Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi

Irwin, Michael E. & Winterton, Shaun L., 2021, Revision of the Patagonian stiletto fly genus Pachyrrhiza Philippi (Therevidae Agapophytinae), Zootaxa 4975 (2), pp. 273-305 : 290-293

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Plazi (2021-05-26 09:31:31, last updated 2024-11-27 06:45:32)

scientific name

Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi


Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi View in CoL

( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 , 3 View FIGURE 3 , 22–25 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 View FIGURE 24 View FIGURE 25 , 30D, G View FIGURE 30 , 31F View FIGURE 31 , 32 View FIGURE 32 , 34B View FIGURE 34 , 35 View FIGURE 35 )

Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865: 704 View in CoL — Reed (1888: 294) [catalogue]; Malloch (1932: 248) [redescription]; Stuardo-Ortiz (1946: 86) [catalogue]; Webb et al. (2013: 15) [catalogue]; Winterton et al. (2016: fig. 3) [phylogeny].

Baryphora pictipennis (Philippi) — Kertész (1909: 167) [catalogue].

Dialineura pictipennis (Philippi) — Kröber (1911: 489) [redescription], (1913: 24) [checklist].

Diagnosis. Parafacial with patch of black setae adjacent to gena; hind femur with 3–6 anteroventral macrosetae along segment length; prosternum with setae medially; wing dark infuscate with fenestrations; male without silver velutum pubescence on abdomen; mid coxa without setae on posterior surface; femora brown.

Redescription. Body length: 5.5–8.0 mm. Head with frons silver-grey pubescent with dark brown markings, lighter brown dorsally in female, silver pubescent around antennal base, small patch of setae on frons just above antenna, similar in length to setae on scape, female with short to moderate length setae distributed over frons; occiput grey to brown pubescent; parafacial with small patch of dark setae adjacent to gena; genal setae pale; antennal scape length approximately twice maximum width, brown (male) or dark yellow, brown suffusion dorsally (female), overlain with grey pubescence admixed with numerous large, erect macrosetae; flagellum brown to dark yellow with brown pubescence. Thorax with scutum and scutellum grey pubescent with, narrow dark medial stripe, lateral stripes broken to sub-tessellate, numerous erect black setae (longer and denser anteriorly in male); prosternum with pale setae present; pleuron with silver-grey pubescence, katatergite setae all white, sometimes admixed with black setae; mid coxa without setae on posterior surface; femora dark brown, sometimes with apices yellow, short dark setae on all surfaces admixed with relatively elongate dark setae ventrally, hind femur with 3–6 (sometimes more) anteroventral macrosetae distributed along entire length; tibiae yellow, dark grey-brown apically and basally; tarsi dark yellow with apices brown; wing dark infuscate, fenestrate in some radial and medial cells, costal cell brown infuscate; scutal chaetotaxy: notopleural, 4; supra alar, 1; post alar, 1; dorsocentral, 4–5; scutellar, 2. Abdomen dark brown, slight yellowish suffusion medially, intersegmental membrane pale, narrow male without silver velutum on tergites, male vestiture as short dark setae dorsally, longer pale setae laterally, female setae uniformly distributed, short, dark, erect; terminalia brown. Male and female genitalia as per genus description except: epandrium brownish, darker medially, distiphallus narrow distally.

Comments. Webb et al. (2013) noted that the syntypes deposited in the National Museum in Santiago, Chile could not be located yet could not be confirmed as destroyed. A ‘cotype’ determined by Kröber (1911: p. 489) as “ Dialineura pictipennis Phil. ” is deposited in the USNM but cannot be part of the syntype series as it was collected decades after the original description was published. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis is distinctive compared with other species in the genus based on the dark body colouration, extensive wing infuscation with small hyaline fenestrations distally and lack of silver velutum on the male abdomen; these are all evident in the original description and the figure plate provided by Philippi (1865: fig. 25); the identity of the species is not in question and a neotype is not necessary at this time. This species appears to be locally abundant in central Chile. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis appears closely related to P. subpictipennis sp. n. and P. elegantissima sp. n. based on wing pattern and presence of a series of anteroventral macrosetae along the hind femur.

Type material. three syntype females, CHILE: Santiago Province: Region Metropolitana de Santiago, Cordillere (location unknown, presumed lost) .

