Lucanus zhuxiangi, Wang & Zhan & I, 2018

Wang, Cheng-Bin, Zhan, Bi-Sheng & I,., 2018, Lucanus zhuxiangi sp. n., a New Species from Southeast China (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae), International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology 4 (3), pp. 1-11 : 2-4

publication ID 10.20431/2454-941X.0403001

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Lucanus zhuxiangi

sp. nov.

Lucanus zhuxiangi View in CoL sp. n. 89E68A3E-8DA3-4C52-BA96-E0393AD71CE1

Vernacular name: 朱氏深山NJm

Figs 1A–B, D–E View Figure 1 ; 2 View Figure 2 ; 3A View Figure 3 ; 4 View Figure 4 ; 5A–C, G View Figure 5 ; 6A–B View Figure 6 ; 7 View Figure 7

Material Examined. Holotype: ♂, CHINA, Hunan: Chenzhou City, Yizhang County, Mangshan Nature Reserve [Ẹ山n然保护区], VI.2017, Xiang Zhu leg. ( CAU) . Paratypes: 7♂♂ 7♀♀, same data as holotype except: Xiang Zhu & Bi-Sheng Zhan legg. ( CXZB) ; 6♂♂ 8♀♀, same data as holotype except: VI.2016 ( CXZB) ; 21♂♂ 22♀♀, Guangdong: Nanling Nature Reserve [南岭n然保护区], VI.2014, Xiang Zhu leg. ( CXZB) ; 40♂♂ 28♀♀, same data as previous except: VI.2015 ( CXZB) ; 46♂♂ 15♀♀, same data as previous except: VI.2016 ( CXZB) ; 8♂♂ 8♀♀, same data as previous except: VI.2017, Xiang Zhu & Bi-Sheng Zhan legg. ( CXZB) . 1♂, same data as previous except: 2.VII.2018, Huan Liu leg. ( CCZC) ; ♀, same data as previous except: 11.VII.2018 ( CCZC) .

Diagnosis. Male: All tibiae and femora ( Figs 1A–B View Figure 1 ) with yellowish stripes on dorsal and ventral surfaces; labrum slenderly subtriangular; anterior ridge of head subroundly elevated; lateral ridges of head ( Fig 3A View Figure 3 ) broad, forming widely-rounded angles at lateral corners; major inner tooth ( Fig 3A View Figure 3 ) preceded by 3–5 smaller teeth and followed by 8–10 smaller teeth that are not continued to the base of mandible; protibia ( Figs 1A View Figure 1 ; 2A–B View Figure 2 ) with 4–5 large teeth along outer margin, some smaller or indistinct teeth of different sizes between large ones; 8th abdominal tergite ( Fig 4A View Figure 4 ) with poorly-defined lateral angles; 8th abdominal ventrite ( Fig 4B View Figure 4 ) without membranous area; ventral plate ( Fig 4C View Figure 4 ) of 9th abdominal segment with linear longitudinal membranous stripe along midline of apical expansion; aedeagus with ventral plate ( Fig 5A View Figure 5 ) at apical end of basal piece long, well sclerotized, widely emarginate at apical margin; paramere ( Fig 5C View Figure 5 ) weakly upcurved at apex; penis ( Fig 5A View Figure 5 ) long and slender, nearly as long as parameres; flagellum ( Figs 5A–C View Figure 5 ) about 1.4 times as long as parameres, apex ( Fig 5G View Figure 5 ) weakly enlarged. Female: all femora ( Fig 1E View Figure 1 ) with yellowish stripes on ventral surfaces; pronotum ( Fig 1D View Figure 1 ) widest at basal 2/5; elytra clothed with fine pubescence; protibiae ( Fig 1D View Figure 1 ) with apical branches relatively broader and blunter; 8th abdominal tergite ( Fig 4E View Figure 4 ) with poorly-defined lateral angles; 8th abdominal ventrite ( Fig 4F View Figure 4 ) distinctly emarginate at middle of posterior margin; hemisternite ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) moderately wide and inner lateral margin of sclerotized part long; spermatheca ( Figs 6A, C View Figure 6 ) with proximal part moderately to strongly curved inwards, and weakly turned ventrad ( Fig 6B View Figure 6 ); spermathecal duct ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) about 2.1 times as long as spermatheca; spermathecal gland ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) vermiform, shorter than spermatheca.

