Dendrobaena hortensis ( Michaelsen, 1890 )

Szederjesi, Tímea, Vavoulidou, Evangelia, Chalkia, Christina, Dányi, László & Csuzdi, Csaba, 2017, An annotated checklist of earthworms of Greece (Clitellata: Megadrili), Zootaxa 4272 (1), pp. 57-82 : 64

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Plazi (2017-05-26 07:32:10, last updated 2019-09-26 03:40:06)

scientific name

Dendrobaena hortensis ( Michaelsen, 1890 )


Dendrobaena hortensis ( Michaelsen, 1890)

Allolobophora subrubicunda var. hortensis Michaelsen, 1890: 15 .

Dendrobaena hibernica (Friend, 1892) : Michalis 1982: 356.

Dendrobaena hortensis: Michalis 1995: 16 . Szederjesi & Csuzdi 2012: 32. Szederjesi: 2015: 146; 2017.

Widely introduced peregrine species (Csuzdi & Zicsi 2003).

Distribution in Greece. Mainland: Katerini ( Šapkarev 1972). Paleokastro, Agios Georgios ( Szederjesi & Csuzdi 2012). Crete: Neapoli ( Cognetti 1906). Ida Mts, Loutraki ( Szederjesi 2015). Skalani, Spilia, Garipa (Szederjesi 2017). Rhodes: Prophitis Ilias, Salakos ( Szederjesi 2015).

New records. HNHM /17174 13 ex., Rhodes Island, Salakos , in the valley under the Nymphi Spring, Platanus- Quercus (coccifera+aegilops) forest, 36°17.164'N, 27°56.866'E, 225 m a.s.l., leg. L. Dányi, 0 4.0 4.2016 GoogleMaps . HNHM / 17179 1 ex., Rhodes Island, Salakos , Nymphi Spring, Quercus coccifera leaf-litter at the bottom of the rock-wall, 36°17.091'N, 27°56.878'E, 255 m a.s.l., leg. L. Dányi, 0 4.0 4.2016. GoogleMaps

Cognetti, L. (1906) Nuovi dati sui Lumbricidi dell'Europa orientale. Bollettino dei Musei di zoologia ed anatomia comparata della R. Universita di Torino, 21 (257), 1 - 18.

Michaelsen, W. (1890) Lombrichi cavernicoli di Grecia e Turchia raccolti dal Dr. K. Lindberg. Die Lumbriciden Norddeutschlands. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten, 7, 1 - 19.

Michalis, K. (1982) Katalog der Oligochaetenfauna Griechenlands. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica, 9, 343 - 362.

Michalis, K. (1995) Oligochaeten - Funde aus Thessalien (Griechenland) nebst Beschreibung der Art Octodrilus peleensis sp. nov. Bios (Macedonia, Greece), 3, 15 - 20.

Sapkarev, J. (1972) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Lumbricidenfauna Griechenlands. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 4, 31 - 36.

Szederjesi, T. & Csuzdi, Cs. (2012) New and little known earthworm species form Greece (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Acanthodrilidae). Zootaxa, 3304, 25 - 42.

Szederjesi, T. (2015) New earthworm records from various parts of Greece (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae, Acanthodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocnerodrilidae). Opuscula Zoologica Budapest, 46 (2), 143 - 152.

Csuzdi, Cs. & Zicsi, A. (2003) Earthworms of Hungary (Annelida: Oligochaeta; Lumbricidae). In: Csuzdi, Cs. & Mahunka, S. (Eds.), Pedozoologica Hungarica. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, pp. 1 - 271.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)











