Abalakeus Southcott, 1994

SabooriK, Alireza, KapankayaK, Alperen, CakmakK, Ibrahim & HakimitabarK, Masoud, 2023, A discussion on the validity of the genus Abalakeus (Acari: Erythraeidae) with a redescription of A. gonabadensis, Acarologia 63 (2), pp. 295-305 : 296

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24349/1icc-70f3

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scientific name

Abalakeus Southcott, 1994


Abalakeus Southcott, 1994 View in CoL

Definition of larva (after Southcott 1994, updated)

Scutum with two normal setae on each side (2 + 2); coxal setal formula: 1, 1, 1; basifemural setal formula: 2, 2, 1; TFe I with one solenidion; Ge I with one solenidion on the proximal half of the segment, Ge II with one solenidion, anterior tarsal claw hook-like, posterior tarsal claw pulvilliform with numerous ventral onychotrichs and without hook element; with two sternalae II (2a), bases of posterior sensillary (PSens) setae well-separated; palp femur and palp genu, each with one seta, odontus bifurcate at termination.

Also, leg normal setal formula is as follows: fn Cx = 1-1-1, fn Tr = 1-1-1, fn BFe = 2-2-1,

fn TFe = 5-5-5, fn Ge = 8-8-8, fn Ti = 14-15-15, fn Ta = 24–28, 22–24, 22–24 ( Table 1). We checked A. lorestanicus and A. gonabadensis and fn Ta for both species is 26-23-23 and here is corrected for both species. Also, number of normal setae on Ge II of A. checkei was checked and it was 8, so fn Ge will be 8-8- 8 in this species too. Southcott (1994) showed only 7 normal setae in Figure 3 View Figure 3 .

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