Pelidnota beckeri, Ferreira & Almeida & Bravo, 2017

Ferreira, André da Silva, Almeida, Lúcia M. & Bravo, Freddy, 2017, Three new species of Pelidnota MacLeay (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) and new distributional records from northeast Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 61 (3), pp. 208-223 : 209-211

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2017.04.004

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scientific name

Pelidnota beckeri

sp. nov.

Pelidnota beckeri View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs. 1–8 View Figs

Diagnosis. Body dark brown; legs brown, lacking reflections. Black lateral spot lacking on pronotum. Elytron with three lateral black spots, one at the humeral knob, one on the elytral half, and one at apex ( Figs. 3, 6 View Figs ). Second teeth of maxilla sawed. ( Fig. 25 View Figs ). Surface area of pre-mentum excavated and lateral margin of post-mentum rounded ( Fig.29 View Figs ). External surface of metatibia densely punctuated, apical margin with two spurs interleaved by two spine-like setae on inner margin and a small spine-like setae on the outer margin ( Fig. 53 View Figs ).

Holotype male description ( Figs. 1–3 View Figs ). Total length 25.9 mm; width 12.6 mm. Body elongated-oval, slightly convex. Color: Head and pronotum dark brown. Frons brown, slightly darker than pronotum. Scutellum and elytron light brown; elytron slightly lighter in color than head, pronotum, and scutellum. Elytron with three lateral black spots, one at the humeral knob, one on the elytral half, and one at apex. Pygidium dark brown, slightly darker than the rest of the body, with greenish reflections when illuminated with fluorescent light. Legs and ventral surface dark brown, similar in color to the head and pronotum. Head: Antenna with 10 antennomeres, club composed of three antennomeres, scape elongated, longer than antennomeres 2–7. Clypeus trapezoidal, anterior margin dark and concave ( Fig. 7 View Figs ), punctures dense and moderately large. Frontoclypeal suture not evident. Frons width at middle region 2–3 times larger than clypeus length; punctures dense and moderately large. A set of bristling setae surrounding the eye. Canthus half as long as eye. Interocular distance grather than 3 times the transverse eye diameters. Labrum transversely elongated and not fused to clypeus, with medial compression and small apical tooth, with bristling setae across on all surface ( Fig. 17 View Figs ). Mandibles visible beyond anterior margin of the clypeus, outer margin black and with 2 teeth; apical tooth slightly larger than internal one; molar robust ( Fig. 21 View Figs ). Maxilla, galea with 6 teeth, second sawed; palp with 4 palpomeres, segment IV fusiform ( Fig. 25 View Figs ). Labium, apex of pre-mentum concave, palp inserted into a lateral and with 3 palpomeres, III elongated; post-mentum with elongated setae dorsally and lateral margin rounded, with elongated moderate setae ( Fig. 29 View Figs ). Pronotum: Convex. 5.1 mm long, anterior width 7.6 mm, median width 11.8 mm, posterior width 11.7 mm. Punctures dense and moderately wide. Anterior margin concave, with anterior angles acute. Lateral margin rounded, with median portion convex. Posterior margins slightly convex. Membranous border surrounding of pronotum. Scutellum: Width 2.2 mm, total length 1.3 mm. Punctures dense and moderately large, posterior margin rounded; dark brown, with greenish reflections when exposed to fluorescent light; lacking setae. Elytron: humeral width 12.6 mm; total length 17.8 mm. Punctures sparse, small to moderate, slightly organized longitudinally, lacking setae. Membranous border present at anterior half. Slightly compressed laterally between humerus and medial portion of elytron. Apex with punctures dense, moderate to large.Elytral suture dark brown. Elytral apex truncated ( Fig. 33 View Figs ). Venter: Punctures dense, moderate to large. Densely covered by brownish setae. Prosternum elongated in the shape of a tubercle but not extending beyond procoxa. Mesoventrite with anterior process, extending beyond mesocoxae. Legs: Punctures moderate to dense. Tibia with 3 external teeth, apical tooth slightly recurved, larger than the other two; inner apical spur present; dorsal surface with a row of 10 spine-like setae ( Fig. 41 View Figs ); a tooth present on the larger tarsal claw ( Fig. 47 View Figs ) Metacoxa with posterior projection beyond base of metatrochanter. Metafemur flattened medially. Mesotibia with setae moderate on the inner surface and with sparse spine-like setae on the outer surface; apical margin dark, inner margin with two spurs interleaved with two spine-like setae, and outer margin with 9 spine-like setae. Metatibia slightly enlarged in median region, with slight compression at apex of outer surface; apical margin dark, with two spurs interleaved by two spine-like setae on inner margin and a small spine-like setae on the outer margin; outer surface densely punctuated ( Fig. 53 View Figs ). Tarsomere V elongated on all legs, with a ventral tooth. Tarsomeres II–IV with two inner spine-like setae on all legs. Tarsal claws simple on all legs, inner protarsal claw slightly recurved and visibly larger than outer claw. Outer claws of the meso- and metatarsus larger than inner claw. Abdomen: Abdominal ventrites convex, with punctures moderate to dense. Setae sparse to moderate. Pygidium: Slightly convex in lateral view. Surface with puncture striae, punctures dense and moderately large. Setae moderate to dense, brownish. Bristling setae present on posterior margin in ventral view. Parameres: ( Figs. 57, 58, 65 View Figs ). Symmetrical, fused. Distal margin concave and gradually acute laterally; proximal margin slightly corrugated.

