Eucypridinae Bronshtein, 1947

Batmazǿ, Filiz, Yavuzatmacaǿ, Mehmet, Received, Okan Külköylüoğlu Ǿ, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2024, Description of a new species (Eucypris dorlionensis n. sp.) (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from Türkiye and a cladistic analysis of the genus Eucypris, Turkish Journal of Zoology 48 (2), pp. 113-127 : 115-121

publication ID 10.55730/1300-0179.3166

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Eucypridinae Bronshtein, 1947


Subfamily Eucypridinae Bronshtein, 1947 View in CoL Genus Eucypris Vávra, 1891

Type species

Eucypris virens (Jurine, 1820) View in CoL

3.2. Taxonomy

Eucypris dorlionensis View in CoL n. sp.

Figures 3-7 View Figure 3 View Figure 4 View Figure 5 View Figure 6 View Figure 7

3.2.1. Diagnosis of the new species

A medium sized species. Carapace elliptical. Valves almost straight with slightly rising on the dorsal side, and concave on the ventral side. Valve margin without denticles. In external view, valve margin with small, pitted area anteriorly and posteriorly. Presences of fine hair-like setae on the carapace surface. Porenwarzen absent. Left valve larger than right valve on the anterior side. In dorsal view, anterior end of the valves thinner with a slightly beak-shape, and posterior end rounded. The greatest height of carapace on the frontal side of the middle point. Calcareous inner lamella (CIL) of both valves broad and have vertical lines. Selvage peripheral. Simple pores are present. Hinge adont. Antenna (A2) with short swimming (natatory) setae, the longest one barely reaching the middle of penultimate segment. Maxillular palp of distal segment cylindrical and slightly curved, teeth on the third segment smooth. Walking leg (T2) terminal claw (h2) as long as the last three segments. Uropodal attachment long and slender with broad basal segment. Anterior claws slightly serrated. 3.2.2. Etymology

The species is named after the former name (Dorlion) of Eskişehir province.

3.2.3. Type locality

A trough (39°27’16”N, 30°35’35.4”E) in Yukarısöğüt village , Seyitgazi county of Eskişehir province, Türkiye. Collected from the type locality by Mehmet Yavuzatmaca, Filiz Batmaz and Çağatay Çapraz GoogleMaps .

3.2.4. Holotype

One female with soft body parts dissected in lactophenol solution and sealed in a slide and valves kept dry in micropaleontological slides for SEM illustrations (slide no: OK-TR-ES:01).

3.2.5. Paratype

Four females dissected (slide no: OK-TR-ES 02-05) and valves stored dry in micropaleontological slides. Total of 19 individuals and 30 carapaces collected from type locality kept in a vial in 70% ethanol.

3.3. Description

Carapace ( Figure 3 View Figure 3 ): Female: mean L = 1.18 mm, mean H = 0.57 mm, mean W = 0.63 mm, (n = 5). Elliptical carapace with slightly rounded in front of the middle point ( Figures 3C–3F View Figure 3 ). LV overlaps RV. Maximum width behind the middle point ( Figure 3A, 3B View Figure 3 ). Anterior margin beak shaped in dorsal view, and narrower than the posterior margin. Posterior end rounded. Ventral margin concave with a small and rounded expansion anterio-ventral. Valve surface smooth with sparse, fine hair without porenwarzen anteriorly. Muscle scars typical to the genus ( Figure 3H View Figure 3 ). Calcareous inner lamella broader on anterior side than the posterior side with radial lines horizontally.

A1 ( Figure 4A View Figure 4 ): Seven segmented. The first segment with two long smooth ventral setae, one short and one long serrated mid-dorsal setae. Rome organ not seen. The second segment broaden with a smooth short dorso-apical seta. The third segment longer than the fourth segment, bearing a medium-sized smooth apical seta and a short ventral apical seta, both smooth. The fourth segment with four apical setae, two dorso-apical setae long extending the tips of the terminal segment, and one long and a short ventral seta. The fifth segment bearing four long apical setae (two dorsal and two ventral), dorsal setae longer than the length of the ventral setae. The sixth segment with four unequally long, smooth setae. Terminal segment with two long natatory smooth setae, one shorter seta, and an aesthetasc Ya.

