Neolygus chichibumontis, Yasunaga, 2024

Yasunaga, Tomohide, 2024, New species of the plant bug genus Neolygus Knight from Japan, Taiwan and Thailand (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirini), Zootaxa 5446 (4), pp. 451-487 : 462

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5446.4.1

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scientific name

Neolygus chichibumontis


Neolygus chichibumontis n. sp,

Figs. 4G–H View FIGURE 4 , 7A–D View FIGURE 7 , 14J–O View FIGURE 14

Material examined. Holotype (♂). JAPAN: Honshu, Saitama Pref., Chichibu City, Otaki , near Mameyaki-bashi (bridge), 35.911, 138.821, UV lighting, 28 Jun 2014, T. Tago ( AMNH _ PBI 00378766 About AMNH ) ( NWHS). GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Currently known by a single male specimen. Recognized by its moderate size; almost immaculate, yellowish green dorsum; relatively narrow head and wide vertex; and structure of the male genitalia. Externally very similar to N. flavoviridis (Yasunaga) ( Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ), N. hoberlandti (Kulik) ( Fig. 3B View FIGURE 3 ), N. kawasawai Yasunaga (female unknown), N. makiharai (Yasunaga) ( Fig. 16O View FIGURE 16 ) or N. nozakii Yasunaga ( Fig. 7E–F View FIGURE 7 ) (female unknown); exact identification of these similar species with uniformly pale green and small- to moderate-sized bodies requires dissection and careful examination of the male genitalia.

Description. Holotype male: Body elongate ovoid, moderate in size; basic coloration pale yellowish green ( Fig. 4G–H View FIGURE 4 , fading to stramineous in dry-preserved specimen), almost immaculate; dorsal surface shining, with uniformly distributed, pale, simple, semierect setae ( Fig. 14J View FIGURE 14 ). Head uniformly pale, relatively narrow. Antenna pale brown; segment III slightly longer than head width across eyes; segments III and IV brown. Labium shiny pale reddish brown, slightly exceeding apex of mesocoxa; apical 1/3 of segment IV dark brown. Pronotum, scutellum and pleura pale; scent efferent system creamy white. Hemelytron immaculate; membrane pale smoky brown, with pale veins. All coxae and legs pale brown; metafemur with two pale brown, incomplete rings; apex of each tarsomere III darkened; meta-tarsomere II about as long as III ( Fig. 14L View FIGURE 14 ); pretarsal structure as in Fig. 14M View FIGURE 14 . Abdomen uniformly pale.

Male genitalia (7A–D, 14N–O): Right paramere short, with bulbous sensory lobe ( Fig. 7A–B View FIGURE 7 ); left paramere with weak apical protuberance on sensory lobe; vesica with sharp, straight spiculum and slender, sword-like ventral sclerite ( Fig. 7C–D View FIGURE 7 , 14O View FIGURE 14 ).

Female: Unknown.

Measurements: See Table 1 View TABLE 1 .

Etymology. Named for Chichibu City, the type locality of this new species, combined with Latin adjective montis [= of mountain].

Distribution. Japan (Honshu: Saitama Pref.).

Biology. Unknown.


American Museum of Natural History













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