Mecinus pascuorum (Gyllenhal)
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Felipe (2021-08-25 02:06:46, last updated 2024-11-26 01:30:50) |
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Mecinus pascuorum (Gyllenhal) |
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1. Mecinus pascuorum (Gyllenhal) View in CoL
Figs 1 View FIGURES 1–9 , 43–44 View FIGURES 43–57 , 98, 105 View FIGURES 98–107 , 108 View FIGURES 108–120 , 144 View FIGURES 144–156 , 157 View FIGURES 157–171
Rhynchaenus pascuorum Gyllenhal, 1813: 124 View in CoL .
Gymnetron pascuorum (Gyllenhal) . Gyllenhal, 1838: 744. H. Brisout de Barneville, 1862: 629. Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 41. Rey, 1894: 74. Reitter, 1907: 20; 1916: 227. Hustache, 1931: 410. 419. Hoffmann, 1958: 1279, 1289. Smreczyṅski, 1976: 31. Lohse & Tischler, 1983: 267.
Mecinus pascuorum (Gyllenhal) View in CoL . Caldara, 2001: 183.
Gymnetron nanum Dejean, 1836: 327 (nomen nudum).
Gymnetron bicolor Gyllenhal, 1838: 745 View in CoL . Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 42. Reitter, 1907: 21; 1916: 227. Hustache, 1931: 419. Hoffmann, 1958: 1289.
Gymnetron areolatum Betta, 1857: 61 . Caldara & Colonnelli, 2012: 90.
Gymnetron marshalli Donisthorpe, 1943: 45 View in CoL . Morris, 1989: 25.
Gymnetron pascuorum var. setarium Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 42 View in CoL , 65. Rey, 1894: 74. Hoffmann, 1958: 1291 (infrasubspecific name).
Gymnetron pascuorum var. uniforme Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 42 View in CoL (infrasubspecific name).
Gymnetron pascuorum var. fuscicrum Rey, 1894: 74 (infrasubspecific name).
Gymnetron pascuorum ab. lancerotense Uyttenboogaart, 1934 : 166 (infrasubspecific name).
Gymnetron pascuorum var. testaceum Hoffmann, 1958: 1291 View in CoL (infrasubspecific name).
Gymnetron pascuorum var. apicale Hoffmann, 1958: 1291 View in CoL (infrasubspecific name).
Type locality. Sweden .
Type series. This species was described from female specimens with the following diagnosis: typical form “niger, griseo-pubescens, plaga elytrorum, antennarum basi tibiisque ferrugineis, rostrum longissimo tenui”; var b: “elytris nigris immaculatis”. In Gyllenhal's collection ( UZIU) we have examined 31 male and female specimens considered to be “historical specimens”. Based on the original description we have designated a female labelled “Udd / g / Uppsala Univ. Zool. Mus., Gyllenhals saml Type nr. 1263” as lectotype and the other 30 specimens as paralectotypes.
Synonyms. Gymnetron bicolor was described from specimens from Tauria (Crimea). We examined one of them labelled “Tauria, Steven / Typus” (female, lectotype here designated), which corresponded well with the original description. It is only a specimen of M. pascuorum with reddish elytra.
Gymnetron areolatum was described by Betta from specimens from Lombardy (northern Italy) no longer available. According to the original description Caldara & Colonnelli (2012) designated the neotype of this species and synonymized it with M. pascuorum .
Gymnetron marshalli Donisthorpe was placed in synonymy with M. pascuorum by Morris (1989) based on the examination of the types.
Gymnetron nanum is a nomen nudum and therefore unavailable according to Art. 12.1 of ICZN (1999).
The varieties setarius and uniformis described by Desbrochers des Loges, fuscicrus described by Rey, testaceus and apicalis described by Hoffmann and the aberration lancerotensis described by Uyttenboogaart are unequivocally considered as infrasubspecific taxa (ICZN 1999 Art. 45.6.1) by their authors and therefore all of these names are unavailable (ICZN 1999 Art. 45.5).
