Synopeas mahunkai, Buhl, 2006

Buhl, P. N., 2006, Taxonomical And Distributional Notes On New And Known Palaearctic Platygastrid Species (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (3), pp. 287-311 : 308-310

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585869

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scientific name

Synopeas mahunkai

sp. nov.

Synopeas mahunkai View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 50–55 View Figs 50–55 )

Female – Length: 1.2–1.5 mm. Black, antennae and legs dark brownish; base of A1, most of fore tibia, base of mid and hind tibiae, and segments 1–4 of all tarsi reddish. Head from above ( Fig. 50 View Figs 50–55 ) 1.8 times as wide as long, very slightly wider than mesosoma, finely and uniformly reticulate-coriaceous (hardly transversely so); occipital carina complete but not strong. Lateral ocellus 1.7 times as long as OOL. Head in frontal view 1.25 times as wide as high; antenna ( Fig. 51 View Figs 50–55 ) with A1 nearly 0.9 times as long as height of head. Mesosoma 1.6 times as long as wide, 1.1 times as high as wide. Sides of pronotum finely reticulate-coriaceous as head, smooth in lower third. Mesoscutum sparsely hairy, uniformly sculptured as head, without notauli; hind margin medially with a small, triangular prolongation (not smooth or swollen), at sides with numerous long hairs. Mesopleuron with fine longitudinal sculpture in upper 0.3, rest smooth. Scutellum ( Fig. 52 View Figs 50–55 ) almost smooth, densely hairy, posteriorly with a vertical, dark lamella. Metapleuron with pilosity all over. Propodeal carinae high, dark, almost straight, close together. Fore wing 0.8 times as long as body, 2.5 times as long as wide, almost clear, with fine and dense microtrichia, without marginal cilia. Hind wing 5.7 times as long as wide; marginal cilia hardly 0.3 width of wing. Metasoma ( Fig. 53 View Figs 50–55 ) about 1.1 times as long as mesosoma, hardly as wide as this, 1.6 times as wide as high. T1 crenulated; T2–T5 with fine reticulation along hind margin; T6 reticulate-coriaceous all over. T4 with some hairs laterally; T5 with a medially interrupted transverse row of superficially implanted hairs; T6 with some scattered hairs.

Male – Length: 1.6 mm. Antenna ( Fig. 54 View Figs 50–55 ) with very short flagellar pubescence. Scutellum

( Fig. 55 View Figs 50–55 ).

Material examined: Holotype female: North Korea, Kanwon, Kum-gang san, environs of Hotel Go-song, 29.V .1970 . Paratypes: 1 female same data as holotype; 1 female, 1 male, North Korea, South Phenan, NE environs of Pyongyang, 22.V .1970 . All S. MAHUNKA & H. STEINMANN leg. Preserved in HNHM.

scutellum in lateral view.

Named after one of the collectors. Similar to NW European S. lugubris THOMSON, 1859 ; this species differs from S. mahunkai in details such as having mesoscutum in front of scutellum reddish, scutellum distinctly sculptured with few hairs and a differently shaped posterior lamella, metapleuron mostly bare, and metasoma less pointed, cf. BUHL (1998 b). S. mahunkai differs from S. neuroteri KIEFFER, 1916 in shape of antennae and especially of metasoma, cf. KIEFFER (1926).













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