Other material examined. CHILE: Arauco Province: 9 males, 1 female, Naluelbuta National Park , 2 km E Cerro Anai [-37.801, -73.0153], Malaise in Araucaria forest, 1–8.XII.2003, M.E. Irwin, 1253 m ( MEI166325 , 166319–20 , 166321 , 166323 , 166328–9 , 166336 , 166342 , 167019 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, Parque Nacional Nahuelbuta, Centro de Informaciones [-37.8166, -73.00], 8.XII.1994, S.L. Heydon, E. Arias ( MEI116832 ; UCDC) . Biobío Province: 4 males, 2 females, El Albanico, Ross & Michelbacher , 30.XII.1950 [-37.3322, -71.5225] ( MEI167452 , 167463–5 , 167467 , 167476 ; CAS) GoogleMaps . Choapa Province: 1 male, Quilimari [-32.1136, -71.5035], 13.XII.1950, Ross & Michelbacher ( MEI167475 ; CAS) GoogleMaps . Concepción Province: 1 female, Concepción, Parque Bot. Hualpen [-36.7845, -73.1021], 10–15.II.1970 Malaise ( MEI112369 ; UCCC) GoogleMaps . Curicó Province: 3 females, Camino al Relvo , 5 km E. Potrero Grande [-35.2061, -70.9627], Malaise in Nothofagus forest, 14–24.X.2004, J.E. Barriga ( CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 10 males, 15 km E. Curicó, Cerro Hueca-Huecan [-35.0665, -71.1226], Malaise, 400 m, 10–22.I.1998, J.E. Barriga ( CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 6 females, Fundo la Montana Estero la Palma at Rio Teno , 6 km E Los Quenes [-34.9669, -70.9606], 14.I.1967, M.E. Irwin ( MEI167015 , 167020–1 , 167023 , 167030 , 167032 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 9 females, Estero la Jaula, Curicó [-35.0145, -70.7465], I.1964. L. Peña, Nothofagus ( MEI167180–88 ; CNC) GoogleMaps . Elqui Province: 1 male, 1 female, Quebrada El Arrayán , 33 km S. La Villa [-30.1951, -70.9338], Malaise in vegetated ravine, 13–21.XI.2003, M.E. Irwin, 653 m ( CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, Quebrada El Arrayán , 15 km S. La Villa [-30.1045, -70.9901], pan trap in damp wash, 1.XI.2003, F.D. Parker, M.E. Irwin, 472 m ( CSCA) GoogleMaps . Limari Province: 2 males, 8 km N San Pedro de Quile [-30.7506, -71.2531], 16.XI.1961, L. Peña ( MEI167417 , 167480 ; CNC) GoogleMaps . Milipilla Province: 2 males, El Bollenar , 2 km N. Pichi Alhue [-33.5729, -71.0215], Malaise in dry wash, 100 m, 1–10.I.2000, ME Irwin, E.I. Schlinger ( CSCA) GoogleMaps . Ñuble Province: 12 females, 7.5 km E. Recinto [-36.8773, -71.5785], Malaise in dry riverbed, 760 m, 4–6.I.2000, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger ( MEI118861 , 118867 , 121224 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 4 males, 2 km N. Las Trancas [-36.903, -71.481], Malaise in Nothofagus forest, 6–9.I.2000, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger ( MEI12195–8 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 3 males, 2 km N. Las Trancas (-36.903, -71.481), hand netted, 4.I.2000, M.E. Irwin ( MEI121264–6 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps ; 1 male, 1 female, Termas de Chíllan , 8 km E. Las Trancas (-36.906, -71.410), hand netted, 9.I.2000, M.E. Irwin ( MEI121215 , 121267 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps . Quillota Province: 9 males, Palma de Ocoa, Parque Nacional La Campana [-32.9324, -71.0781], Malaise in hillside draw, 6–13.XI.1997, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger ( MEI107556–64 ; CSCA) GoogleMaps . Santiago Province: 10 males, 10 females, Queb. de la Plata, Rinconada, Maipú [-33.561, -70.783], 510m, [various dates] 26.X.1966 – 1.I.1967, M.E. Irwin ( CAS) GoogleMaps ; 2 males, 26 females, El Canelo [-33.5788, -70.4499], 26.XI.1954, L.E. Peña ( CNC) GoogleMaps ; 5 males, 2 km E. Corral Quemado [-33.35,-70.3], 2250 m, 11.XII.1994, S.L. Heydon, E. Arias ( MEI116834–8 ; UCDC) ; 2 females, Pilay, Rio Peuco, ca. 45 km S. Santiago [-33.9481, -70.6413], 23–24.XI.1981, D.R. Davis, 800 m ( MEI167275 , 167277 ; USNM) GoogleMaps . Talca Province: female, Alto de Vilches , 26–28.I.1964, L. Peña, Nothofagus ( MEI167161 ; CNC) ; 1 male, El Radal [-35.459, -71.024], 900 m, 26.XI.1957, L. Peña, ( MEI079761 ; CNC) GoogleMaps .