Redescription. Male. Length 1.5 mm. Body: short, oval, stout ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–9 ). Rostrum: black with reddish apex, moderately long (Rl/Pl 0.83), subcylindrical; in lateral view moderately curved, slightly narrowing in apical half ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 43–57 ); in dorsal view with subparallel sides, with slightly visible scrobes, distinctly striate-punctured to proximity of apex, then smooth and shining, in basal half with recumbent, sparse, greyish, long (l/w 7–10), setalike scales. Head: frons as wide as rostrum at base, with weak fovea; eyes almost flat. Antennae: reddish with dark brown club, inserted at middle of rostrum; scape moderately long, 5.0x longer than wide; funicle slightly longer than scape, segment 1 twice as long as wide, slightly stouter and slightly longer than segment 2 which is 1.5 as long as wide, segments 3–5 gradually more transverse; club short, oval, segment 1 almost glabrous. Pronotum: black, with dense and regular punctures, intervals between punctures narrow, smooth and shining, somewhat visible between recumbent to subrecumbent, moderately dense, greyish, long to very long (l/w 7–12), seta-like scales; moderately transverse (Pw/Pl 1.33), with weakly rounded sides, with moderately prominent apical constriction, widest at basal third, moderately convex. Elytra: blackish except a part of apical third, which is reddish; short (El/Ew 1.19), suboval, at base weakly concave, moderately wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.26), with weakly rounded sides, widest at middle, somewhat convex on disc; interstriae somewhat visible between recumbent to suberect, moderately dense, greyish and light brown, long (1.5x longer than width of interstria; l/w 7– 12), seta-like scales, which are arranged in 1–2 irregular rows; striae moderately visible, one third narrower than interstriae, with a row of scales similar to the thinner ones covering interstriae. Legs: moderately stout, with recumbent to suberect, sparse, whitish, seta-like scales, which are distinctly shorter than width of tibia; femora blackish, clavate, profemora with big tooth ( Fig. 105 View FIGURES 98–107 ), mesofemora with slightly smaller tooth and metafemora subdented; tibiae reddish, short, protibiae with apical part of ventral surface weakly directed outward ( Fig. 98 View FIGURES 98–107 ); unci blackish, moderately stout; tarsi reddish, tarsomere 1 1.5x longer than wide, tarsomere 2 as long as wide, tarsomere 3 bilobed and distinctly wider than tarsomere 2, onychium almost as long as length of tarsomeres 1–3 taken together; claws blackish, equal in length, fused in basal half. Venter: metasternum black, clearly visible between subrecumbent, sparse, whitish, long, seta-like scales; mesothoracic epimera and meso- and metathoracic episterna covered densely with whitish, wide, fringed scales; abdomen black, with dense and regular punctures, which are clearly visible between subrecumbent, sparse, whitish, long, seta-like scales; ventrites length ratio: 1–2/ 3–4 2,02. Penis: fig. 108.
Female. As in male except rostrum distinctly longer (Rl/Pl 1.02) ( Fig. 44 View FIGURES 43–57 ), thinner, smoother and shining, antennae inserted between basal third and median third of rostrum, all femora subdentate, unci of metatibiae smaller than others. Sternite 8: fig. 144. Spermatheca: fig. 157.
Variability. Length 1.3–1.8 mm. The elytra vary from completely reddish to almost completely black, except for a narrow apical part. The femora are also often reddish. The elytral pubescence is more or less erect and the shape of the pronotum is more or less subconical.
Remarks and comparative notes. It is one of the commonest species in the genus, without distinctive characters except for the stout femoral tooth in the male, which is also present only in M. crassifemur . This species is closely related to many species having short elytra—especially M. crassifemur , M. latiusculus , and M. ictericus , and others with longer elytra—such as M. ludyi and M. caucasicus (see comparative notes of these species).
Biological notes. This species lives on Plantago lanceolata L., where larvae feed on fruits and pupate in the floral spikes, without producing damage visible externally ( Hoffmann 1958).
