Aulastraeoporidae indet. 2, Alloiteau, 1957

Löser, Hannes, Werner, Winfried & Darga, Robert, 2023, Middle Cenomanian coral fauna from the Roßsteinalmen (Northern Calcareous Alps, Bavaria, Southern Germany) – a revised and extended version, Zitteliana 97, pp. 89-147 : 89-147

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Zitteliana by Pensoft (2024-08-12 14:52:07, last updated 2024-08-12 19:04:38)

scientific name

Aulastraeoporidae indet. 2


Aulastraeoporidae indet. 2

Plate 12: figs 1–3 View Plate 12


LFU 8336 SG 015115 # 1; two thin sections.


( LFU 8336 SG 015115 # 1).


Meandrinoid colony with straight and parallel rows. Rows very narrow, coenosteum wide. In places large isolated corallites are present. Septa in rows short and irregular, in isolated corallites well developed, in a hexameral symmetry. Endotheca well developed.


The single specimen does not allow to establish a new genus and species.

Gallery Image

Plate 12. (1–3) Aulastraeoporidae indet. 2, LFU 8336 SG 015115 # 1. 1. Transversal thin section. 2. Transversal thin section, detail. 3. Longitudinal thin section. (4–6) Kozaniastrea sp., BSPG 2016 XXII 2. 4. Transversal thin section. 5. Transversal thin section, detail. 6. Longitudinal thin section. (7–8) Enallhelia octasepta sp. nov. 7. Holotype LFU 8336 SG 015215 # 1, Transversal thin section. 8. Paratype LFU 8336 SG 015215 # 2, Longitudinal thin section. Scale bars: 1 mm.