Oecetis capixaba, Bonfá-Neto & Salles & Vilarino, 2024

Bonfá-Neto, Pedro, Salles, Frederico Falcão & Vilarino, Albane, 2024, New species of the long-horned caddisfly Oecetis McLachlan, 1877 (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil and their evolutionary relationship, Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 82, pp. 551-566 : 551-566

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/asp.82.e114286

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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny by Pensoft

scientific name

Oecetis capixaba

sp. nov.

Oecetis capixaba sp. nov.

Figure 3 A – F View Figure 3

Type material.

Holotype: BRAZIL • ♂; Espírito Santo, Santa Teresa, Augusto Ruschi biological reserve, Córrego Roda d’Água ; 19 ° 53 ′ 35.1 ″ S, 40 ° 32 ′ 39.7 ″ W; 810 m a. s. l.; 24 Aug. – 30 Sep. 2017; Malaise trap; FF Salles, V Costa, P Bonfá Nt leg.; UFVB TR 00336 View Materials . GoogleMaps


This new species is similar to the other species of the falicia group with spine-like setae on the inner surface of the inferior appendage, being very similar to Oecetis achanthostema by both presenting a spiny process on the phalloteca. They can be differentiated by the dorsolateral process of segment IX in dorsal view being wide subapically in O. achanthostema , while it is tapered and overall narrow in the new species. The spine-like setae on the inferior appendage are conspicuously longer in the new species than in O. achanthostema . Additionally, the phallic apparatus of O. achanthostema has two digitate apical projections, which are absent in O. capixaba sp. nov.


Adult male: Forewing length 6.8 mm (n = 1). Head. Color pale light yellow (in alcohol). Antennae approximately 3 x forewing length; scape stout, elongate; pedicel enlarged in width, narrower than scape, shorter than first flagellomeres; first flagellomere narrow, with same length as scape, other flagellomeres shorter than first. Maxillary palps pale light yellow, 5 - segmented, segments subequal in length and width, densely covered with setae. Labial palps pale light yellow, apparently 4 - segmented, first segment very small. Thorax. Pterothorax yellowish brown; forewing pale light yellow; dark bands over cord absent (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ); dark spots absent; forks I sessile and fork V rooted (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ); sectoral crossvein (s) not aligned with r – m (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ). Hind wing with forks I and V present (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ); false vein near Cu 1 a (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ). Legs pale yellow brown, mid leg with longitudinal row of spines on tibia and tarsal segments. Tibial spur formula 1, 2, 2, fore tibial spur small. Genitalia (Fig. 3 C – F View Figure 3 ). Segment IX in lateral view annular, short, bearing pair of dorsolateral processes; processes slender, bent ventrad, cylindrical, tapering posteriorly, same length as phallic apparatus; two acrotergite present dorsolaterally (Fig. 3 C, D View Figure 3 ). Preanal appendage short and narrow, digitate, setose (Fig. 3 C, D View Figure 3 ). Tergum X, in lateral view, divided into dorsal and ventral lobes; dorsal lobe, single, cylindrical, digitate, slightly larger than the length of the ventral lobe, with short apical setae (Fig. 3 C, D View Figure 3 ); ventral lobe divided mesally by V-shaped incision, forming two lobes, each broad basally, tapering to acuminate apex (Fig. 3 C, D View Figure 3 ). Inferior appendage 1 - segmented, broad at base, setose; distal lobe long, narrow, tapering posteriorly, apex rounded, with short, stout spine-like setae present on inner surface (Fig. 3 D, E View Figure 3 ); ventral lobe, in lateral view, quadrate (Fig. 3 C, E View Figure 3 ); dorsal lobe reduced (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ). Phallic apparatus bilaterally asymmetrical, bent ventrad, cylindrical, elongate, membranous apically, with posterolateral spine projection on right side (Fig. 3 F – H View Figure 3 ); apex elongate, in caudal view (Fig. 3 H View Figure 3 ); phallic spines absent (Fig. 3 F, G View Figure 3 ); phallotremal sclerite absent (Fig. 3 G View Figure 3 ).


The specific epithet “ capixaba ” is a name originating from the Tupi language, meaning “ farmland ”, “ a land clean for planting ”, and it is currently used to designate people born in the state of Espírito Santo. Species named in apposition.


Vicosa, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Museum of Entomology