Distribution. Europe, Caucasian States, Middle East, central Asia, Algeria ( Hoffmann 1958). Imported in northern America, Australia and New Zealand ( O'Brien & Wibmer 1982; Debinski & Holt 2000). Recently collected in South Africa ( Caldara et al. 2009).
Non-type specimens examined. About 1,200 specimens collected in Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Croatia, Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Syria, Israel, Kazakhstan, U.S.A., South Africa, Australia.
Betta, A. (1857) In: Prada, T. Curculioniti dell'agro pavese. Fusi, Pavia, 67 pp.
Brisout de Barneville, H. (1862) Monographie du genre Gymnetron. Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, (4) 2, 625 - 668.
Caldara, R. (2001) Phylogenetic analysis and higher classification of the tribe Mecinini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Curculioninae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 71, 171 - 203.
Caldara, R., Colonnelli, E. & Osella G. (2009) On recently collected South African Tychiini and Mecinini, with description of seven new species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Fragmenta entomologica, 41, 129 - 167.
Caldara, R. & Colonnelli, E. (2012) On seven overlooked Curculionoidea from northern Italy (Coleoptera). Fragmenta Entomologica, 44, 87 - 93.
Debinski, D. M. & Holt, R. D. (2000) A survey and overview of habitat fragmentation experiments. Conservation Biology, 14, 342 - 355. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1046 / j. 1523 - 1739.2000.98081. x
Dejean, P. F. M. A. (1836) Catalogue de la collection de Coleopteres de M. le Baron Dejean. Ed. 3. Mequignon-Marvis, Paris, Parts 1 - 4, 1 - 384.
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K. H. 1943: Gymnetron marshalli sp. n. (Col. Curculionidae) in Britain. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 79, 45.
Gyllenhal, L. (1813) Insecta Svecica descripta a Leonardo Gyllenhal. Classis I. Coleoptera sive Eleuterata. Tomi I. Pars III. F. J. Leverentz, Scaris, pp. [4] + 730 + [2].
Gyllenhal, L. (1838) In: Schoenherr, C. J. Genera et species Curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Species novae aut hactenus minus cognitae, descriptionibus a Dom. Leonardo Gyllenhal, C. H. Boheman, et entomologis aliis illustratae - Vol. 4 (2). Roret, Paris: 601 - 1121 [1122 - 1124 (Corrigenda)].
Hoffmann, A. (1958) Coleopteres Curculionides. Troisieme partie. Faune de France, 62, 1209 - 1839.
Hustache, A. (1931) Curculionidae Gallo-Rhenans. Mecinini. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 100, 399 - 435.
Lohse, G. A. & Tischler, T. (1983) Mecininae, In: Freude, H., Harde, K. W. & Lohse, G. A. (eds.): Die Kafer Mitteleuropas, Band 11. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld, pp. 259 - 283.
Morris, M. G. (1989) The identity of four unique British specimens of Gymnetron (Col., Curculionidae). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 125, 25 - 30.
O'Brien, C. W. & Wibmer, G. J. (1982) Annotated checklist of the weevils (Curculio nidae sensu lato) of North America, Central America, and the West Indies (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 43, 1 - 382.
Reitter, E. (1907) Bestimmung-Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren. LIX Heft. Curculio nidae. 13 Theil: Mecinini (Gymnetrini). Verhandlungen des Naturforschendenden Vereines in Brunn (1906), 1 - 50.
Reitter, E. (1916) Fauna Germanica. Die Kafer des Deutsches Reiches. Nach der analytische Methode bearbeitet. Band V. Lutz, Stuttgart, 343 pp.
Rey, C. (1894) Remarques en passant. L' E change, Revue Linneenne, 10, 74 - 75.
FIGURES 1–9. Habitus of (1) Mecinus pascuorum; (2) M. ictericus; (3) M. latiusculus; (4) M. caucasicus; (5) M. ludyi; (6) M. variabilis; (7) M. haemorrhoidalis; (8) M. seriatus; (9) M. sanctus. Not to the same scale.