Dimensions in mm (male/female, n = 20, 10 males and 10 females). Total length 22.9–26.3/24.8–28.5; pronotum length 5.1–6.3/5.6–7.2; anterior width of pronotum 6.9–8.7/7.2–8.2; median width of pronotum 9.8–11.6/10.8–12.8; posterior width of pronotum 9.8–11.6/10.6–12.7; humerus width 11.0–12.8/11.5–13.9; elytron length 15.5–17.8/15.2–18.3.

Female (Paratype) ( Figs. 4–6 View Figs ). Similar to male, but differing with respect to some characters. Clypeus trapezoidal to triangular, border black, medial section of anterior border straight ( Fig. 8 View Figs ). Mandible more developed than in males; pronotum with lateral margin slightly rounded to slightly convex. Pygidium convex, with anterior margin concave. Venter with dense setae, sometimes denser than in males. Tarsal claws simple, first inner tarsal claw larger than outer, and weakly recurved. Outer tarsal claw of meso- and metatarsus slightly larger than inner claw. Spines-like setae on outer surface, and inner setae of inner surface of metatibia moderately dense, sometimes denser than males. The posterior corner of the metacoxa extends beyond of the base of trochanter. Last abdominal ventrite triangular, extending to posterior margin of pygidium.

Paratypes. Similar to holotype. Dark spots on side of elytron can be faint. Smaller spines-like setae on apical margin of last tibia ranging from 8 to 10. Apical spur on outer edge of last tibia present or not. Spines-like setae on outer surfaces and setae on inner surfaces of meso- and metatibia moderate to dense. Ventral setae moderate to dense.

Type material. Holotype male, BRAZIL, Bahia: (“Una, Fazenda Reunidas Unacau”); XI.1984, G.V. dos Santos col. ( MZFS#55573 ) ( MZFS) ( Figs. 69–71 View Figs ) . Paratypes. 1 female (“ Santa Terezinha , Pedra Branca ”; “ 430 m ”) (12 ◦ 50 l S/39 ◦ 30 l W), 10.V.2001. E. Neto col. ( MZFS#2308 ) ( MZFS) ; 5 males (“ Ituberá , Michelin ”); 17.XI.2007, João, Zafira & Daniela col. ( MZFS#33533 ; 33862 ( MZFS); 33863; 33864 ( DZUP)) . 1 male (“ São Félix do Coribe , Coribe – Km 24, “ 493 m ”) (13 ◦ 33 l S/44 ◦ 15 l W), 07.XII.2007, FB, TZ, NA & JRA col. ( MZFS#41178 ) ( MZFS) . 6 males and 2 females (“ Itamaraju ”), 28.X.1985, J. Becker col. ( MZFS#55574 ; 55575; 55576; 55577; 55578; 55579; 55580; 55581) ( MZFS) . 3 males and 11 females (“ Itamaraju ”), VIII.1985, Roppa & J. Becker col. ( MNRJ) . 3 females (“ Camacan , RPPN Serra Bonita ”), 28–29.XII.2012, M. L. Monné col. ( MNRJ) .

Distribution. BRAZIL: Bahia state (Una, Santa Terezinha, Ituberá, São Félix do Coribe, Itamaraju, Camacan).

Etymology. This species was named in honor of Johann Becker who collected a large number of specimens used as paratypes.

Remarks. Pelidnota beckeri is distinguished as follows ( P. unicolor (Drury, 1778) characters in brackets): elytra with dark spots ( Figs. 1–3 View Figs ) (without dark spots ( Figs. 9, 10 View Figs )); second tooth on the inner margin of maxila small and less acute ( Fig. 21 View Figs ) (large and more acute ( Fig. 22 View Figs )); second teeth of maxillary galea sawed, and IV palpomere fusiform ( Fig. 25 View Figs ) (teeth sawed absent, and IV palpomere cylindrical ( Fig. 26 View Figs )); surface area of pre-mentum and insertion area of labial palp less excavated, and lateral margin of post-mentum more rounded ( Fig. 29 View Figs ) (surface area and insertion palp more excavated, and lateral margin less rounded ( Fig. 30 View Figs )); elytral apex truncated ( Fig. 33 View Figs ) (rounded ( Fig. 34 View Figs )); externodistal tooth of protibia large and strongly curved ( Fig. 41 View Figs ) (small and slightly curved ( Fig. 42 View Figs )); anteroexternal angle of metacoxa acute ( Fig. 37 View Figs ) (rounded ( Fig. 38 View Figs )); apical tubercle of protarsal claw small and rounded ( Fig. 47 View Figs ) (large and acute ( Fig. 48 View Figs )); female with metatibial apex straight and with spine-like setae ( Fig. 51 View Figs ) (apex with a acute angle and without spine-like setae ( Fig. 52 View Figs )); external surface of metatibia densely punctuated ( Fig. 53 View Figs ) (moderately punctuated ( Fig. 54 View Figs )); parameres distal margin acute laterally, and with proximal margin slightly corrugated ( Figs. 57, 58, 65 View Figs ) (distal margin rounded laterally, and proximal margin strongly corrugated ( Figs. 59, 60, 66 View Figs )).

Comments. Pelidnota beckeri is found in different ecoregions ( Instituto LIFE, 2015) in Bahia state. The new species was collected in rainy coastal forest sites (Atlantic Rain Forest) in the municipalities of Ituberá, Una, Itamaraju, and Camacan; one of the paratypes was collected in a transition zone between rainy and semi-deciduous forests, 100 km inland from the coast (Pedra Branca, municipality of Santa Terezinha); one paratype was collected in a dry forest site (Caatinga) in the municipality of São Félix do Coribe near Santa Maria da Vitoria in western Bahia .


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro













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