Hadronema mexicanum, Forero, 2008

Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 94-98

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scientific name

Hadronema mexicanum

sp. nov.

Hadronema mexicanum View in CoL , sp. nov. Figures 2, 27, 28, 30, 33

Hadronema militaris: Distant, 1883: 259 [misidentification?, distribution]; Reuter, 1908 [misidentification?, distribution].

Hadronema breviata: Carvalho and Afonso, 1977: 9 [misidentification, distribution].

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the curved fuscous marking on the anterior portion of the posterior lobe of the pronotum (fig. 2); the ventral spicule apically decurved in lateral view (fig. 27, arrows); and the slender subequal rami that reach the dorsal spicule.

Hadronema mexicanum is mostly similar to H. pictum due to the bright red posterior lobe of the pronotum but separated from it by the apically decurved left spicule and the greater ratio of antennal segments II/III (table 1). Pale specimens of H. mexicanum may be confused with H. simplex but are easily separated from it by the normally developed evaporatory area on the metepisternum, which is reduced in H. simplex , and by the long subequal rami, which are unequal in H. simplex (fig. 26).

DESCRIPTION: Male: Medium size, total length 3.19–3.55. COLORATION: Black, with red and white markings (fig. 2). HEAD: Black; clypeus with two lateral and one basal irregular longitudinal areas of shiny black spots; frons with two lateral areas of oblique lines composed of irregular shiny black spots; vertex with two small reddish black areas next to eyes; mandibular and maxillary plates reddish black toward apex, mandibular plate brighter; black line connecting bases of mandibular and maxillary plates with antennal socket and eye; labrum shiny black; labium black, segments III–IV shiny black; antennae black. THORAX: Collar and anterior lobe of pronotum black; calli black with irregular shiny areas; posterior lobe of pronotum red, anterior half usually diffusely suffused with black; mesoscutum black, laterally reddish; scutellum black, reddish black on disc; proepisternum black; proepimeron anteriorly black, posteriorly orange red; mesepisternum and mesepimeron reddish black; mesothoracic spiracle black; metepisternum black; venter black. Hemelytra: Clavus black; corium mostly black, costal margin white; cuneus white, medial margin black; area between corium and membrane shiny black; membrane fuscous, veins black. Legs: Black, basal portion of trochanters weakly pale. ABDOMEN: Black, posterior margin of sternites weakly pale. GENITALIA: Genital capsule black; proctiger pale orange, apically brownish; parameres brown. STRUCTURE: THORAX: Metepister- num with evaporatory area rounded on dorsal margin and peritreme large. Legs: Profemur with basal tubercle bifid but with external process small. GENITALIA: Genital capsule subtriangular, without sensory lobe on left side, lateroventral projection on right side of medium size, blunt (fig. 28); insertion of parameres lateral; left paramere sickleshaped (fig. 28); right paramere acute and pointed at apex (fig. 28); ventral spicule denticulate apically and gently decurved apically (fig. 27, arrows), rami subequal, thin, usually not denticulate apically, reaching and surpassing the dorsal spicule (fig. 27); dorsal spicule about a third as long as ventral one, denticulate on apical half (fig. 27).

Female: Similar to male, but larger and broader, vaguely oval (fig. 2), total length 3.61–4.14. STRUCTURE: GENITALIA: Subgenital plate triangular, acute but rounded apically, reaching middle of sternum VIII (fig. 30); dorsal lobes of interramal sclerites narrow, not long, heavily set with microtrichia apically (fig. 30); central sclerotized area on anterior wall well sclerotized, round- ed, transversely divided, ventral sclerite with large process, denticulate, dorsal sclerite with small and medium-sized denticles (fig. 33); sclerotized rings as in figure 30; accessory sclerite of sclerotized rings very small (fig. 30).

DISTRIBUTION: Most known specimens from Central Mexico, in particular from the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Transverse Volcanic Axis, with a few localities in the Sierra Madre Oriental (fig. 35).

HOSTS: Few records of host plants exist for this new species. Two specimens were found on Mimosa (Fabaceae) . Four specimens were found on an unidentified Asteraceae species.

ETYMOLOGY: The name refers to Mexico, the country of origin of all specimens examined.

