Tupistra longispica

Averyanov, Leonid V., Nguyen, Khang Sinh, Nuraliev, Maxim S., Vislobokov, Nikolay A., Тanaka, Noriyuki, Kopylov-Guskov, Yury O., Lyskov, Dmitry F., Maisak, Tatiana V., Hieu, Nguyen Quang, Kuznetsov, Andrey N., Kuznetsova, Svetlana P. & Thai, Tran Huy, 2020, Tupistra nganii (Asparagaceae), a new species with greenish yellow flowers from northern Vietnam and southwestern China, Phytotaxa 449 (2), pp. 173-180 : 174

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.2.5

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scientific name

Tupistra longispica


Reinstatement of Tupistra longispica View in CoL

In the most recent revision of the genus Tupistra, Tanaka (2010: 64) considered T. longispica described from Guangxi, China, to be a synonym of T. muricata ( Gagnepain 1934: 287) N. Tanaka (2003b: 335) . Since that, more material became available, and currently it appears more plausible to treat T. longispica as a distinct species. Tupistra longispica differs from T. muricata in the perianth turning yellow with ageing (vs. not turning yellow), filaments markedly dilated (vs. indistinctly dilated), and larger (5–7 mm vs. ca. 1.5–4.3 mm in diameter), trisected (vs. slightly trilobed to triparted) stigma. Moreover, the ranges of these two species are widely separated geographically (see below).

Description of the new species

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