Description. Male Holotype. Large size, body 56.2 mm long. Length (mm) of different body parts: head (7.7), mandible (22.7), pronotum (6.8), elytra (20.9); width (mm): head (16.4), pronotum (11.9), elytra (14.1).

Habitus ( Figs 1A–B View Figure 1 ; 2B View Figure 2 ): Color mostly reddish brown to blackish brown on both dorsal and ventral surfaces; elytra sheen, reddish brown; all tibiae and femora with large, transverse, yellowish stripes on dorsal and ventral surfaces. Body clothed with fine, recumbent, yellowish pubescence, not longer and denser on metasternum.

Head ( Fig 3A View Figure 3 ). Form transverse. Anterior ridge clearly defined and subroundly elevated. Lateral ridges broad, moderately protruded, forming widely-rounded angles at lateral corners. Clypeolabrum fused with frons, not defined by transverse suture, about 1.5 times as long as wide; labrum slenderly subtriangular, with dorsal branch, subrounded at apex. Mandible about 3.0 times as long as head, distinctly incurved at basal 1/3, then straight to apex; apical fork with upper branch markedly longer than lower branch; major inner tooth slender and longer than width of mandible; major inner tooth preceded by 3–5 smaller teeth and followed by 8–10 smaller teeth that are not continued to the base of mandible. Antennal club with 4 antennomeres; antennomere VII slender and sharply pointed apically; antennomeres VIII–X lamellate.

Legs ( Figs 1A View Figure 1 ; 2B View Figure 2 ). Protibia with 4–5 large teeth along outer margin, some smaller or indistinct teeth of different sizes between large ones; apex bifurcate with branches bluntly rounded at tip. Except apical spurs and spines, mesotibia with 4 or 5 small lateral spines (basal one or two tiny) and metatibia with 3 spines (basal one tiny).

Male genitalia. 8th abdominal tergite ( Fig 4A View Figure 4 ) with poorly-defined lateral angles. 8th abdominal ventrite ( Fig 4B View Figure 4 ) without membranous area and weakly protruded at middle of posterior margin. Ventral plate ( Fig 4C View Figure 4 ) of 9th abdominal segmentwith linear longitudinal membranous stripe along midline of apical expansion. Aedeagus ( Fig 5A View Figure 5 ) in dorsal view about 2.6 times as long as wide. Basal piece ( Fig 5A View Figure 5 ) in dorsal view oblong, nearly 1.6 times as long as parameres, with pair of sclerotized dorsal plates ( Fig 5B View Figure 5 ); ventral plate ( Fig 5A View Figure 5 ) at apical end of basal piece long, well sclerotized, widely emarginate at apical margin. Paramere with wide basal process ( Fig 5B View Figure 5 ); apex weakly upcurved ( Fig 5C View Figure 5 ). Penis ( Fig 5A View Figure 5 ) long and slender, nearly as long as parameres. Flagellum ( Figs 5A–C View Figure 5 ) relatively short, about 1.4 times as long as parameres, apex ( Fig 5G View Figure 5 ) weakly enlarged.

Male Paratypes. Body 41.0– 63.9 mm long ( Figs 2A–D View Figure 2 ).

Variation. In large-sized males, apical fork of mandible more opened, number of inner teeth more, clypeolabrum longer, anterior ridge of head well elevated; while in small-sized males, apical fork of mandible less opened, number of inner teeth fewer, clypeolabrum shorter, anterior ridge of head weakly elevated.

Female Paratype. Body 32.0 mm long. Length (mm) of different body parts: head (4.2), mandible (3.5), pronotum (6.7), elytra (17.7); width (mm): head (8.3), pronotum (10.7), elytra (12.0).

Habitus ( Figs. 1D–E View Figure 1 ). Color mostly black on both dorsal and ventral surfaces; ventral surface of profemora, dorsal and ventral surfaces of meso- and metafemora with transverse yellowish stripes. Body clothed with fine, recumbent, yellowish pubescence, not longer and denser on metasternum.

Head ( Fig. 1D View Figure 1 ). Canthus with both anterior and posterior angles clearly defined; anterior angle inside of eye; lateral margin weakly concave. Anterior and lateral ridges absent. Clypeolabrum transverse, weakly emarginate at apex. Right mandible with low dorsal tooth, inner tooth with broad and flat inner ridge; left mandible without dorsal tooth, with 2 widely-separated inner teeth and small gap behind apex, inner margin between teeth long, weakly concave.

