Cataglyphis viaticoides, , Arnoldi, 1964:, 1809

Agosti, Donat, 1990, Review and reclassification of Cataglyphis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), Journal of Natural History 24, pp. 1457-1505 : 1495

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Donat (2015-02-10 18:50:43, last updated 2024-11-26 10:34:17)

scientific name

Cataglyphis viaticoides


Cataglyphis viaticoides View in CoL View at ENA (E. André)

Myrmecocystus albicans var. viaticoides E. Andre, 1881: 57 . Syntypes workers, Lebanon (Beyrouth, leg. Abeille), MNHP, MHNG [examined; see note below], [Later changes: Myrmecocystus albicans r. viaticoides, Forel, 1902a: 156 ; Myrmecocystus albicans var. viaticoides, Forel, 1904: 383 View Cited Treatment ; Myrmecocystus albicans ssp. viaticoides, Emery, 1906: 53 ; Cataglyphis (Cataglyphis) albicans ssp. viaticoides, Emery, 1925: 263 View in CoL ; Cataglyphis (Cataglyphis) albicans st. viaticoides, Santschi, 1929a: 55 View in CoL ; Cataglyphis (Cataglyphis) albicans ssp. viaticoides, Menozzi, 1933: 85 View in CoL ; Cataglyphis viaticoides, Arnoldi, 1964: 1809 View in CoL .] (Description of male genitalia: Arnoldi, 1964: 1809, fig. 9; distribution: Tinaut and Plaza, 1989: 197.)

Note. The syntypes do not correspond with the current conception ( Kugler, 1988 and personal communication, Collingwood, personal communication) of viaticoides , since all the syntypes are uniform bright yellow and do not have a darker gaster.

Tinaut and Plaza (1989) point out that the bicoloured form in the Iberian peninsula might be rosenhaueri and not viaticoides , but do not give diagnostic characters to separate the taxa.

One worker syntype in MHNG is labelled ‘Sevilla’ and is possibly misidentified (= rosenhaueri !).

Andre, E., 1881, Catalogue raisonne des formicides provenant du voyage en Orient de M. Abeille de Perrin et description des especes nouvelles, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 1 (6), 51 - 78.

Arnoldi, K. V., 1964, [Hochste und spezialisierte Vertreter von Lauferameisen und der Phaetonart der Cataglyphis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in der Fauna der UdSSR]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 43, 1800 - 1814 (in Russian).

Emery, C., 1906, Rsssenga critica della specie paleartiche del genere Myrmecocystus, Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Sciencze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Classe di Scienze Fisiche. Bologna, 3 (6), 47 - 61.

Emery, C., 1925, in P. Wytsman (ed.), Genera Insectorum, Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Subfam. Formicinae, fase. 182,302 pp.

Forel, A., 1902 a, Les fourmis du Sahara Algerien, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 46, 147 - 158.

Forel, A., 1904, Note sur les Fourmis du Musee Zoologique de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences a St Petersbourg, Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya Imperatoroskoi Akademii Nauk, 8 (1903), 368 - 388.

Kugler, J., 1988, 9. The zoogeography of social insects oflsrael and Sinai, in Y. Yom Tov and E. Tchernov (eds), The Zoogeography of Israel (Dordrecht: Junk), pp. 251 - 275.

Menozzi, C., 1933, Le Formiche della Palestina, Estratto dalle Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 12, 49 - 113.

Santschi, F., 1929 a, Etudes sur les Cataglyphis, Revue Suisse Zoologique, 36, 25 - 70.

Tinaut, A. and Plaza, J. L., 1989, Situacion taxonomica del genero Cataglyphis Forster, 1850, en la Peninsula Iberica. I. Las especies del subgenero Cataglyphis Former (Hym. Formicidae), EOS. Revista Espanola de Entomologia, 65 (1), 189 - 199.