DISCUSSION: Distant’s (1883) record of H. militare from Mexico is quite probably a misidentification. The species depicted in his fig. 23 of plate 22 may be H. mexicanum , in particular due to the gently posteriorly curved dark spot over the posterior lobe of the pronotum. It is not clear if Reuter’s (1908) mention of H. militare from Mexico really corresponded to this species, because I have not examined specimens of this species

from Mexico. Reuter’s specimens may also correspond to H. mexicanum . Specimens mentioned by Carvalho and Afonso (1977) as H. breviatum were studied, and they correspond to H. mexicanum , not H. breviatum .

Despite some intraspecific variation on spicule morphology, even from the same locality (fig. 27), I consider all the specimens examined as one species. All of them share the peculiarly decurved apex of the vesica, which is not present in any of the other species of Hadronema , and have a similar color pattern.

HOLOTYPE MALE: MEXICO: Guanajuato: 2 mi W of Delores Hidalgo, [21.16001 ° N 100.97123 ° W], 1986 m, 05 Jul 1985, Jones, Schaffner GoogleMaps , Holotype Hadronema mexicanum , n. sp. det. D. Forero (red label), 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00105599 About AMNH ) ( TAMU) .

PARATYPES: MEXICO: Durango: 10 mi W of El Salto, 23.78333 ° N 105.52465 ° W, 2743 m, 08 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00104703) ( CNC). 11 mi W Durango, 24.03733 ° N 104.84198 ° W, 2134 m, 02 Aug 1964, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00104700) ( CNC). 12 mi SW of Durango, 23.96281 ° N 104.80838 ° W, 24 Jul 1953, collector unknown, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00075249), 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00075245) ( KU). 13 mi SE of Las Nieves, 26.2664 ° N 105.21759 ° W, 16 Jul 1964, J. Powell, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00079999), 6♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00080000– AMNH _PBI 00080005) ( UCB). 2 mi S of Zarca, 25.80428 ° N 104.73333 ° W, 06 Aug 1952, J.D. Lattin, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00080012), 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00080020) ( UCB). 20 mi W of Durango, 24.83299 ° N 105.1535 ° W, 2195 m, 23 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 133 ( AMNH _PBI 00104704– AMNH _PBI 00104715, AMNH _PBI 00105199), 15♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104721– AMNH _PBI 00104735) ( CNC). 23 mi W of Durango, 23.99 ° N 104.76 ° W, 2286 m, 23 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 23♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00105136– AMNH _PBI 00105158) ( CNC). 22 mi NE of Durango, 24.2897 ° N 104.42568 ° W, 12 Aug 1965, H.R. Burke and J. Meyer, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00106024) ( TAMU). 24 mi E of El Salto, 23.90584 ° N 105.03049 ° W, 22 Jul 1964, J. Powell, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00080009) ( UCB). 25 mi S of Durango on Hwy 45, 24.46262 ° N 104.7383 ° W, 24 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 223 ( AMNH _PBI 00105097– AMNH _PBI 00105118), 7♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00105119– AMNH _PBI 00105125) ( CNC); 30 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 43 ( AMNH _PBI 00104716, AMNH _PBI 00105126– AMNH _PBI 00105128) ( CNC). 40 mi S of Durango on Hwy 45, 23.80802 ° N 104.12742 ° W, 30 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 33 ( AMNH _PBI 00105129– AMNH _PBI 00105131), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00105132– AMNH _ PBI 00105135) ( CNC). 5 mi W of Durango, 24.83333 ° N 104.91298 ° W, 1981 m, 29 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00104698), 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104701) ( CNC). 5 mi W of Guadalupe Victoria, 24.4497 ° N 104.2023 ° W, 29 Jul 1966, P.M. and P.K. Wagner, 33 ( AMNH _PBI 00106025– AMNH _PBI 00106027) ( TAMU). 