Pronotum ( Fig. 1D View Figure 1 ). Form 1.6 times as wide as long, widest at basal 2/5; anterior angle rounded; lateral angles weakly defined; posterior angle widely subrounded.

Legs ( Fig. 1D View Figure 1 ). Protibia with 3 distinct teeth along outer margin; apex bifurcate, with branches relatively broader, blunter, and basal branch much more expanded.

Female genitalia. 8th abdominal tergite ( Fig 4E View Figure 4 ) with poorly-defined lateral angles. 8th abdominal ventrite ( Fig 4F View Figure 4 ) with a membranous area in the middle and distinctly emarginate at middle of posterior margin. Hemisternite ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) moderately wide, broadly rounded apically, with outer apex not produced beyond inner apex; inner lateral margin of sclerotized part long. Spermatheca ( Figs 6A, C View Figure 6 ) sclerotized, J-shaped; proximal part moderately to strongly curved inwards, and weakly turned ventrad ( Fig 6B View Figure 6 ). Spermathecal duct ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) long, about 2.1 times as long as spermatheca. Spermathecal gland ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) vermiform, shorter than spermatheca. Central conjunction of 9th tergite protruding medially and roundly narrowed at tip.

Field Observations. Mating behavior of Lucanus zhuxiangi sp. n. in Mangshan Nature Reserve (Hunan) as shown in Figs 7A–C View Figure 7 .

Etymology. The specific epithet is dedicated to Mr. Xiang Zhu (Beijing, China), one of the collectors of this new species and an enthusiastic amateur entomologist. The name is a noun in the genitive case. Distribution. China (Guangdong, Hunan).

Remarks. This new species should be assigned to the Lucanus fortunei group (sensu Huang & Chen 2010). It well resembles L. brivioi Zilioli, 2003 in general appearance (their aedeagi also similar to each other, however, there are still differences on the curvatures of the outer margins of penis and the size of the apices of flagellum), but it can be distinguished by the combination of the following characters: in L. zhuxiangi sp. n., male: all tibiae and femora ( Figs 1A–B View Figure 1 ) with yellowish stripes on dorsal and ventral surfaces, labrum more slender, major inner teeth ( Fig 3A View Figure 3 ) of mandibles stouter, lateral ridges ( Fig 3A View Figure 3 ) of head round at lateral corners, ventral plate ( Fig 4C View Figure 4 ) of 9th abdominal segment with linear longitudinal membranous stripe along midline of apical expansion; female: all femora ( Fig 1E View Figure 1 ) with yellowish stripes on ventral surfaces, protibiae ( Fig 1D View Figure 1 ) with apical branches relatively broader and blunter, 8th abdominal ventrite ( Fig 4F View Figure 4 ) distinctly emarginate at middle of posterior margin, hemisternite ( Fig 6A View Figure 6 ) moderately wide and inner lateral margin of sclerotized part long, spermatheca ( Figs 6A, C View Figure 6 ) with proximal part moderately to strongly curved inwards.

While in L. brivioi Zilioli , male: all tibiae and femora ( Fig 1C View Figure 1 ) with reddish stripes on dorsal and ventral surfaces, labrum shorter, major inner teeth ( Fig 3B View Figure 3 ) of mandibles more slender, lateral ridges ( Fig 3B View Figure 3 ) of head obtuse at lateral corners, ventral plate of 9th abdominal segment only with small membranous area at the median of apical part; female: all femora ( Fig 1F View Figure 1 ) almost uniformly black, protibiae ( Fig 1F View Figure 1 ) with apical branches relatively smaller and sharper, 8th abdominal ventrite weakly emarginate at middle of posterior margin, hemisternite ( Fig 6D View Figure 6 ) rather wide and inner lateral margin of sclerotized part short, spermatheca ( Fig 6D View Figure 6 ) with proximal part straight or weakly curved inwards.

Lucanus zhuxiangi sp. n. is also somewhat similar to L. deuveianus Boucher, 1998 and L. hewenjiae Huang & Chen, 2013 from Guangxi Province, but it is not difficult to distinguish it from them by the combination of characters in the above paragraph of Diagnosis.


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