Kertesz, K. (1909) Catalogus dipterorum hucusque descriptorum. Volumen V. Bombyliidae, Therevidae, Omphralidae. Museum Nationale Hungaricum, Budapestini [Budapest], 199 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 5145

Krober, O. (1911) Die Thereviden Sud- und Mittelamerikas. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 9, 475 - 529.

Malloch, J. R. (1932) Rhagionidae, Therevidae. In: British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Entomology (Eds.), Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile, based mainly on material in the British Museum (Natural History). Part V. Fascicle 3. - Rhagionidae (Leptidae), Therevidae, Scenopinidae, Mydaidae, Asilidae, Lonchopteridae. Trustees of the British Museum, London, pp. 199 - 257.

Philippi, R. A. (1865) Aufzahlung der chilenischen Dipteren. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich- Koniglichen Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 15, 595 - 782. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 9295

Reed, E. C. (1888) Catalogo de los insectos Dipteros de Chile. Anales de la Universidad de Chile, 73 (1), 271 - 316. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 8562

Stuardo-Ortiz, C. S. (1946) Catalogo de los Dipteros de Chile. Ministerio de Agriculture, Santiago, Chile, 250 pp.

Webb, D. W., Gaimari, S. D., Hauser, M., Holston, K. C., Metz, M. A., Irwin, M. E., Kampmeier, G. E. & Algmin, K. (2013) An annotated catalogue of the New World Therevidae (Insecta: Diptera: Asiloidea). Zootaxa, 3600 (1), 1 - 105. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3600.1.1

Winterton, S. L., Hardy, N. B., Gaimari, S. D., Hauser, M., Hill, H. N., Holston, K. C., Irwin, M. E., Lambkin, C. L., Metz, M. A., Turco, F., Webb, D., Yang, L., Yeates, D. K. & Wiegmann, B. M. (2016) The phylogeny of stiletto flies (Diptera: Therevidae). Systematic Entomology, 41, 144 - 161. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / syen. 12147

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FIGURE 2. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, adult female (Photo copyright: Stephen A. Marshall).

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FIGURE 3. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, adult female (Photo copyright: Stephen A. Marshall).

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FIGURE 22. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, adult male, oblique view.

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FIGURE 23. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, adult male, lateral view.

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FIGURE 24. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, adult female, oblique view.

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FIGURE 25. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, adult female, lateral view.

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FIGURE 30. Pachyrrhiza spp. heads, oblique view. A. P. argentata Oldroyd, 1968, male; B. P. subpictipennis sp. n., male; C. P. argentatoides sp. n., male; D. P. pictipennis Philippi, 1865, female; E. P. argentata Oldroyd, 1968, female; F. P. elegantissima sp. n., female; G. P. pictipennis Philippi, 1865, male; H. P. parargentata sp. n., male; I. P. argentatoides sp. n., female; J. P. subpictipennis sp. n., female; K. P. elegantissima sp. n., male.

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FIGURE 31. Pachyrrhiza spp. wings. A. P. subpictipennis sp. n.; B. P. argentatoides sp. n.; C. P. parargentata sp. n.; D. P. elegantissima sp. n.; E. P. argentata Oldroyd, 1968; F. P. pictipennis Philippi, 1865.

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FIGURE 32. Pachyrrhiza pictipennis Philippi, 1865, male genitalia. A. epandrium; B. gonocoxites, ventral view; C. same, lateral view; D. aedeagus, lateral view; E. same, dorsal view. Female genitalia. F. Furca and internal genitalic structures. Scale line: 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: ag, accessory gland; d, distiphallus; da, dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath; ea, ejaculatory apodeme; f, furca; ga, gonocoxal apodeme; gs, gonostylus; hy, hypandrium; igp, inner gonocoxal process; lea, lateral ejaculatory apodeme; s, spermatheca; sd, spermathecal duct; ss, spermathecal sac; ssd, spermathecal sac duct; va, ventral apodeme of parameral sheath; vl, ventral lobe.

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FIGURE 34. Pachyrrhiza spp. male genitalia, gonocoxites with aedeagus in situ, ventral view (left) and epandrium (right). A. P. parargentata sp. n.; B. P. pictipennis Philippi, 1865; C. P. subpictipennis sp. n. Scale line: 0.2 mm.

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FIGURE 35. Distribution of Pachyrrhiza species in Chile and Argentina.


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