FIGURES 43–57. Rostrum in lateral view of (43) Mecinus pascuorum, male; (44) idem, female; (45) M. ictericus, female; (46) M. caucasicus, male; (47) idem, female; (48) Mecinus variabilis, male; (49) idem, female; (50) M. haemorrhoidalis, male; (51) idem, female; (52) M. seriatus, female; (53) M. longulus, female; (54) M. tychioides, male; (55) M. labilis, male; (56) idem, female; (57) M. plantaginis, male. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.
FIGURES 98–107. Male right protibia in anterior view of (98) Mecinus pascuorum; (99) M. tanaiticus; (100) M. comosus; (101) M. simus; (102) M. pirazzolii; (103) M. vulpes; (104) M. pipistrellus. Male right profemur of (105) M. pascuorum; (106) M. ictericus. Right antenna of (107) M. paratychioides.
FIGURES 108–120. Penis in dorsal and lateral view of (108) Mecinus pascuorum; (109) M. crassifemur; (110) M. ictericus; (111) M. latiusculus; (112) M. caucasicus; (113) M. variabilis; (114) M. tychioides; (115) M. haemorrhoidalis; (116) M. longulus; (117) M. labilis; (118) M. plantaginis; (119) M. alboscutellatus alboscutellatus; (120) M. paratychioides. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.
FIGURES 144–156. Sternite 8 of (144) Mecinus pascuorum; (145) M. caucasicus; (146) M. marina; (147) M. reichei; (148) M. humeralis; (149) M. circulatus; (150) M. pyraster; (151) M. simus; (152) M. collaris; (153) M. janthinus; (154) M. lixoides; (155) M. sicardi; (156) M. heydenii. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.
FIGURES 157–171. Spermatheca of (157) Mecinus pascuorum; (158) M. caucasicus; (159) M. haemorrhoidalis; (160) M. labilis; (161) M. marina; (162) M. elongatus; (163) M. reichei; (164) M. circulatus; (165) M. pyraster; (166) M. simus; (167) M. comosus; (168) M. lixoides; (169) M. janthinus; (170) M. heydenii; (171) M. collaris. Scale bar = 0.2 mm.
Uppsala University |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Mecinus pascuorum (Gyllenhal)
Caldara, Roberto & Fogato, Valter 2013 |
Mecinus pascuorum (Gyllenhal)
Caldara, R. 2001: 183 |
Gymnetron pascuorum var. testaceum
Hoffmann, A. 1958: 1291 |
Gymnetron pascuorum var. apicale
Hoffmann, A. 1958: 1291 |
Gymnetron marshalli
Morris, M. G. 1989: 25 |
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K. H. 1943: 45 |
Gymnetron pascuorum var. fuscicrum
Rey, C. 1894: 74 |
Gymnetron areolatum
Caldara, R. & Colonnelli, E. 2012: 90 |
Betta, A. 1857: 61 |
Gymnetron pascuorum (Gyllenhal)
Lohse, G. A. & Tischler, T. 1983: 267 |
Hoffmann, A. 1958: 1279 |
Hustache, A. 1931: 410 |
Reitter, E. 1916: 227 |
Reitter, E. 1907: 20 |
Rey, C. 1894: 74 |
Brisout de Barneville, H. 1862: 629 |
Gyllenhal, L. 1838: 744 |
Gymnetron bicolor
Hoffmann, A. 1958: 1289 |
Hustache, A. 1931: 419 |
Reitter, E. 1916: 227 |
Reitter, E. 1907: 21 |
Gyllenhal, L. 1838: 745 |
Gymnetron nanum
Dejean, P. F. M. A. 1836: 327 |
Rhynchaenus pascuorum
Gyllenhal, L. 1813: 124 |
Gymnetron pascuorum var. setarium
Hoffmann, A. 1958: 1291 |
Rey, C. 1894: 74 |
Gymnetron pascuorum var. setarium Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 42 , 65 |
Gymnetron pascuorum var. uniforme
Gymnetron pascuorum var. uniforme Desbrochers des Loges, 1893: 42 |
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