6 mi E of Durango, 24.8333 ° N 104.73728 ° W, 1981 m, 24 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00104699) ( CNC). Durango, 24.0333 ° N 104.6667 ° W, 31 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00104693), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104694, AMNH _PBI 00104695) ( CNC); 26 Jun 1964, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00104696) ( CNC); 04 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104697) ( CNC). Navajos, 20 mi E of El Salto, 23.78333 ° N 105.05069 ° W, 2438 m, 27 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 83 ( AMNH _PBI 00104679– AMNH _PBI 00104685, AMNH _ PBI 00105200), 4♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104688– AMNH _PBI 00104691) ( CNC); 23 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104692) ( CNC). Navios, 26 mi E of El Salto, 23.78278 ° N 104.95381 ° W, 2438 m, 11 Aug 1964, L.A. Kelton, 53 ( AMNH _PBI 00104675– AMNH _ PBI 00104678, AMNH _PBI 00105195), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104686, AMNH _PBI 00104687) ( CNC). Guanajuato: 2 mi W of Delores Hidalgo, 21.16001 ° N 100.97123 ° W, 1986 m, 05 Jul 1985, Jones, Schaffner, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00105601) ( TAMU); 05 Jul 1985, J.B. Woolley, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00105709), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00105710, AMNH _PBI 00105711) ( TAMU). San Luis de la Paz, 21.3 ° N 100.51666 ° W, 06 Sep 1996, L.A. Kelton, 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00105083, AMNH _ PBI 00105084), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00105092, AMNH _PBI 00105093) ( CNC). Silao, 20.93333 ° N 101.43333 ° W, 1953, C. and P. Vaurie, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00100845) ( AMNH). Jalisco: El Tigre, 18 Jul 1954, E.I. Schlinger, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00080008) ( UCB). Mexico: 8 mi ENE of Guadalupe Victoria, 1829 m, 14 Jul 1959, R.B. Selander and J.C. Schaffner, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00106800), 3♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00106813– AMNH _PBI 00106815) ( USNM). Jilotepec, 19.95277 ° N 99.53472 ° W, 02 Sep 1969, L.A. Kelton, 43 ( AMNH _PBI 00105074– AMNH _PBI 00105077) ( CNC). Michoacan: 22 mi W of Morelia, 19.71652 ° N 101.52398 ° W, 17 Jul 1953, collector unknown, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00075244) ( KU). 9 km NE Patzcuaro (Km. 48 on Hwy 120), 19.58643 ° N 101.56804 ° W, 09 Jul 1981, J.D. Pinto, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00083508), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00083509, AMNH _PBI 00083510) ( UCR). Morelos: Cuernavaca, 18.91666 ° N 99.25 ° W, 13 Jul 1977, Linnavuori, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00101333) ( AMNH). Oaxaca: 9 mi NE of Mitla, 17.04558 ° N 96.38786 ° W, 2409 m, 20 Jul 1985, J.B. Woolley and G. Zolnerowich, 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00105705, AMNH _PBI 00105706) ( TAMU). El Paradon, 24 Aug 1969, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00105073) ( CNC). Etla, 17.15 ° N 96.75 ° W, 23 Aug 1969, L.A. Kelton, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00105081) ( CNC). Huajuapan, 17.8 ° N 97.76667 ° W, 1633 m, 25 Aug 1969, L.A. Kelton, 33 ( AMNH _PBI 00105078– AMNH _PBI 00105080), 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00105085, AMNH _PBI 00105086) ( CNC). Puebla: 10 mi E of Puebla, 19.05261 ° N 98.04288 ° W, 03 Jul 1952, E.E. Gilbert and C.D. MacNeil, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00080010), 7♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00080013– AMNH _PBI 00080019) ( UCB). 