Fustiaria steineri, Scarabino, 2008

Scarabino, Victor, 2008, New species and new records of scaphopods from New Caledonia, Mémoires du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle 196, pp. 215-268 : 236

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-08-31 23:29:53, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-06 13:02:14)

scientific name

Fustiaria steineri

sp. nov.

Fustiaria steineri View in CoL n. sp.

Figs 1o, 2i

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype (lv) MNHN 20099 About MNHN and 10 paratypes (5 lv, 5 dd) MNHN 20100-20101 About MNHN .

TYPE LOCALITY. — North of New Caledonia, Grand Passage, 18°48’S, 163°15’E, 600-616 m [BATHUS 4: stn DW 914] GoogleMaps .

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Indonesia. KARUBAR: stn DW 49, 20100); stn DW 921, 18°46’S, 163°17’E, 610-613 m, 1 dd GoogleMaps .

Tanimbar Islands, 8°00’S, 132°59’E, 206-210 m, 2 lv, 4 dd. Norfolk Ridge. SMIB 8: stn DW 189, Banc Aztèque, 23°18’S, North of New Caledonia. BATHUS 4: stn DW 914, Grand 168°06’E, 400-402 m, 1 dd.

Passage, 18°48’S, 163°15’E, 600-616 m, 4 lv, 3 dd (holotype Vanuatu. MUSORSTOM 8: stn DW 1044, 16°54’S, 168°23’E, MNHN 20099 and 6 paratypes MNHN 20101); stn DW 918, 444- 469 m, 1 dd; stn DW 1048, 16°40’S, 168°04’E, 450-489 m, 18°49’S, 163°15’E, 613-647, 3 lv, 33 dd (4 paratypes MNHN 2 dd.

DISTRIBUTION. — New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Indonesia, live in 613-616 m, shells in 210-613 m.

DESCRIPTION. — Shell up to 38.5 mm long, solid, glossy. Fresh shells opaque white on dorsal side, translucent on ventral side because of the difference in shell thickness. Slightly curved, sculptured with fine growth lines only. Apex oblique projecting callus present, and long straight slit present on ventral side. In section, dorsal side of shell is thicker than ventral side throughout. Mouth oblique.

Measurements of holotype: L 38.5, W 3.5, w 0.75, arc 2.4.

REMARKS. — This species is characterized by its general shape, section and glossy surface, and by the dorsal-ventral difference in the thickness of the shell, which in fresh specimens gives the ventral side a translucent appearance and the dorsal side an opaque appearance.

ETYMOLOGY. — Named after Gerhard Steiner (University of Vienna, Austria) for his highly valuable contribution to knowledge of the Scaphopoda.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle











