Hauptenia daliensis Sui & Chen, 2023

Sui, Yong-Jin, Yang, Lin, Long, Jian-Kun, Chang, Zhi-Min & Chen, Xiang-Sheng, 2023, Review of the genus Hauptenia Szwedo (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Derbidae), with descriptions of two new species from China, ZooKeys 1157, pp. 95-108 : 95

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scientific name

Hauptenia daliensis Sui & Chen

sp. nov.

Hauptenia daliensis Sui & Chen sp. nov.

Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 4 View Figures 1–4 , 14-22 View Figures 14–22

Type material.

Holotype, ♂, China: Yunnan, Dali, Mt. Cangshan (25.67°N, 100.13°E), 18 June 2009, B. Li & Z-H. Yang. Paratypes, 3♂, same data as holotype.


Body length (including fore wing): male 4.56-4.71 mm (n = 4); fore wing length: male 4.02-4.17 mm (n = 4).


Coloration. General color dark brown. Vertex (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ), gena (Figs 4 View Figures 1–4 , 16 View Figures 14–22 ), antennae, subantennal process, pronotum and tegula slightly lighter. Frons (Fig. 15 View Figures 14–22 ) and clypeus with lateral margin dark. Rostrum brown, with apex fuscous. Eyes (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 4 View Figures 1–4 , 14-16 View Figures 14–22 ) slightly dark red. Ocelli (Figs 4 View Figures 1–4 , 16 View Figures 14–22 ) yellowish white. Mesonotum (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ) brown, with median carina slightly lighter. Fore wing (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 4 View Figures 1–4 ) dark brown except cell of ScP lighter, veins concolor. Hind wing subhyaline, brownish, veins lightly darker. Thorax with ventral areas yellow to orange red. Legs brownish yellow. Genital segment dark brown.

Head and thorax. Head (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ) including eyes distinctly narrower than pronotum (1: 1.44), short. Vertex (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ) trapezoidal, length between basal angles wider than length in middle line (3.6: 1), slightly projecting in front of eyes, posterior margin concave, lateral carinae slightly elevated, median carina absent, disk slightly depressed. Frons (Fig. 15 View Figures 14–22 ) longer in middle line than at the widest parts (1.45: 1), shorter than clypeus (1: 1.48), near apical 2/5 widest, disk depressed in entire length, lateral carinae keeled. Clypeus distinctly carinate medially from near base 1/3. Apical segment of rostrum longer than wide. Antennae (Figs 4 View Figures 1–4 , 15 View Figures 14–22 , 16 View Figures 14–22 ) short, second antennomere subglobose, flagellum originated from apical point. Subantennal processes distinct, ear-shaped. Transversely oblique carina across the gena between subantennal process and lateral carina of frons distinct. Eyes (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 4 View Figures 1–4 , 14-17 View Figures 14–22 ) semicircular. Lateral ocelli (Figs 4 View Figures 1–4 , 16 View Figures 14–22 ) distinct, adjacent to eyes and antennae. Median length of pronotum distinctly less than that of vertex, anterior margin between eyes broadly convex, length behind eyes slightly greater than median length. Mesonotum (Figs 3 View Figures 1–4 , 14 View Figures 14–22 ) dorsally elevated, in lateral view raised above vertex, with median carinae reaching to the apical 1/3, posterior end triangularly depressed. Fore wing (Fig. 17 View Figures 14–22 ) narrow, ~ 3 × as long as at the widest point, clavus closed, RA with one or two terminal(s), MP with four sectors. Hind wing (Figs 18 View Figures 14–22 ) shorter than fore wing, with RP reaching to apical margin, CuA with two terminals. Hind tibia without lateral spine. Spinal formula of hind leg 7-6-5.

Male terminalia. Anal tube (Fig. 19 View Figures 14–22 ) moderately long, in dorsal view, lateral margin narrowed gradually toward the near middle and then wider slightly toward apex, width at base larger than the narrowest part ~ 2.5: 1, length in middle line (including epiproct) than widest part at base ~ 1.62: 1, dorsolateral margin convex medially near base; epiproct turned ventrad. Pygofer (Fig. 19 View Figures 14–22 ) in lateral view distinctly shorter dorsally than ventrally, dorsocaudal angle not produced. Gonostyli (Fig. 19 View Figures 14–22 ) symmetrical, short and stout, apical margin truncate, dorsocaudal angle produced into finger-shaped process; each inner lower surface with small hook apically; inner side of laterodorsal margin with broad projection distad, in left lateral view, left hook shorter and smaller than apical hook, apical hook slightly turned outward at end. Phallic complex (Figs 21 View Figures 14–22 , 22 View Figures 14–22 ) asymmetrical. Periandrium curved, with a small acute process at end, visible in both left and right lateral views; in right view, a strong process arising from near end, wavy and parallel with periandrium approximately. Endosoma complex, with three lobes and five processes of different sizes. Among three lobes, in left lateral view, the largest lobe (L1) with dorsal margin produced into triangular process near apical 1/3, and with keel from apex to near apical 1/3 near ventral margin; in right lateral view, the largest lobe ventral margin rolling up at third of apex, another two small lobes (L2, L3) arising from ca. middle of endosoma dorsally. In left lateral view, a long and slender process (P1) arising from basal of endosoma, a process (P2) arising from the ventral margin of the largest lobe near apical 2/5, curved and pointed cephalad; and in right lateral view, a slender process (P3) and a process (P4) broad at base, all curved at dorsal margin, pointed oppositely; another process (P5) arising from ca. middle of endosoma ventrally, abruptly narrowed subapically, acute at apex, pointed caudally.


This species is similar to H. fellea (Yang & Wu) but differs from the latter in the hind wing (Fig. 18 View Figures 14–22 ) with CuA with two terminals (CuA with three terminals in H. fellea ); gonostyli (Fig. 19 View Figures 14–22 ) with apical margin truncate (gonostyli with apical margin obliquely truncate in H. fellea ); endosoma (Figs 21 View Figures 14–22 , 22 View Figures 14–22 ) with three lobes and five processes (endosoma with two lobes and four processes in H. fellea ).


This species is named after the collection site of the holotype, Dali City in Yunnan.

Host plants.



China (Yunnan).