3 km SW Zalayeta on Route 140, 19.39298 ° N 97.41257 ° W, 13 Sep 1989, E. Barrera, T.J. Henry, I. M. Kerzhner, 33 ( AMNH _PBI 00107024– AMNH _PBI 00107026) ( USNM). Cholula, Trailer Park Las Americas, 19.06667 ° N 98.3 ° W, 16 Sep 1980, S.W. Nichols, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00125475) ( CUIC). Erradura, 20 mi E of Libres, 19.47872 ° N 97.53558 ° W, 2479 m, 20 Aug 1958, H.F. Howden, ( Asteraceae ), 43 ( AMNH _PBI 00104718, AMNH _PBI 00104736– AMNH _PBI 00104738) ( CNC). San Miguel Texmelucan, 19.93333 ° N 97.71666 ° W, 27 Aug 1969, L.A. Kelton, 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00105069, AMNH _PBI 00105070), 2♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00105071, AMNH _PBI 00105072) ( CNC). Queretaro: 10 mi E of San Juan del Rio , 20.38327 ° N 99.84492 ° W, 30 Jul 1954, J.G. Chillcott, 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00104719, AMNH _PBI 00104720) ( CNC). San Juan del Rio , 20.38333 ° N 99.98333 ° W, 03 Sep 1969, L.A. Kelton, Mimosa sp. (Fabaceae) , 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00104717, AMNH _PBI 00105082) ( CNC); 18 Aug 1954, J.G. Chillcott, 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI 00104739) ( CNC). San Luis Potosi: 20 mi S of Santa Maria del Rio , 21.5956 ° N 100.75149 ° W, 1951 m, 26 Jul 1988, Ferreira and Schaffner, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00105707, AMNH _PBI 00105708) ( TAMU). Zacatecas: 5 mi S of Fresnillo, 23.11068 ° N 102.8 ° W, 07 Aug 1954, E.G. Linsley, J.W. MacSwain, R.F. Smith, 23 ( AMNH _PBI 00080006, AMNH _PBI 00080007) ( UCB). 9 mi S of Fresnillo, 23.05322 ° N 102.8 ° W, 20 Aug 1956, D.D. Linsdale, 13 ( AMNH _PBI 00080011) ( UCB).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEX- ICO: Aguascalientes: 14 mi W of Aguascalientes, 21.99985 ° N 102.71945 ° W, 10 Jul 1983, Kovarik, Harrison, and Schaffner, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106030, AMNH_PBI 00106296) (TAMU). Coahuila: 15 mi S Saltillo, 25.19876 ° N 101 ° W, 08 Jul 1983, Kovarik, Harrison, and Schaffner, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106028, AMNH_ PBI 00106029) (TAMU). Durango: 1 mi N of El Chorro, 24.29786 ° N 104.43333 ° W, 1952, collector unknown, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00075218) (KU). 1 mi N of Registro, 23.99786 ° N 104.41666 ° W, 17 Sep 1950, R.F. Smith, 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00080025–AMNH_PBI 00080029) (UCB). 18 mi SE of Nombre de Dios, 23.66493 ° N 104.03112 ° W, 2134 m, 17 Jul 1959, R.B. Selander and J.C. Schaffner, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00107027) (USNM). 3 mi E of El Paraiso, 2065 m, 22 Sep 1950, R.F. Smith, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101332) (AMNH). 3 mi E of El Salto, 23.75774 ° N 105.41512 ° W, 2560 m, 02 Jul 1964, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104702) (CNC). 6 mi E of Vicente Guerrero, 09 Jul 1964, A.G. Raske, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00080023, AMNH_PBI 00080024) (UCB). 7 mi N of El Entronque, 14 Sep 1950, R.F. Smith, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00101331) (AMNH). Guanajuato: 3 mi NE of Santa Rosa , 05 Jul 1985, Jones and Schaffner, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105600) (TAMU). Ojo de Agua, 20.65 ° N 100.58333 ° W, 06 Sep 1969, L.A. Kelton, 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105087–AMNH_PBI 00105091) (CNC). Jalisco: 6 mi NE of Jalostitlan, 21.23353 ° N 102.35116 ° W, 1890 m, 20 Aug 1954, J.G. Chillcott, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00104740) (CNC). Los Reyes, 19.2 ° N 98.9 ° W, 31 Aug 1969, L.A. Kelton, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105094) (CNC). Michoacan: 2 mi SE of Los Reyes, 19.58175 ° N 102.46097 ° W, 02 Jul 1952, E.E. Gilbert and C.D. MacNeil, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00080021) (UCB). Oaxaca: 62 mi NW of Oaxaca on [route] 190, 17.63887 ° N 97.46949 ° W, 1905 m, H.V. Weems, Jr., 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00243739) (FSCA). 8 mi NW of Tutla, 17.8338 ° N 97.68816 ° W, 1676 m, 06 Oct 1975, J. Powell, J. Chemsak, T. Eichlin, T. Friedlander, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00080022) (UCB). Oaxaca, 17.03333 ° N 96.73333 ° W, 21 Aug 1969, L.A. Kelton, 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00105095, AMNH_PBI 00105096) (CNC).


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Hadronema mexicanum

Forero, D. 2008

Hadronema breviata:

Carvalho, J. C. M. & C. R. S. Afonso 1977: 9

Hadronema militaris:

Distant, W. L. 1883: 259
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