu & Liu 2017 , but can be distinguished by the light brown tegmina with some small regular dark brown areas; genitalia differently shaped; epiphallus parameres bent inwards at apex; lateral lobes not bent at apex. In P. medogensis , tegmina with large irregular dark brown areas; epiphallic parameres bent outwards at apex; lateral lobes of epiphallus slightly bent outwards at apex.

Description. Male: Body small and slender ( Figs. 2–3 View FIGURES 2–5 ). Head rather short, frontal rostrum as broad as scapus; median ocellus small and transverse oval; lateral ocellus rather large and longitudinal oval; eyes irregular oval and distinctly projecting; apical joint of maxillary palpi distinctly widened and sloped at apex, longer than third joint; apical joint of labial palpi slightly widened. Pronotum shape similar to isosceles trapezium, disk with a pair of nearly triangular impressions; anterior margin straight, posterior margin sinuate and slightly protruding in midway; lateral lobes longer than high, anterior lower angles widely rounded, posterior lower angles rounded, lower margin straight. Tegmina longer than abdomen, with 4 longitudinal veins on dorsal area; hind wings distinctly longer than tegmina, reaching apex of hind tibia. Metathorax strong, without gland ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2–5 ). Fore tibia with a large and oblong internal tympanum, slightly shorter than half of the length of tibia, without external tympanum. Hind tibia with four long spines on each margin of apical portion, and some very small spines on basal portion, of which 2–4 along outer margin and 1–3 along inner margin. Abdominal tergite I with a pair of small swellings, tergite II with a large triangular swelling at the center inclined forwards ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2–5 ).

Supra-anal plate ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 2–5 ) slightly wider than long, slightly narrowed posteriorly, covered with short setae in dorsal area; posterior margin distinctly emarginate in middle. Subgenital plate rather long, narrowed apically, posteriorly rounded. Genitalia ( Figs. 6–8 View FIGURES 6–8 ): epiphallus rather short, distinctly transverse; lateral lobes of epiphallus wide, blunt at apex; medial lobes of epiphallus large sac-like, with a pair of small, long acute teeth at bases; epiphallic parameres very elongate, covered with several short hairs and blunt inwards at apex; ectophallic parameres moderately elongate, reaching a third of epiphallus parameres.

Female. Unknown.

Coloration. Body brown. Antenna white in a small segment near the joint, others brown. Tegmina light brown with some small dark brown spots, which are transverse and irregular. Lateral field dark brown. All femora dark brown, and hind femora with light brown bands on bases and middle parts, others brown.

Measurements (mm). Male: body 8.9–10.0, length with wings 13.8–14.9, pronotum 1.2–1.5, tegmen 8.1–8.9, hind femur 5.7–6.3.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from its type locality, Dulongjiang ( China: Yunnan).

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