Anastrepha glochin, Uramoto, Keiko & Zucchi, Roberto Antonio, 2010

Uramoto, Keiko & Zucchi, Roberto Antonio, 2010, New species of Anastrepha Schiner (Diptera, Tephritidae) from remnant area of the Atlantic Rain Forest and surroundings in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, Zootaxa 2535, pp. 49-60 : 53-56

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.293915


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scientific name

Anastrepha glochin

sp. nov.

Anastrepha glochin View in CoL , new species

Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5. a – e , 6 View FIGURE 6. a – c

Diagnosis. Anastrepha glochin can be recognized by the following combination of characters: aculeus 4.01–5.8 mm long; aculeus tip 0.27–0.31 mm long with apical 0.77–0.85 (more than 2/3) conspicuously serrate and elongate triangular; facial carina concave in profile; oviscape with spiracles 1.2–1.5 mm from the base; and wing pattern orange and pale brown, with the C-, S- and V-bands connected. In the key of Zucchi (2000), A. glochin runs to mixta or amnis, from which differs in having all wing bands connected and the aculeus tip broadened at base of serrate part.

Description. Mostly orange brown. Setae black.

Head: Pale brown, except blackish ocellar tubercle. Facial carina, in profile, concave. 4–6 (usually 4) frontal setae; 2 orbital setae well developed, posterior seta slightly more slender than anterior one; ocellar seta absent in all examined specimens. Setae black.

Thorax: Integument mostly orange to pale brown with following areas white: postpronotal lobe; paired sublateral scutal vitta from transverse suture to posterior margin; slender medial vitta, broadened posteriorly, slightly beyond acrostichal seta, not extending laterally to dorsocentral seta; and entire scutellum. Subscutellum and mediotergite entirely pale brown. Mesonotum 3.1–3.9 mm long. Scutum entirely microtrichose, including postpronotal lobe and scutellum. Setae black ( Fig. 5b View FIGURE 5. a – e ). Katepisternal seta small, weak and black.

Wing ( Fig. 5a View FIGURE 5. a – e ): Length 7.73–9.56 mm, width 3.26–4.0 mm. Crossvein DM-Cu 1.24–1.52 mm long. Section of vein M between BM-Cu and R-M 1.7–2.1 times as long as section between R-M and DM-Cu. Section between R-M and DM-Cu 0.8–0.9 times as long as DM-Cu. Veins dark brown. Vein M strongly curved apically, but not reaching S-band, cell r4+5 0.68–0.83 times as wide at apex as at level of DM-Cu. Pattern mostly orange and moderate brown. Pterostigma moderate brown. Proximal arm of V-band broadened in cell dm, narrowing intermediate hyaline area. C-, S- and V-bands broadly connected along vein R4+5.

Abdomen: Pale brown. Tergites without markings, entirely microtrichose; setulae red brown.

Female terminalia ( Fig. 5c–d View FIGURE 5. a – e ): Oviscape 4.3–5.8 mm long, 1.27–1.55 times as long as mesonotum, entirely microtrichose; spiracle at basal 1.2–1.5 mm. Eversible membrane with about 30 hooklike denticles in rectangular pattern and about 20 shorter denticles above. Aculeus 4.01–5.8 mm long; in ventral view base expanded, 0.2 mm wide; shaft 0.12 mm wide at midlength, sides parallel; tip 0.27–0.31 mm long, basal part with lateral margin convex, apical 0.77–0.85 evidently serrate, broadened at base of serrate part, elongate triangular. Spermathecae pear-shaped, about 0.1 mm wide (broadest diameter), moderately sclerotized, with outer surface smooth ( Fig. 5e View FIGURE 5. a – e ).

Male terminalia ( Fig. 6a–c View FIGURE 6. a – c ): Dorsal posterior margin of epandrium evenly convex. Lateral surstylus long, extended beyond prensisetae insertion by ca. 5 times length of prensiseta; in lateral view slightly curved; in posterior view broad on basal half, gradually tapered to apex in small thumb-shape lobe; lateral margin convex, then concave subapically and medial margin slightly convex. Proctiger with lateral fold separating sclerotized areas but ventral and lateral sclerotized areas connected. Distiphallus (n=2) 5.5 5.6 mm long, 1.47–1.62 times as long as mesonotum. Glans (n=2) 0.50 -0.56 mm long; basal lobe developed.

Discussion. The aculeus tip is similar to that of A. pallidipennis Greene , at present placed in the pseudoparallela species group (Norrbom et al. 1999), although showing differences in the following characters: facial carina concave in profile; length of the aculeus and aculeus tip less; and spiracles not located near the base of the oviscape, as in species of the pallidipennis complex. It also shares certain characteristics with species from the caudata group, such as the narrow hyaline area in cell dm, the slight constriction on the basal part of the aculeus tip, and the tip more than 2/3 serrate. Nevertheless, the shape of the aculeus tip of species of the caudata group is similar to that of most species of the pseudoparallela species group ( Norrbom & Caraballo 2003). Furthermore, it differs from species of the caudata group in certain characters which define that group, mainly by the absence of dark brown markings on the wings and on the distal part of the oviscape, by the hyaline area of cell br reaching vein R4+5, and by possessing a larger number of dorsal denticles on the eversible membrane. Thus, this species appears to be more related to species of the pseudoparallela group.

Distribution. Known only from the locality-type in Espírito Santo state, Brazil.

Host. Unknown.

Comments. Males were associated with females in this species based on wing pattern and similar size.

Type data. Holotype female ( MZUSP), BRASIL: Espírito Santo: Linhares, Mata Atlântica (Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce), McPhail trap, 5.X.2004, D. S. Martins. Parátipos: BRASIL: Espírito Santo: Linhares, Mata Atlântica (Reserva Natural da Vale do Rio Doce), McPhail trap, 10.X.2001, D. S. Martins, 1Ψ( MZUSP). Idem, 30.X.2001, D. S. Martins, 2Ψ( MZUSP). Idem, 1.XI.2005, D. S. Martins, 1ɗ( MZUSP). Idem, 8.X.2002, D. S. Martins, 2Ψ( ESALQ). Idem, 6.V.2003, D. S. Martins, 1Ψ( ESALQ). Idem, 30.XII.2003, D. S. Martins, 1Ψ( ESALQ). Idem, 25.X.2005, D. S. Martins, 1Ψ( ESALQ). Idem, 1.XI.2005, D. S. Martins, 1ɗ( ESALQ). Idem, 31.X.2006, D. S. Martins, 1Ψ( ESALQ).

Etymology. The species name, from Greek, refers to the aculeus tip with shape of point of an arrow.


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