A2 ( Figure 4B View Figure 4 ): Four segmented. The first segment with no setae. Exopodial plate with one long and two unequally short smooth setae. Y aesthetasc short and two segmented, slightly broaden on the tip. The second segment with one long serrated apico-ventral seta reaching to the tip of the terminal segment and distally five equally long natatory setae, slightly reaching the middle of the penultimate segment. Penultimate segment with two unequally long dorsal setae, four unequally long t-setae inserted midventrally, three unequally long z-setae (length ratio z1> z2> z3), z1 seta reaching to the tips of the G1 claw. G2 claw slightly longer than G1 and G3 claws. Terminal segment with a claw-like GM and one short Gm claw and an aesthetasc y3. y2 aesthetasc not seen.

Md ( Figure 5A View Figure 5 ): Md-palp four segmented. Md-coxa elongated with distally inserted ca 7 teeth, 8 setae in the interstitial spaces, and a short plumosed subapical seta. The basal segment with a respiratory plate bearing six short plumose setae ventro-distally one long smooth seta, two setose s-setae (S1 and S2) and a short α seta. The second segment with two unequally long smooth dorso-apical setae, a group of unequally long four setae and, one plumosed and 3 smooth ventral setae, β-seta not seen. The third segment with a group of unequally long four smooth setae inserted mid-dorsally, three smooth ventro-apical setae (two long and one short), a row of four apical setae and one slightly stout plumose γ-seta. Terminal segment with four thin and smooth setae, three long and one shorter than others.

Mxl ( Figure 5B View Figure 5 ): Bearing a two-segmented palp, three endites and a vibratory plate with six plumose setae. First palp segment consisting of four apical setae, one longer (plumosed) than the three smooth thin setae (one shorter than others), and a long setose subapical seta. Second palp slightly elongated and cylindrical, with 7 smooth setae; two of them longer than the others. Third endite with two smooth setae (“Zahnbürsten”).

Rake-Like Organ ( Figure 5C View Figure 5 ): Small and with moderately narrow rod and distally inserted ca eight blunt teeth.

T1 ( Figure 5D View Figure 5 ): With a small palp, bearing three apical setae (h2> h1> h3). Respiratory plate with four long and one short plumosed setae. Protopodite with two short equally long a setae, b and d setae equally long and plumose, c seta slightly plumose and short about 1/3 seta b, and distally with eight apical setae unequally long (three slightly plumose, five smooth) and four subapically inserted plumose setae with different length.

T2 ( Figure 6A View Figure 6 ): First segment with a long d1 seta. Length of d1 seta ca 2x long d2 seta. The second segment with a distally located plumose e seta reaching about the middle of the third segment. The third segment with an apically inserted plumose f seta reaching about the tip of the subterminal segment. Subterminal segment carrying an apically short g seta about size of the next segment. The terminal segment with a very long h2 claw and two almost equally long plumosed h1 and smooth h3 setae.

T3 ( Figure 6B View Figure 6 ): Three segmented. First segment with 3 unequally long and smooth d setae (dp> d2> d1). Second segment elongated and distally long setose e seta, extending half of the next segment. Terminal segment, with a medially inserted setose f seta, reaching to the end of the segment, h2 seta pincer-like, and h3 seta long about the length of the segment.

GenitalOrgan ( Figure 6C View Figure 6 ): Smoothandsubrectangular in shape, slightly tapering.

Uropod ( Figure 6D View Figure 6 ): Well developed. Anterior claw (Ga) slightly serrated and equal to about ½ length of ramus. Dorsal margin smooth. Ga approximately twice the posterior claw (Gp). Anterior (Sa) and posterior (Sp) setae smooth and equally long. Uropodal attachment with a single narrow and proximally branched ramus.

Males not known.











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