Epidendrum echinatiantherum Hagsater , E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquen, 2023

Arista, Jessy Patricia, Hagsater, Eric, Santiago, Elizabeth, Edquen, Jose D., Pariente, Eli, Oliva, Manuel & Salazar, Gerardo A., 2023, New and noteworthy species of the genus Epidendrum (Orchidaceae, Laeliinae) from the Area de Conservacion Privada La Pampa del Burro, Amazonas, Peru, PhytoKeys 227, pp. 43-87 : 43

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scientific name

Epidendrum echinatiantherum Hagsater , E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquen

sp. nov.

Epidendrum echinatiantherum Hagsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquen View in CoL sp. nov.

Fig. 6 View Figure 6

Type material.

Peru. Amazonas: Prov. Bongará: Distr. Yambrasbamba: Perla del Imaza, Área de Conservación Privada La Pampa del Burro, Bosque de Piedra, 1682 m, 28 Aug. 2021, J. P. Arista, J. D. Edquén, E. Yrigoín & L. Iliquin 151 (holotype: KUELAP!).


Similar to Epidendrum madsenii Hágsater & Dodson, both vegetatively and florally, but the main distinguishing feature is the dark vinaceous anther with the central green vertical rib with a heavily echinate apical, elongate, pyramidal, truncate process, covered by numerous disorganized white bristles (vs. dark brown-black anther without a green vertical rib, and an unornamented apical process, which is laminar, forming an erect, semi-tubular laminar flap, the margins dentate).


Epiphytic, sympodial, branching, pendulous, herb, 8-13 cm long. Roots ca. 0.7 mm in diameter very thin, basal on primary stems. Stems 4.5-13 × 2-3 cm, laterally compressed, new stems produced from sub-apical node of previous stem, sometimes from base of primary stem. Leaves 10-25 per stem, distributed throughout the length of the stems, articulate, twisted at base so as to be on same plane of stem as in Dichaea; sheaths 0.4-0.6 × 0.35-0.45 cm, tubular, laterally compressed, ancipitose, minutely rugose, green; leaves 1.1-4.3 × 0.6-1.2 cm, ovate to lanceolate, acute, fleshy, succulent, margins entire, spreading, medium green. Spathe lacking. Inflorescence apical, racemose, sub-corymbose, pendulous, from mature stem, sessile, 3-flowered. Floral bracts 6-8 × 6-7 mm, conduplicate, widely cordiform when spread, dorsally carinate, especially toward apex, embracing. Flowers 3, more or less simultaneous, pendulous, pale green, sepals tinged pale brown, calli white; fragrance not recorded. Sepals 9.5 × 3 mm, nearly spreading, free, narrowly lanceolate, acute, 3-veined, lateral sepals dorsally carinate, apex aristate, margins entire, somewhat revolute. Petals 9 × 1 mm, free, nearly spreading, linear-lanceolate, acute, 1-veined, margins entire, slightly revolute. Lip 7.5 × 6.0 mm, united to basal half of column, deeply 3-lobed, fleshy, thick, calli 1.1 mm long, basal, digitiform, divergent, disc unornamented, lateral lobes 4.0 × 2.2 mm, transversely ovate, apex narrowly rounded, nearly spreading flat in natural position, at a 45° angle to midline of lip; mid-lobe 4.5 × 2.6 mm, semi-elliptic, apex rounded. Column 5.5-6.2 mm long dorsally including clinandrium hood, straight, body of column (to rostellum) about half as long as hood. Clinandrium hood prominent, semi-tubular, somewhat funnel-shaped, margin erose-dentate, anther deep within. Anther reniform, dark vinaceous with central green vertical rib, with an elongate pyramidal, truncate flap at apex, covered by numerous disorganized white bristles, heavily echinate. Pollinia 4, lentil-shaped, caudicles soft and granulose. Rostellum apical, nearly at an 80° angle with axis of column, slit; viscarium semi-liquid. Lateral lobes of stigma large, transverse, triangular with stigmatic cavity vertical, transverse. Cuniculus penetrating nearly to base of pedicellate ovary, somewhat wide, forming an elongate ventral vesicle in pedicel. Ovary 7.5-10 × 2-3 mm including pedicel, terete, straight, inflated nearly to base by elongate vesicle, slightly more inflated basally. Capsule not seen.


Known only from the type collection, in Amazonas, Peru, on the eastern slope of the Andes at 1682 m altitude.

Habitat and ecology.

Epiphytic in wet montane forest on white sand, covered by accumulated organic material, dominated by palms, with Cinchona sp. and Cedrela sp. Presence of many Bromeliaceae , mosses. Growing on dry hanging thin branch covered by moss.


Flowering in August.

Taxonomic notes.

Epidendrum echinatiantherum belongs to the Nanum Group, which is characterized by the Dichaea -like horizontal or pendulous stems and the inflorescence produced by pairs of opposite flowers without spathes, but with prominent floral bracts. The new species is characterized by the few flowers, the cuniculus forming a long ventral swollen vesicle nearly reaching the base of the pedicellate ovary, relatively large, the sepals 9.5 mm long, the deeply 3-lobed lip with prominent ovate lateral lobes on the lip, the semi-elliptic mid-lobe and the prominent clinandrium hood, somewhat funnel-shaped and especially the reniform anther, dark wine-red with central green vertical rib, with an elongate pyramidal, truncate flap at apex, covered by numerous disorganized white bristles, heavily echinate. It is most similar to Epidendrum madsenii , which also has a prominent, very long swollen vesicle at the base of the ovary, nearly as long as the ovary itself, the pale green flowers, the prominent 3-lobed, erose clinandrium hood, the triangular, acute mid-lobe of the lip, and the ornamentation of the anther consisting of a transverse, dentate process in front. It closely resembles Epidendrum lueri Dodson & Hágsater, which has pinkish yellow flowers with a bright yellow lip, a denticulate clinandrium-hood, but it is neither 3-lobed nor fimbriate.


From Latin echinatus, bristly, furnished with numerous rigid hairs, or straight prickles, and anthera, the cover of the pollinarium at the apex of the column, which has an appendage heavily covered with white bristles, a rare and prominent feature of this species.